Daily Meditations

Part of living a healthy lifestyle includes daily meditation. I engage in many different meditations: breathing awareness, aura cleanse, chakra balancing, etc. It's also important for me to eat a healthy alkaline diet, hydrate optimally, sleep well, exercise, get sun, read inspirational stories, socialize with healthy friends, and have goals.

Today I engaged in the regular Manifest Miracles-Speed Up Your Manifestations MP3 (day 26) and my favorite “UNBLOCK ALL 7 CHAKRAS” Chakra Balancing and Aura Cleansing Binaural Beats Meditation (528 Hz) MP3.

Today is a total success with daily meditations. I wear a fitness tracker that is used to track all meditations sessions. Happy to report average heart rate for the 35 min Chakra balancing and aura cleansing meditation was 48 bpm with a low of 41 bpm (no alarm...I'm an athlete who has been training indoor cycle for 7 years).

As a result I feel absolutely amazing and calm plus centered. 

Namaste Tribe <3

Please find the heart rate stats attached.


  • Update: 

    after that Chakra cleanse and Aura cleanse I went out to play ping pong. We picked a day where the sports bar had a party who reserved the room for a ping pong tournament. My friend and I were just finishing up our drink and preparing to play when staff walked up and told us we had to leave in an hour...and at that exact moment the man hosting the tournament said we were more than welcome to stay and even play.

    They say your vibe attracts what you radiate...well I was letting off high frequencies and they were received.

    We both had a great time and I won a couple games. Hahahaaa.

    Awesome! Definitely an effective meditation.
  • Day 31 of meditating on Manifest Miracles--speed up your manifestations and today was another success session. The induction process is so much quicker for myself and found incorporating the bathroom and shower of my dreams for the process of letting the lavender light bath myself is actually coming from the shower I'm taking in my perfect shower.

    This meditation today felt so right and I was full of such lovely visualizations of my dream life. I felt so much joy and contentment. I was under so deep and totally relaxed. Often times while my body is relaxed my brow tends to furrow. Not today at all.

    And heart rate stats reveal my heart rate was on a very steady decline as the meditation progressed.

    How are your meditations going? Are you finding more peace as time progresses?

    Please find heart rate stats attached:

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  • You are really on this Shaera! You are an inspiration to us all!♥️
  • Shelia, thanks! I'm just so inspired to continue. I'm glad I can play a part in inspiring anyone. I really appreciate the support and recognition.
  • edited February 2020

    34 days meditating on Manifest Miracles - - Speed up your manifestations & yesterday I got a strong gut feeling to start a YouTube channel, get an Amazon Associates account (affiliate marketing), & share self care tips including all products & devices I've purchased from Amazon to aid in self care.

    It's interesting as I've been thinking about a self care channel for a few months but didn't think I could make it work for myself financially. Now I can with passive income.

    This meditation is changing my life!!!
  • Yes!! I love your creative idea!!  Can't wait to see your progress with this, Shaera!
  • Yes ma'am! I'll update you and the whole tribe. Thanks!!!
  • Yesterday, even with the regular Manifest Miracles MP3, I felt wired after a very long day of 11.5 hrs. I started to unwind for the evening with a healthy dinner, shower, then laid in the dark while listening to the healing tone 432hz. However, I still felt wired (not due to caffeine rather overstimulation).

    So I ran through my Tribe MP3s & settled on Heal Your Body With Your Mind.

    It worked like a charm. Very quickly helped me calm & release then fall into peaceful sleep.

    Meditation truly keeps not only my mind healthy, but also my body.
  • You are a wonderful example of the power of this work!♥️
  • Wonderful Shaera! :)
  • Thanks Shelia and Kim! Your support and recognition helps keep me on the right path. <3
  • You’re so welcome! Happy to help!
  • I have made a pact with myself to either meditate longer or meditate twice a day as COVID-19 has me stressed. This AM I put Manifest Miracles or repeat and meditated for a total of 54 min. This is the 79th day of meditating on it and it totally puts me at ease.

    After that session I felt rejuvenated and sure.

    Heart rate stats are great for it too. Relatively low heart rate and pretty steady.

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  • That is amazing Shaera! It sounds like you've really got things handled. I really respect your discipline and commitment to meditation! We can't have fear/stress AND be consciously connected to the Whole of who we are. Good job staying connected!♥️
  • This is wonderful Shaera! This is what it means to be a conscious creator! You are doing what you need to do to be in alignment with yourself and the energy you desire - despite what is going on in the 3D ! So happy for you!
  • Thanks for your support Shelia! I am trying my best to do what I CAN. There is so much I cannot control so focusing on what I can control is helping. I appreciate your coaching.

    Kim, that helps me feel more sure of myself. It helps to know I'm on the right track. I have to say though: without the MP3s I'd be lost. It's nice to have someone share in my slice of peace and happiness.
  • Thank you for sharing this Shaera this is amazing!!!
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