Releasing a past rejection

Hello all I didn't know exactly how to label.

I'm having some difficulty letting go of a past hurt/rejection. Some who said they were to bust for me but now has a girlfriend. They are out every week basketball games, traveling to different events and cities.
Unfortunately I have to see and hear about their activities. I try to avoid it but I can not always.
I think I'm past it but then something occurs with their activities and I feel rejected all over again!?


  • edited January 2020
    Hello Nicole, 

    I hope that this message is not too late. I wanted to respond to your quetion, as I feel as though I have just tackled this issue myself recently (like december 2019). Tell me, what do you like to do to keep busy? What are your hobbies and or extra curricular activities? I ask because, I too found myself in a "difficult to give up" relationship just this December. I came to a hard conclusion that my importance was not as import to the person who claimed to love me. I realized, that although I deeply cared for this person and wanted them to care for me, I could not allow myself to love them more than I loved myself, especially knowing that their feelings werre'nt mutal. It was self-sabotaging  I could not worry about them and what they were doing with their life more than mine.Identifying that most of my thoughts were centereed round them, I knew I had to make a change quick so that I would not "lose" myself in them again via the hurt. I guess what I am trying to say is, when we notice how other peoples actions affect us, we have to make a choice to sustain our mental health. The choice to no longer allow them to occupy space in our mind. When they occupy that space, they often consume it. When we allow others to consume our thoughts, we lose ourselves. We lose who we are, what makes us smile or laugh. Then when they physically leave we feel mentally lost. Find yourself. Find what you like and do it as often as you can.
  • The best exercise in the course for releasing unwanted, stuck emotions or trauma is in the section that teaches us about timeline work. I've used timeline work with my clients for years (I've been in practice as a psychotherapist for 25 years)! It is amazingly effective! Hope this is useful for you.♥️
  • Hello Pamela and Sheila!
    I have trouble with the timeline I don't usually look back at the past. It's not one specific event that happened in my life.
    I met a couple gentleman whom I really liked.
    Unfortunately they said they were too busy and didn't have time for a relationship.
    However within a few months they met someone else and are now in serious relationships. it's not hard to go back to why not me and why can't I have that?.
    I know I'm worthy I know there's nothing wrong with me, which causes all of my frustration and sends me back to the beginning.
    Then I'll meet someone again or have money come into my life but I can't seem to hold on to it.
    I have decided to start the course again this week.
    If I'm so good at creating what I don't want I should be able to create what I do want!
  • I've worked with a handful of folks who also has a difficult time with the timeline regression. It took a bit of practice. The piece that I finally figured out in those situations was that the "hovering" above the timeline was the block. When they realized that the content of an event wasn't the goal they rocketed off. The goal is to receive the positive message or belief from our Higher Self that we weren't able to hear at a soul level because of the tension in the body caused by the uncomfortable feelings. The message could be as simple as, "not the right one" or "it's not your fault." I recently was doing a timeline piece around a negative reaction I had to a situation and I was shocked to receive the message, "you are deserving." In my conscious mind I certainly knew that! It was wonderful to learn that that message (which I have worked with for years) was still needed at a much deeper level.

    Jessica has a great video on her channel about the Universal Laws (7 of them I believe). I strongly recommend that everyone listen and then study those laws. The Law of Polarity and the Law of Rythum help we tremendously in understanding more deeply why I continued to create things that I did not want.

    I'm really happy that you are taking a second swing at this. This time, because you are already so familiar with the work, will be a piece of cake for you! I can see that you are a powerful creator ready to hone your skills!♥️
  • Thank you Sheila.
  • You are welcome Nicole! I am so pulling for you and standing with you in your efforts at realizing the truth and power of who you are!♥️
  • Hello Nicole,

    Did you have any success getting over your past relationship?
  • Hello Mark. I have not been in the forum for many months. I had difficulty getting over my issues. I was very frustrated with myself. Although I really enjoyed this course my life got in the way and I just gave up.
    I did meet someone the end of January. (I did the course for at least a month)
    He broke up with me to go back to his previous relationship 5 months later which devestaed me and brought back all off my previous issues.
    I was going to start the course again but have not as of today. I did do a few meditations. I have trouble with the timing and visualizing future events.
    I'm sorry I am not much help. I seem to move forward but then go back to start.
  • Practice the visualization exercises. They will definitely help! For me trying to find a better feeling thought is difficult. I have been able to raise my vibration to a level where I'm not sad about not having a partner so I guess that is a positive sign!!
  • Thank you Nicole.
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