reprogram new beliefs in 5 minutes


I tried the exercises to determine if my right or left hand/leg is stronger, as well as the tapping exercise to determine a "yes/no" response (saying my name and then saying a name that is not mine).
I could sense a slight shift forward with my body when I said my own name, but can not feel anything as a no response. I am not sure if I really felt anything when I tried to check if the new belief was programmed or I just wanted to feel a slight shift forward (as a yes response) and just ffoling myself. It was the same with checking which side is stronger, I am not sure.

Will it still work? It made me feel as if I can't even sense my own body responses so it is a bit frustrating.

Thank you!


  • Hey Dana! Yes it will work! This is a process and as you continue through the course and gain more clarity and experiencing synchronicities you will feel more confident in this.
  • Hmmm it only posted half of my comment to you Dana ... when we put too much emphasis on one technique it can cause resistance. This course provides you with multiple techniques to help you reprogram your beliefs! So please be gentle with yourself! You got this!
  • Hi Dana,

    I agree with Kim! If the process is causing you to feel resistance, you can work with the other techniques that feel better in the moment. That particular process can sometimes take a little practice. As Kim said, be gentle with yourself as you move through the course. :)

  • thank you :)

    How many exercises do you recomend doing every day? Should I use the same techniques every day or is it better to change ?
  • edited April 2020
    Hi Dana,

    Each person is different, but I recommend doing at least one exercise per day that moves you towards your goal. If you feel inspired to do more, you absolutely can! At the very least, I encourage meditation as a daily practice for several reasons. 1. It relaxes the mind and body. 2. It reprograms the subconscious mind. 3. It connects you to a higher source of wisdom. 

    For your second question, again, listen to how you're feeling. You do want to consciously override your old programs, but don't try to force anything because this will cause resistance within you. "Inspired action" (action that feels good to you in the moment), yields the best results. If you find a process that you love, keep doing that. If you feel you need to add something else to your routine, or switch to something new, that's okay too! Be flexible with yourself and use your feeling states to guide you! :)

  • Thank you very much :)

  • I must second the suggestion of meditating daily. If I don't do anything else (even brush my teeth), I mediate. From that practice I am typically inspired to move forward toward the next right action.♥️
  • I had the same question regarding the sway test as I didn't get any response either, but I will move forward with the course as suggested above and will revisit the topic in a later time. thank you.
  • Hi Wafa, the sway test is worth playing with. Here's what I discovered as I was learning this technique. First, the body's energetic response can be very subtle. It can be so subtle that it actually feels like it's the organs responding. As I was more able to tune into this subtlety it became more pronounced. I learned that it was very helpful to first get fully in my body. I did that by taking a deep breath while simultaneously tightening all my muscles. Then, as I exhaled, I slowly relaxed my body fully. I did that several times. That warm up really got me in touch with the gentle energy shifts my body was offering to me. Try that; I am sure it will work wonders for you! I now use the sway test all the time. Let me know how that works for you.♥️
  • Hi Shelia, thank you so much for the suggestion. I've tried your technique today and yesterday but I didn't feel anything  :-S  Is there a preferred time to do this maybe? before or after mediation? morning or night? I will keep doing this till I get it! 
  • In the beginning Wafa I just kept playing with it. II stayed light hearted and relaxed. I didn't make "work" of it for sure. Then one day boom! It happened and it was absolutely clear for me. I do like that technique! Keep me posted as you continue to progress. You are amazing and I love your commitment to the work!♥️
  • OMG it finally worked!!  \:D/  and I tested the affirmation statement given and it gave me an affirmative response "YES"!!!  After I've tried the test while standing, sitting down, at home and at work done 5-10 times a day,  I figured it out... Since it is a very subtle respond from my body, I didn't lean on the wall or the chair; I just stood up in the middle of the room without leaning on anything,  I completely relaxed my body and did the test. My body surely swayed to the front and back as triggers to the yes and no questions. first thing I did after I jumped from excitement is log in and let you know  :))  Thank you so much for the support! 
  • I'm jumping with excitement for you Wafa!! It's so wonderful!! I'm so glad you intuitively knew to stick with that tool! You are going to be amazed at what you uncover! It can really be quite fun!♥️
  • I am so excited about the success I am experiencing with this technique. I am now getting a positive sway test for specific statements that I believe at the subconscious level even though they have not been realized in the physical realm yet.
    As a result of these examples I have tried “Southshores is sold” ( a house we have had on the market for years )
    I kept getting a negative sway test on this so I tried “I accept the loss on this house” and was able to get a positive sway test.
    Any ideas on how to change my limiting belief preventing us from selling this house?
    Sometimes I find myself thinking “maybe it hasn’t sold yet because one day the price will go up “. However, we are losing so much money per year on costs that this is extremely unlikely to make up for these ongoing losses.
    Thank you in advance.
  • Hi Tracy,

    Interestingly enough, I had a property on the market for about 7 months that is closing this coming Thursday. I originally thought I would sell it immediately, and when that didn't happen I began to experience some resistance about that because of the expenses. 

    So, I changed my focus. Whenever I would go into that home I would say things like, "You are such a perfect fit for the couple that is buying you. I am grateful that you are providing them a wonderful space to reside. I release you." And then I actively began to look for signs that this manifestation was in the works.

    For instance, a home down the street from me went on the market and immediately had a contract. I kept seeing the "Pending Sale" sign on the real estate sign in the front yard. And then I'd let myself get really excited about those words and imagine them on the sign in my front yard. And I would say things like, "Thank you for showing me that there is a pending sale!" That sign led to other signs and the more I could find, the more I got excited about it. (This is a fun little game I like to play with the Universe.)

    And in that excitement, I released all of my resistance and got a FULL PRICE offer (even though everyone said the price was too high) in the middle of an economy where everyone also said I wouldn't sell it.

    My advice would be to make a game out of it. What could you seek out that shows you (proves to you) that the sale of your home is in the works? What evidence could you find of this around you? This particular exercise always works wonderfully for shifting my energetic state and ultimately what I create! :) 

  • Hi Jessica,
    This is a brilliant suggestion, thank-you. ❤️
    I look forward to sharing the news of the sale in here!
  • And congratulations on your sale at full price. I am thrilled for you!
  • Thank you! I am thrilled for your sale as well!! 
  • I received an enquiry on the house today! Second one since I started doing your course ( last one was 2 months ago ) ❤️
  • More wins! I just enrolled a new client into my program and I know this is because of the high state of gratitude I am in. I also found out I will receive more unexpected money in June and September!
    This work is so powerful
  • Wow, Tracy! You are really in the deliberate creation zone! Way to get that momentum going!! Congrats to you!
  • Thank you so much Jessica ❤️
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