
Hello Jessica. Sorry for my frenglish...

My goal is about monney. Should my vision be about me in one year, 3 years or 5 or even 10 ?
Should i be progressive or have direcly vision of the final goal (big one)
For exemple, i can hardly imagine to be on a yacht in one year and would already be happy to make good monney with my busness next year.

Thank you


  • edited December 2019
    Hi Frank!

    Great question! 

    Make your vision about you in the NOW moment. Choose a goal that you ultimately want to have and use the Preparing Yourself for Change worksheet to become REALLY clear about this so you stick with that one goal. (Notice the wording on this worksheet is in present tense when it says, "I am creating....") There is a time frame in that statement, but it is not a "far off in the distant future" timeline. You're simply defining the goal. (The Big Goal worksheet will help you even more with this.)

    If you've reached the "Changing the Course of Events" Meditation, you will use that goal there. This meditation will help your brain access that goal in the NOW moment. And once it has been programmed there successfully with a little repetition, all of the steps will become automatic for you and the future will not be something you need to think about. With practice, you will even be able to see some of those steps while doing this meditation. You will then progressively start moving forward in automatic ways!

    I hope this helps! 

    And I think your frenglish is great! :)

  • Thank you very much Jessica.

    I think to have got it about the now .

    But remains a question : The big goal is realy big (compare to my present situation) and it will take some time before to happen . i some time fear to see too big, too far
    from my present situation.

    Isn’t it better for me to visualise first, a goal that seems
    more easy to creat and then when this more easy goal will  become my reality i would start visualising
    the big goal ? Lets say like a step by step process.

    This question is very important for me it is why i dare to
    take your time again.:-)

    Thank you 


    PS: i have completed 20% of the program

  • Sure! 

    If you feel as though you have too much resistance with the "Big Goal," you can absolutely start with one that you have more belief in! 

    And you are correct in the fact that once you prove to yourself that you can accomplish what feels like a smaller goal, you will increase your belief in your ability to create what seems to be bigger to you!

    Great job on your progress! I'm happy to help! :) 
  • Hello Jessica,
    I have identified and "incarnate" the feelings and state of mind that will be mine when i will have the life i dream of.
    Do i use this juste to put it in the time line and other exercices or is it helping and usefull if i mannage to "incarnate" "be" in this feelings and state of mind during the day and night as much as i can from now on ?

    Thank you

  • Hi Frank,

    Yes, you can definitely use it during the meditations and timeline exercises. If you are able to take times throughout your day/evening to get into this state, it will certainly solidify the processes!


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