deciding on my specific goal

I have been working in sales and my goal was to become a top salesperson and to earn a specific amount of money untill the end of the year.
I had to completely change my plans and move back to my home country as a result of the virus.
Now, I am unemployed and have to sit inside my room for 14 days...
I know my goal is to earn money, but now I am not sure how I am going to do it. I know that if there is not a very specific goal I am aspiring to, this whole course falls short.
Will selecting a different goal be beneficial? Of course there are many things I would like to accomplish but now I am a bit lost... It is hard for me to choose on a new main goal so quickly...
Maybe you have an idea of what else I can do? Is being comfortable around people and feeling confident a goal or is it too broad?



  • Hi Dana!

    The first thought I had when reading your message was how awesome it is that you get to spend 14 days working on YOU and what you truly desire!

    You can certainly continue to work on your original goal during this time. "How" it will work out is really irrelevant at this point and time. Your job on this personal transformation is to work with the processes to install the goal, take inspired action (when the timing is right) and then watch it unfold. And if you want to keep the same goal, I believe it is perfectly okay to do so.

    Installing confidence is also a worthy goal. I would only encourage you to go with your "gut" and choose what speaks to you most during this precious time of total focus. :)

    I hope this helps!

  • Thank you so much!
  • My exact thoughts Jessica! Keep us posted Dana. I don't understanding everything but I do know that there are powerful laws that governor our Universe and as a result of that absolute knowing, I know there are no accidence, luck, or coincidence. I look forward to hearing more from you.♥️
  • Thank you! :)
    I wanted to ask what do you think is the best course of action- should I make progress in the course contents every day or should I spend time reflecting on what I've already did?
    I started with the contents in their order, then I got an email from you suggesting  to go yo the bonus section "my personal maniestayion plan", and now I finished the part of "priorities"
     I feel a bit overwhelmed.. I am not sure what is more important and should come as a priority and what is not.. I have been reading self help books, watched law of attraction videos many times (way before I started this course). I also did a yoga and a buddhizm course in India.. I feel like there is so much information that I am trying to add to my life and that I just forget most of it.. I've been trying to set myself a daily routine but things are adding up and I feel like I end up frustrated and don't always finish all of them.

    Hope you can help..
  • First thing Dana, be nice to you. The most important thing we must constantly practice is self love, patience and gentleness. This is especially important when we are working on a new program of self development. Feeling overwhelmed is caused by a thought or set of thoughts. Be mindful of your self-talk and talk positive, upliftment only.

    Now about the course. This is a very deep course. In my experience, it is best to know that you aren't going to whip through it once and be done "healed." The first time I went through the course I just went through it. Section by section in order. I didn't even write out my goal. After the first go through I had a better since of my direction. Second time through, the worksheets fleshed out easily. Third time, I got deeper understanding of the various excercises and my big goal changed somewhat. I think you get the picture. One of the many beauties of this course is that we get to keep it forever. Let's take it easy, relax, know that there is no hurry.

    Remember Dana, you are already a Powerful Co-Creator. That part is done! Now you are tweeking and honing you power.

    Love You first, the rest will follow.♥️
  • I agree with Shelia and Jessica and just want to add that please do what feels natural and best for you. Doing multiple techniques won’t make Desiree manifest more quickly , especially if the experience is creating feelings of frustration. Setting an intention that as I go through the course I know and trust the solutions to why I desire will manifest .. and then you just feeling relaxed and calm that it’s already in creation.
  • Hey!
    Today why visualizing I got a bit confused. I am only 22 so I have many ideas and directions that I want to take in life. I have 2 different dream careers that I want (I can see myself doing both).
    My question is- can I visualize 2 different careers? Should I focus on a my goal that I want to achieve in the next 5 months and visualize onlt this one? 
    I also started to have many plans and ideas of steps along the way and I do not know if it is too much or if I am ready to take big actions or wait?
    I was never good in making decisions and I have always wanted things to be nothing less than perfect (I know these are old beliefs that I should let go of but they are still here sometimes).
     Also, it is hard for me to visualize, and I cannot really see myself in my head, it's more like my inner voice talking but I am aware and controling what it says.

    Thank you 
  • Hey Dana,
    You can ask your subconscious mind to lead you to the best job opportunities for you. You can also focus on how you want to feel I regards to how you will feel having either career path.. the course will help you with tapping into that!
  • Hi Dana!

    What is your ultimate goal? What is it about this goal that excites you? What does it offer you? What positive things do you see as a result in your life because of this goal? The answers to those questions will be the "big goal." (How it makes you feel and what positive states it brings into your life.) Once you begin to concentrate on those things (the end result of what you want to achieve), the process will guide you to answer those questions. Your subconscious mind is solution-based. If you express to it that you want to experience happiness, freedom and joy in whatever career you choose, the path will begin to lay itself out before you and the choices will be easy to make. 

    Because you are starting to have new ideas, the processes are already working for you! Take what is called "inspired action." This is the type of action that you feel compelled to do because it excites you. 

    Start telling yourself that you're GOOD at making decisions (instead of the alternative). This will help you shift out of that. The same with visualizing. This video may help you with your visualization practices: 

    Hope this helps!

  • Thank you so much! I am going to try this :)
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