Well... I do and I don't. I just thought that headline would get your attention and looks like it worked. So... I recently discovered something about myself and one of my major limiting beliefs - I really don't like people! Which is strange for someone who's been in sales most of my adult life. I did a little fill in the blank exercise and the results were a little upsetting, but were also a break through in discovering what's going on in my head. Maybe this will help you too? Fill in the blank - People are ____________ .
People are: Mean, vindictive, untrustworthy
People will: Hurt you, abandon you, take/steal from you, sue you, betray you, make you do things you don't want to do.
Obviously I think / feel this way because of experiences in my life. I don't want to think / feel this way, but I do... intensely.
If I could choose, I'd choose to be different. But it seems I can't. it's automatic.
I know people have great qualities as well. They're good more than they are bad. It's just the bad ones that hurt, torment, and scar you the most.
I put on a pretty good facade to do my job and make money, but the truth is... If I don't know you, my initial feeling is I'm trying to figure out
how you're going to screw me over. It's not good. I don't want it to be like this. I don't like it.
I know we all have experienced negative encounters with people. We've all had bad break ups. We've all had bad business deals. We've all been stabbed in the back by someone we trusted.
I don't have any friends... I mean REAL friends. I have dozens of acquaintances, but other than my wife (of 26 years) I don't completely trust anyone. Is therapy on order? Let me know what you think.
Tribe Leaders: seriously awesome feedback & guidance.