Big energetic distractions - COVID 19

Hello all,

Hope everyone is doing well.

Can anyone share how they are keeping themselves from getting sucked into the mass
fear around COVID-19?  It's very distracting and draining. 
Tough to focus on creation when there's some mass chaos going on.

I appreciate any thoughts/tips/advice.




  • Hi Pearl,

     To tell you the truth I
    am not sure what is going on with the virus because I am not paying that close
    attention, but as for me every time I leave home, I protect myself with a
    white and blue light that surround me and protects me.

     Hope this helps.

     With Gratitude,


  • Love that, Russel!

    Attached is an image of something that I saw recently and it keeps my vibes high! Remember, our perception plays a big part in what we create and experience. :) 

    636 x 407 - 80K
  • Just a reminder: there is no law of assertion. It's attraction, attraction, attraction. We must get that clear in our souls! Whatever you have to do to not vibrate a frequency of fear or anxiety, DO IT! I just got back from a trip to the grocery store. I wore my noise canceling headphones the whole time. Also, if you must follow the headlines, remember that this virus is really "the fear virus!" Look at it, think through it, look closely at the facts. The precautions aren't the facts, they are the scary recommendations. The facts can be statistically measured. Statistical significance based on a number of cases, deaths, and overall population is inclusive at best. Be not afraid. Fear is the problem, the pandemic. It is a fear virus. Treatment protocol is faith, trust, alignment, and love. Cover your eyes, love yourself enough to say to those who are swept up in it that you are not focusing on it because it causes you fear, and for heaven sakes, turn off the news and all effected social media! I also highly recommend Bose noise canceling headphones!♥️
  • Thank you all for your wisdom and suggestions.

    All of it is beautiful and such a great reminder to limit the amount of media 
    and fear-based noise. 

    I think it is good to be aware to a certain degree and be prepared, but after
    taking some reasonable actions, it's good to not look at news a lot. 

    Unfortunately, for my work and my husband's we both have to pay some
    attention to what's going on with headlines, business, markets etc.

    Great reminders about protecting yourself with light, lifting the vibe and focusing
    on faith, trust, love, and alignment.

  • You are a powerful being Pearl! Never lose focus on that truth.♥️
  • Thank you for posting Pearl. I've been feeling the rise in negative energy myself and trying to cope plus support in the best way I can. Tribe leaders: thank you for your input. This will help me navigate the stressful situation.
  • You are doing great Shaera! Your meditation practice is better than any medicine known. I do want to encourage all of us not to stare at the news. I know it's hard, it's like not looking at a bad car wreck. We must protect on minds which ultimately is how we protect our emotions.
  • This too shall pass. If you are having difficulty with hefting sucked into the media / chaos of the fear then some of the following tips can really help you to take your power back and keep yourself in alignment
    1- limit your updates to the most once per day- is even suggest once per week
    2- don’t get sucked into social media and people talking about it
    3- close your mind and senses off to the 3D as Much as you can
    4- meditate
    5- keep a daily routine that involves your time for self care and self love practices
    6- please try and use discernment - just because it’s being reported doesn’t necessarily means it’s accurate

    I am personally doing all of these and am not anxious/ worried... it will all blow over soon
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