Thoughts & No need to work

Hi Jessica,

How are you donig?

So I have 2 questions:

1. I've been spiritually conscious since '92, but only read Abraham-Hicks books around 2006. 

As the years went by, especially around 2012, I started to hear over & over again judgement from people who worship the LOA constantly telling me (and others online), your thoughts create your reality.

I'm pretty intuitive, & I had dropped Abrahams-Hicks a few years after I read the books b/c I didn't think that all you had to do was repeat the same mantras over & over again & POOF your whole life would be perfect. I also started to hear people brag about how they can create anything in their lives by just putting up post-it notes & repeating the same things over & over again.

Something told me they were lying, so I didn't believe it.

I get really triggered by people who constantly blame (I don't have a better word for it) the person (it's me in this case) whenever I talk about anything negative in my life or just in society in general. It doesn't even have to be really bad, I could just be venting or questioning a certain reoccurring type of person doing something online.

The tone & condemnation clearly isn't spiritual at all & they clearly think they are perfect & better than me.

The constant robotic verbiage that we all just cause all of our reality makes me want to run for the hills.

I know this isn't true, b/c we are all connected, so if there's strife going on in the world & there's tons of that, it will affect everyone, even the people who aren't honest about their feelings.

Now I'm not saying that we have NO control, but I don't think it's our job to put others down when they aren't at the point in their lives where they are ready to learn the processes to help control their lives more.

I also believe people have the right to bitch & complain.

No I don't bring specific XYZ situations into my life. 

I get that if I'm feeling X, then other X sort of things may happen, but that doesn't mean that if tons of people lie to me that I'm telling the Universe, HEY, bring me all the liars into my life.

So onto my question... what do you suggest I say to people who constantly use the "your thoughts create your reality BS" over & over, or "you are bringing that into your life?"

To be clear, I don't ask people to tell me why this is happening to me, I am just relaying my experiences in a group, forum, YT comment, etc. & this arrogance & "I'm better than you" attitude is what I get at least 75-80% of the time. Not to mention they don't even know what they are talking about.

2. This is about Abraham or Esther. I'm not 100% convinced she channels as I found out recently that Jerry took chemo when he got cancer. Why would he do such a thing?

Anyway, she said in at least one of her sessions that once you are in the vortex & you trust that the Universe is going to bring you what you desire, you don't have to do anything. So if you want money, you don't have to work harder, hire special people, get more capital, etc., it will all just come to you.

I don't believe in the slave mentality about having to work yourself to death to make money, but I'm wondering what you think about not having to do any (or extra work) at all.




  • edited January 2020

    Hi Michelle!

    These are great questions! And if you have perused
    through the course and some of my bonus material, you will see that I believe
    action is an important part of creating the reality you truly want.

    That said, it does all start in the mind. If you we
    don’t believe we can achieve something, and/or don’t have a program that supports
    our desire, it will be much less likely that it happens.

    The brain animates the body. Without that physical
    animation, the experience of life would not be near as engaging or exciting.

    And there are two types of action: Mental action and
    physical action. Both of which are equally important. If we examine the
    definition of action, it reads: the fact or process of doing something,
    typically to achieve an aim. This could be visualization and post-it notes, and
    it could be going to a job interview or making the attempt to meet new people.
    It could also be a combination of the two, which is what I recommend.

    Okay, so on to your questions:

    1.    1. What
    do you suggest I say to people who constantly use the "your thoughts
    create your reality BS" over & over, or "you are bringing that
    into your life?"

    With some misinterpretations of LOA, the “blame game” comes into play. To
    tell someone it is all their ‘fault’ that their reality isn’t the way they want
    it is counterproductive, to say the least. There are much better ways of
    guiding individuals, although some don’t want any guidance at all. We create programs from and early age and those programs dictate our experience. 

    That said, do you really need to say anything to these
    people at all? One of the secrets of my own success is staying in my own lane. I
    know that we are all different and that we are not all going to agree on the same
    things. Variety is the spice of life. And if we were all the same, and believed
    the same things, wouldn’t life be a bit boring? I would welcome their opinion
    and move on about my day…but, that’s just me.

    I also happen to believe the “your thoughts create
    your reality BS” because I know that the brain will seek out the experiences
    that match our thoughts and beliefs. I simply take a more neuro-scientific
    approach than some others do (although I am highly spiritual myself.)

    2.     2. This
    is about Abraham or Esther. I'm not 100% convinced she channels as I found out
    recently that Jerry took chemo when he got cancer. Why would he do such a

    Once again, this all has to do with belief systems. If
    he believed that chemo would help him, why wouldn’t he try it?

    One person may believe a shaman can help eradicate and
    illness, while another’s belief might be in a more modern type of physician.
    Neither are “wrong.” Placebo goes a very long way, and it has been documented
    time and time again.

    To sum this all up: I can say from my own experience,
    that visualizing what you want, and feeling as though it has already happened,
    can produce radically felicitous results. Why? Because the belief moves the
    body into inspired action that makes the goal possible!


    I hope this has answered your questions! :) 



  • Thanks for answering.

    So while I do agree that your "thoughts play a role," I just don't think that it's the ONLY aspect to this.

    And the only reason I was interested in your course was b/c you talked about the subconscious that no one else has ever brought up.

    Saying that LOL, recently 1 or 2 others have been bringing that word up, but since 2006 until a few months ago, no one has, which amazes me.

    How can you change your thoughts when your subconscious believes something totally different?

    And how many people really know what their subc is thinking? LOL

    IMO based on what I know about psychology & spirituality & what little I understand about the subc now, it has to all start there.

    My question about the Hicks was about whether you have to do any action to get your intended results, but you answered that in point #1 LOL

    I was just bringing up the chemo b/c I was just very surprised that he would go that route when I guess I "assumed" they were 100% holistic.

    And in the end it didn't help him b/c obviously he passed over.

    IMO, chemo never can. It kills all good cells (it is poison afterall) along with the cancerous cells, so whether you are in remission for a year or two, supposedly (I haven't read any studies assuming they are even out there since the pharma mafia will hide these things), you will most probably get some other cancer down the road.

    But I guess if you REALLY visualize yourself getting well, I guess you can even heal your body from the poisonous chemo. 

    My question will always be... Why would you want to?

    We are part of nature, NOT part of toxic man made chemicals, but alas, I'm in the minority on this thought since the majority worships science.

    I only believe in real science that is combined with spirituality, & chemo & all toxic drugs just don't qualify.

    Thanks for your time.

    Have a good one :  )

  • I agree with many of your points and completely understand the questions behind them. 

    THIS --> "How can you change your thoughts when your subconscious believes something totally different?" is what it's all about! (In my opinion.)

    My answer: With the course you are taking. That's exactly why I created it. :)

  • Hello Michelle,

    Thanks you for sharing your experience. I have
    read, attended and listen to a lot of Abraham-Hicks material and I do believe
    in some of the teachings. I have listened to so many others and in my humble opinion
    I have learned a thing or two from everyone.

    I have been on this path of self-realization for
    about a year and with this in mind I have purchased a lot of books and one of
    my goals is to read one book per month. Overall I have developed a positive
    mental attitude and working on improving and getting better and better.

    I do hope that the knowledge I gain from this
    course would direct me to the path where I would be able to discover the real
    me and to be one with myself where by achieving the things I want in life
    faster and easier.

    Best of luck to you on your journey. I don’t
    know you but I do believe you could find what you are looking for its already
    written on your time line.

    With Gratitude,





  • @Jessica - ahh, you seeeee, I just watched this video & this, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proves to me that thoughts aren't the only thing needed to change your situation. "Creating A New Model For Success - Video"

    Great video Jessica. :  )

    Is this on your YT channel, or only in the membership?

    So this is exactly why I get irked by these people, b/c I knew intuitively that they were wrong & one of my triggers is stupid people, especially if they THINK they know something & they don't, & they refuse to learn & be open.

    And they then go around not just teaching people wrong info, but doing it in a huge egotistical condescending way..I'll repeat again, there's absolutely nothing loving or spiritual by what they do even though they THINK they are being helpful.

    And this is the problem with New Agers & why I consider myself spiritually conscious, NOT a New Ager which is just a religion created by the evils (I won't go into that now, but it's true.)

    They are just like robots. They just repeat what they have heard over & over again & make it seem like it's so simple, you are stupid if you don't get it, & you are causing ALL of your strife on purpose b/c you can't just whip your thoughts into shape & change what you are thinking.

    I know I'm venting, so sorry, but I remembered the other day that even offline I had this LOA guy who helped me out a few times when I was living in Panama & going thru a lot of stress with the locals (he was an expat.)

    A first he was nice, but then he had started to become very mean spirited towards me half way through me knowing him when I had very stressful experiences with my landlord & he had to come rescue me.

    I stopped talking to him & the day I was due to leave the country (FINALLY), he arrived at my place, saw I was leaving, tried to stop me (I kid you not) by stopping me from closing the truck door (someone was giving me a lift.)

    When he got the door open, he then had to AGAIN proceed to talk down to me reminding me that I cause ALL of this BS myself & tried to make me feel like a piece of shit.

    These are the type of LOA people I come across almost all of the time.

    You may not have experienced this, but I have, so I assume others have too.

    Just some FYI info out there b/c this is your industry, & I was very weak emotionally back in Panama & I managed to get thru it, but it was very hard for me. Others may not be as strong as me & totally crash, commit suicide, delve deeper into a depression ALL b/c of these "know it alls" talking to them in this way.

    I've always said, that I wouldn't have negative thoughts to begin with IF my experiences were more positive. This isn't 100% true of course b/c there's still the subconscious, but you know what I mean.

    I believe we all need to experience negative as well as positive b/c scientifically (as it relates to spirituality), you can't go thru life with only one side of the coin (positive.) BUT saying that, if you never see any positive (unfortunately that has been my life experience most of the time), you will never be able to get those positive experiences b/c your life experience is 90% negative. 

    So I kind of liken it to the conscious mind needing PROOF that you are even capable of having a positive life.

    I'm sure you know that there are millions of people out there that don't think they can ever have happiness. 

    I used to be one of those people.

    Now onto my next question about imagination.

    I used to have a very vivid imagination, but I realized several years ago that I no longer had it.

    I don't know if it was due to the stress, being sick all the time or what, but it's very hard for me now to imagine anything (could be due to my brain issues too) & I never did well (even back when I did have my imagination) at doing role play.

    Is this going to be a problem for me in getting what I want?



  • @Russell - yes, true enough. 

    I did learn about vibration from them, although I new about it before.

    I learned about the vortex, but I couldn't relate, but I think I finally got it.

    So you are correct, it's not like I didn't learn anything, but she specifically says you don't have to do any work to bring money into your life & I was on the fence about that.

    Now when I was listening to her meditation (there are almost no meditations from them & there's parts that irk me as she rushes the breathing which is humanly impossible), I did start to see some monetary improvement as I became happier.

    So I think there's something there. The happier you are internally, the more you attract stuff you want. I'm not sure if you have to be happy about a specific topic, or just in general. I think it's the latter.

    I'm glad you found spirituality. :  ) 

    Even if the LOA brings people to spirituality (not New Age), that's a good step in the right direction for themselves & society as a whole.

    I've been studying it since '92 & I can tell you there's TONS to learn. That's one of the exciting things about spirituality, you are always learning something new, it's never boring LOL But I've also come to realize not every so called "guru" is correct & I have to be careful about what I learn from them.

    I've never followed gurus.

    That's the problem with society, people worship others instead of themselves, & in this New Age religion, it's no different.

    If you ever want to PM me & tell me how things are going, I'm here.

    Have a good one!

  • Hi Michelle,

    Thank you! That video is only available through the course. However, I do talk about reverse engineering and action in a few of my YouTube videos as well. :) 

    For your question:

    Yes, imagination/visualization is a large part of retraining your brain to drive you towards success. But, it's just like any other muscle in your body. With practice, you can build it, make it more efficient and have it work for you in favorable ways. 

    You're actually imagining things all day long, it's just that most people don't realize they're doing this. If you check in with any mental chatter you have throughout your day, you will probably be able to see that it relates to different scenarios you are running through in your mind. So, you do know how to do this already.

    (Even the recall of the events you outlined in your post had to be accessed in this way.)

    If it were me, I would start with small things to do this. One of my favorite exercises is to physically do something and then sit and visualize what I just did -- using as much sensory detail as possible. This may seem a bit mundane, but it teaches your mind to become more creative and imaginative because you're consciously working that 'muscle.' AND, you're consciously guided it in a direction you prefer to go in. The more you do this, the more your mind will start to do it on it's own.

    I posted the below video in another forum topic here. Try it out and see how it works for you in regards to building your imagination muscles!


  • Hello Jessica,

    Is it possible to have this video as a downloadable to the group?

    With Gratitude,
  • @Jessica - thanks for this. 

    Great exercises in the video. I hope I remember to do them. 

    Way too much homework in the course. LOL I'm trying to keep up.

    I'll start a new thread with some other questions.

    Thanks again

  • You are right Michelle! The course is deep and thorough. Everytime I go through it again, I get more richness from it. It helps to soothe the overwhelm with words of ease. If tension shows up, that's a good resting, breathing place. I look forward to sharing this transformational journey with you!♥️
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