One Goal At A Time Or No?

Hi there!

I just purchased the UMM program and just started it :). It says we can create whatever abundance means for us and work towards that future dream but to be specific. If I want abundance in two areas, love and finances, do I need to focus on one at a time or can I imagine and have specific goals for each to rewire at the same time? Also, I find that variety is a big need for me so I tend to jump around each night between different meditations to sleep to. Does it matter if I do this or is it better to stick to one meditation at night and do that consistently for 30 days etc.?


  • Hi!

    Each person is different and I recommend doing what feels "right" to you in reference to both of your questions. If you feel as though working on both goals simultaneously doesn't cause resistance, go for it! And if you feel variety is something you prefer, you can definitely use different meditations each night. However, I would challenge you to add a daytime meditation if you are able to and stick with that one meditation for 30+ days. Specifically, the "Changing the Course of Events" meditation if you find that it resonates with you. If not, choose one that uplifts you the most and try to work with that consistently -- again, if you're able to. Keep the resistance low for optimal results!

    -Jessica :) 
  • Amazing Jessica. Thank you! I'll check out that meditation. It sounds perfect!

    It's interesting because I don't feel like I've had any major trauma in my life or anything from my childhood yet my programs are quite intense. My body shakes as though it's been through major trauma and the anxiety/depression is heavy in the same way. Some of it feels as though it may not even be all mine. I get very affected by the moon cycles as well so my body is quite sensitive. I feel like I've been in a weird pattern of struggling for the last 13 years for no real reason and people around me don't understand it either. I am smart, confident, talented, have supportive people around me etc. But it just seems like a string of unlucky events for years. This is what I'm here to change so I think your meditation suggestion is right on point. 
  • edited April 2020
    Speaking of goals - what's the balance between being super specific and letting go and letting the universe bring in whatever is best for the highest good? What if what Im specifically going after right now isn't what's actually meant for me or best for me? 

    Like if I'm visualizing my perfect life partner down the height eyes etc. - am I limiting myself and what if that person isn't the right fit but I keep putting this image in my head over and over of this imaginary person with specific specs that I'm looking for?
  • Hi,

    That's a great question! When being specific, I would focus more on the feeling state you're looking to achieve than all of the small details. For instance, if you're looking for the perfect partner, you might want to focus your specific goal in such a way that outlines the feeling of being in a loving, healthy relationship with a person who treats you kindly. Ask yourself, what it is that you're hoping to accomplish in regards to how you would feel with this partnership in your life and build upon that. There may be some physical attributes that you prefer, but the feeling within is what is most important as far as universal language goes. 

  • Ah perfect. Thanks! That makes total sense. 

    And then in the Changing Course meditation - you ask us to visualize what we did the moment before we stepped into our goal and I am having a hard time seeing anything other than something random I come up with like showering or meditating haha. Should I just sit with it and be blank until something naturally comes through?
  • Isn't that interesting?? Just before you step into your goal, you're doing something for yourself -- cleansing, relaxing, centering...  You're not "working" or "efforting." 

    It sounds as though something is already naturally coming through! :) 
  • Jessica, would it make a difference if we're visualizing ourselves working or efforting?  when I get to that part of the mediation I also wondered what would I be doing but I was under the impression that it would have to be something has to do with trying to accomplish our goal.  Would it make a difference if it was anything else random?
  • Hi Wafa,

    Part of the process is letting your creative mind do this 'work' for you. The ego part of us wants to decide how things will happen, but the creative mind (spirit, higher self) knows a much better way than we can come up with in critical thinking. My advice is to let the process happen in a natural way. If you're being shown something that looks like an action step, that's perfectly okay. And if you're being shown something that looks more relaxing, that's perfectly okay too. Be inquisitive, have fun with it and let your mind play a bit! The more you do this, the more you will begin to hone in on something specific that makes you think, "Oh, now I get it! That makes perfect sense!". Until that happens, enjoy the process of it without trying to overthink it. :)

  • Thank you!
  • Got it. Thank you Jessica I will try this next time. 

    SJ, please forgive me I don't mean to intrude in your thread, I hope it wasn't much of an inconvenience to you. 
  • Not at all! Your question helped clarify stuff for me as well. 

    Jessica - another question on this. I had a thought that maybe I have a block against manifestation because I could feel like it's unfair for me to have such luxury when so many others out there are suffering and living unjustly. I'm not saying I'm unworthy but I am feeling like it's unfair. How could I reframe this? Or feel like I could actually help make a difference?
  • Hi there,

    The first thing to realize is that everyone is on their own evolutionary path. We're all growing and learning. A person's current set of learning experiences provides them the opportunity to make a change. Oftentimes, if that change isn't made, the circumstances will present themselves a little more harshly until the pain level becomes one that is unbearable. This kind of forces the change to happen. It doesn't always look pleasant on the surface, but it is actually a gift that creates growth. So, we have to allow others to work through their own growth and send love to them as they do because that growth creates something wonderful for the individual as well as the collective. 

    The other point I want to make is this: There is enough abundance and luxury for all to enjoy if they so choose. If a person truly desires to change their circumstances, and is willing to put in the work to do so, it will happen. But, we can't do it for them because it would take my previous point of the growth process away from them. And I truly believe we came into physical existence to learn, define, grow and evolve.

    All that said, what you consider suffering or unjust can be viewed as a person's growth experience that is designed to elevate them. And you can make a difference by working through your growth process and then passing your wisdom and love onto others so that their path is a little easier to walk. :)

  • I'm not Jessica but I couldn't resist SJ. One day I was teaching the "sway test" to a group. As I was demonstrating the technique in front of the class I made some statements where the answer was obviously"no." Then I made statements where the answer was suppose to be yes. I randomly made statements of positive affirmations such as "I am worthy," and the answers where yes, yes, yes. And then I said, "I am deserving" and the answer was NO. I was dumbfounded! I learned that day that worthy and deserving are different.

    As a social worker I've always concerned myself with the well-being of others. What came to me following this moment of clarity is that we are each powerful creators. That when I judge another's creation as misfortune I am not remembering the truth of who we each are. We are each powerful extensions of the Divine. And then I realized that I am not helping others by limiting myself. I cannot be poor enough to help poor people get rich or sick enough to help sick people get well. I can practice seeing through the veil, and become a powerful uplifter to all people by demonstrating the power given to each and everyone of us! Abundance of all things are available to all people. You can demonstrate to them how to manifest it! I love teaching people how to fish. ♥️
  • That is absolutely beautiful Shelia! Thank you so much!! This is super helpful. Yes, creating abundance so I can further my influence in teaching others to fish. Love that!
  • Wow Jessica. Beautiful words as well. Okay this made me feel better about where I'm at with the previous thought. It's all persepctive and about zooming out into the much larger picture of universal expansion. 
  • Shelia - could you elaborate more on what was behind the NO on "I am deserving" I did the sway test myself and got a yes for both but am curious if maybe my body has a different definition. 
  • I was also wondering how manifestation works during a time like this when there's a global pandemic or historical times say like during world wars. If someone has big goals they are trying to manifest but the world is in a different state, how does this work? Does collective consciousness affect individual manifestation? 
  • Well SJ it's like this. Even if we grew up in the very best all around environments ever, we still received messages at a subconscious level that questions the validity of our being. Sometimes these messages are quite subtle but make no mistake they are there. They are there for a reason. Without them we would not continue to expand. Let's look at "not deserving." As little children we were all told "no" many times. Children, by design, are centered around self. The child cries for the candy, the answer is "no" the subjective message, "people are mean," or "life is not fair" or "I never get what I want" or "I don't deserve."

    That's a lot of disempowering beliefs that got downloaded because the answer was often no. Now lets apply that to things we experienced with other children, school, neighborhood, etc. None of us escape unscathed. And it's ok. It's necessary for the process of expansion.

    In regards to knowing you deserve the very best the Universe has to offer. The program can surface in one area of life but not in other. That's why we evaluate our manifestations in the now to get an understanding of where a block is that stands in the way of what we desire. I may feel deserving of a good job and a nice home but not a fulfilling relationship. I can look at my life for clues. The sway test is an excellent tool to help us validate our findings. The body never lies. The mind does because of its programing.

    I hope that was what you were wanting. I welcome more questions. Clarity is wonderful.♥️
  • For the second question

    Here is what I know to be true based on the data I've collected:

    We are energy. We emit vibrational frequencies as a result of our energetic nature. Our thoughts create our emotions and together they determine our frequency. As we emit that vibrational frequency The Law of Attraction brings us more experiences that match. Therefore, regardless of event, condition or situation, the objective of deliberate creating is to focus our attention (flow our energy) only upon what is desired. We are under the influence of the collective consciousness only when we are not taking full ownership (responsibility) for our energetic output. Remember, whether we are focusing deliberately upon what we desire, or we are creating by default, we are contributing to the collective consciousness. As deliberate creators we want to contribute the vibration of love. We do not want to unknowingly contribute more fear.

    So, focus, focus, focus! You are the thinker of your thoughts, you are the focuser of your attention! There is no Law of Assertion!♥️

    (Hope that helps!)
  • Thank you Sheila ❤️
  • edited April 2020
    You are most welcome Tracy ♥️
  • Hi, I just started this course yesterday my first question is about challenging false beliefs

    do we use one or more beliefs after "when it comes having....... and so on?
  • First I want to say, "Welcome Marek!" This course is a powerful journey into the core of your being. What I have observed in regards to beliefs is that as we begin to challenge a disempowering belief, it opens the door of the subconscious mind allowing us access to more beliefs that no longer service us. I suggest that we work with what shows up while holding space for our intention (to grow, change, create and expand.) The main thing I want you to know is that this is an exciting, fun transformation. The processes can be a little different for each of us. As we become more comfortable with the tools we can circle back and revisit them. I have seen amazing things happen in the lives of many. A real key is to be gentle and easy. Feel your way into each lesson.

    I hope that is helpful. I welcome questions and look forward to hearing about your progress!♥️
  • Amazing. Yes it does! Thank you!!

    This brought up another question regarding staying grounded. I find that as I focus more on my future goals I start to yearn for them and feel antsy or longing for them in the present as they are not here. That longing can be subtle or go as far as become depressing. How do we stay happy in the present and look forward to the future without it bumming us out? 

    Another part to this question is - I find that my top three chakras are overworking while the bottom three are weaker. My root chakra generally gets weak and my life manifestations definitely show for it. Are there any meditations or exercises you recommend for the bottom three and/or root chakra? 
  • Remember this, you are powerful beings. You are a manifestation. The process by which you were manifested is the same process by which we manifest. In this process thought (energy) is everything. You are the focuser, you are the chooser. Where you place your attention, you give to it your energy. This is big! In as many moments as possible we want to ask ourselves this simple question: Am I flowing my energy towards what I do want or towards what I do not want? And then, we take full responsibility for our focus and adjust as needed. Tip: Your feelings are indicators of your thoughts. Feel yourself into the direction of your desire. I am happy because of where I flow my thoughts period. In that state of happiness, only more things that feel happy can be my reality. We really, truly do create our own reality via our thoughts.

    Now in regard to chakra meditations. Jessica has wonderful meditations to open and cleanse those energy centers. I found it valuable to become familiar with all her meditations. Once familiar my intuition leads me to the perfect one always. Remember, we are one big chakra. We are pure energy, we are always vibrating! Isn't that a wonderful thought?

    I hope I was helpful to you♥️
  • SJ, I want to add one more important thing regarding your question. When you say that you are focusing on your goal and you feel longing and depressed, it is not the imagine of your desired goal being fulfilled that the mind is focused upon. It is the ABSENCE of the goal filled. The focus is actually on the fact that today the goal is not realize.

    This can be a tricky subtlety. Lucky we have our feelings to inform us as to what we are really focused upon. If it feels good, exciting, fun, anticipatory then we we focused upon what we desire. If we feel sad, depressed, anxious, then we are focused on the LACK of what we desire.

    I love understanding that! Thank you for the question. It helped me get clear. I am sure it helped everyone.♥️
  • Thanks Sheila! Yes this is 100% true. When i focus on the lack that's when I get depressed or actually the other way around. I feel the anxiety/depression first creep up randomly and then the thoughts start to spiral but I think in those moments now I just need to do self care and not focus on manifestation at all because it's too far of a reach it seems. 

    Also, where are the chakra meditations you mentioned? Are they on youtube or in the membership section?

    Thanks again!
  • Your welcome SJ. For the chakra meditations, I go to YouTube. My favorite meditation on Jessica's channel is called:. "I Am" a Powerful Creator. I listen to that a couple times a week still!♥️
  • Thank you SJ and Sheila. I will check out the I am a powerful creator meditation too
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