Signs or how to know that a new program has been accepted by the subconscious

Hope everyone is well.  I wanted to ask about the meditations in the course. I've been listening to the "Changing the Course of Events" meditation
everyday. On the instructions, it says to use for a minimum of 30 days and then use for at least 5 days a week for another 60 days.

I know that it can vary for each person how long it takes for the subconscious to accept and believe the new program, but what are signs that 
tell us this has occurred? I think it can be encouraging to be able to see and note progress along the path. 

Are some of the signs: 1) being able to easily go to the manifested images/feelings? or 2) a feeling of it being a natural part of our lives? -
During the meditation?

What are other good signs to look for when doing the re-programming, so we can know we are moving in the right direction?

thank you! 


  • Hi Pearl, that's an awesome question and I'd love to hear more about it. :)
  • I rely heavily on the sway test. Check that part of the course out! It's easy and very effective.♥️
  • Thank you.  I've tried the sway test, but I'm not sure it works well for me.

    Are there some other signs, ideas?  Like would we have a more peaceful feeling when thinking about the manifestation?  Or does the mind feels like it's normal during the meditation?

    I've heard Abraham Hicks say that you see little signs of the manifestation - in other people in your life, or you start to get synchronicities, positive changes - when you are moving in the right direction.

  • In addition to the sway test, all the things you mentioned are definite indicators... however... this is where practicing 2 things will be very beneficial for you in this journey... 1) trusting in the unseen... this program is training you to train your mind to feel it and to believe it BEFORE you see it outside of you.. so exercising that practice in trusting the unseen is powerful 2) you deciding that you believe it is working and reprogramming your subconscious mind. These are easier said than done at times but super powerful combined with all the exercises you are doing. You got this girl!
  • Thanks Shelia and Kim for the thorough responses! <3
  • Thank you Sheila and Kim! I really appreciate all your advice
    Have a great night
  • You are both welcome. We are here to support you!
  • You are so welcome! My absolute pleasure
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