Question about help with decisions


I was wondering if there are any parts to the program you would recommend to help with making a larger life decision 
about making a move to a different state?  

thank you


  • The "Big Goal" section is designed to help us get clear about our goals. If you are not clear about whether or not you want to move, then I say, "Do nothing." Clarity is important. Fears, doubt, and indecision are the obstacle, or blocks, to clarity. I suggest that you look again at the section in the course titled, "How to Cleanup Past Memories and Emotions that Block Success" and the section titled "Instructions to Release Emotional Trauma Stuck in the Creative Machine." We need to get down to the blocks that are preventing your clarity. Once you get clear about what you desire, the rest is effortless and even a little fun!

    You are much loved ♥️
  • Thank you Sheila. This is great advice, I appreciate it.
  • You are welcome Pearl. Have you gotten more clarity since our last interchange?♥️
  • I love what Shelia said and I also will add that the training "Installing positive emotional states" is  a great exercise to help your higher self lead you to the best decision... If you prime your mind and give your higher self a template of the emotional state you want to experience by actually experiencing  that state "now" about moving... then it will lead you to the choice to support the end result you are wanting. :) 
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