Swinging Pendulum

Hi Jessica:

How do I prevent the pendulum from swinging negative?  Whenever I have a good feeling or feel things are working out or headed in the right direction, particularly when it comes to money.  The pendulum swings back in a negative direction where the issue seems to get worse to the degree that it got better.  How do you stop this effect or swing so far positive that the pendulum never swing back......

Thanks for any insights....


  • Hi James!

    You already have the first step down -- noticing the swing. 

    The second step is to disallow that swing to pull back your focus or emotional state. In other words, notice the swing of the physical component but don't allow your focus and emotional state to follow suit when you're able to. Keep your eye on the prize, visualize your intended outcome and keep your emotions as elevated as possible when doing so. And remain consistent and dedicated!

    I like to tell myself that I'm overriding that "program" or outcome internally until I see a sign that I have. The Law of Rhythm states that in doing so, you must be swung back to the other side. And the Law of Polarity states that everything is dual. Abundance is always the same, but with varying degrees. You are already "experiencing" money - it's only a matter of which experience you'd like to have. :)

    Great question! Hope this helps!

  • Hi James and Jessica,

    Thank you both for asking and answering this question. It's very helpful.

    Can you give more suggestions on how to notice the swing of physical discomfort but not allow the focus / emotional state to follow suit?

    This seems to be really important, but at the same time, quite difficult at times I've found. When you feel discomfort, do you switch directly to try to imagine the wanted outcome and focus on that? For example ignore what isn't wanted or feels bad?

    Some people say when you feel the discomfort, it's good to try to sit with it and be mindful and allow it to come up and leave?

    thank you for any clarification 
  • edited February 2020
    I'm not Jessica, but I want to share this with you Pearl. As a psychotherapist of 25 years, I remember when we were trained to focus on the negatively charged feelings, write about them, talk about them, bring them up in our imagination and reexperience them. That was trauma work 15 tears ago. Since that time, it has changed in most schools of thought because of the science of neuroplasticity. We now understand the power of firing together neurons that strengthen an existing network or that carve out a new network. Today we use tools, like those in this course, to create new neuro-pathways. I am always mindful now of how we use our minds in creating a new brain. The Law of Polarity has been very helpful to me as I change my approach to emotional states. It taught me that cold and heat are on the two ends of the same experience. If I am cold, I don't focus on the cold to make it go away. I focus on the warm to create it. It helps me to constantly remind myself that everything is mental and mind is energy and the laws of energy are unwavering. I get what I focus on wanted or unwanted. Sometimes the momentum of the energy is so fast that all I can do is take a nap, pet my dog, or soak in a tub. Finding the state of relaxation is the beginning of stopping the momentum. Then I can self-talk my way into the direction of what is desired. I don't think it's ignoring how you feel, I think it's becoming the master of how you feel. You are in charge. You are the thinker. You possess the most powerful force in nature, thoughts. We are all together in this journey of evolution! I hope this is useful to you. ♥️
  •  Good Afternoon,

    I have been reading this
    tread on Swinging Pendulum and did not think that it would apply to me, but I
    think in a way it does.

    This is what happens to
    me, I would plan to do some things e.g. study for my NACE exams, I would do all
    the research necessary purchase all my books start studying but never finishes

    I have invested in so
    many courses and never finished, which I would like to complete because I have
    already invested in the subject matter.

    This is my question:

    What section of the
    course would be most beneficial to overcome this and stay on track?

    What cause this?

    With Gratitude,


  • You know the thing I love about this course is that you can keep on going back through it. I have found that when I'm stuck on a particular piece, it's because I need to go back to the piece before it. It's really quite beautiful. Just learning in the beginning how the mind works and then how I can dance with my own biology blew me away. And then to learn how I can lead in the dance was incredible. That lead me to the daily practice of the steps, the techniques. I find power in reminding myself that this is a lifetime practice in which I become more and more proficient. This course is like a shortcut, a hack, to self empowerment. Because you are diligently doing this course puts you in the top 1% of people. Be easy with yourself Russell. You are right on. You are doing a great job. You are on the leading edge. You are way ahead of the game.

    You are much loved ♥️
  • Hey Russel,

    I believe when you go back thru this course and apply to the belief/blocks you have in regards to finishing and completing courses- that will help you break thru. Literally every section of this amazing course will help you in regards to that. If you go back thru the course with the intention of helping you move thru this particular mental barrier then you will have a new experience with the course. This is the beauty of this course- each time you go through it you will have a new and different experience especially with a new intention. You are doing great... the process of creating the new life for yourself is already underway .
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