Hello I'm new

Hello tribe, 

My name is Wafa and I am a newbie here, I just decided to save my soul yesterday and joined the Youniverse Tribe, very excited! 

I have been a subscriber watching Jessica's youtube videos for almost a year now and finally had the time to make the next move to focus on ME, you can thank or blame national lockdown for that, depends how we look at it. 

I just started the first module in the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery and I'm looking forward to learning and meditating to a new life.

Love and Peace,


  • Hi Wafa!

    So happy to have you here!! I love that you are taking a positive spin on the world today and working on YOU! Aren't we being given such a grand opportunity for this right now? :) 

    Because you are member of the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Course, you can post any questions, advice, stories or "AHA" moments in the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery Support Category of the forum!

    Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  • edited April 2020
    Thank you so much Jessica, and yes what we're going through in the world today made me re-think and re-consider how I want to live the rest of my life, I'm realigning my priorities. I read a wise saying today "define yourself by your vision of the future and not by the memories of the past", which is in line of what you teach, and what I will follow   ^:)^
  • YES!! I LOVE that!! :) 
  • Welcome Wafa! Buckle your seat belt because your life is about to rocket into the next dimension! You are going to learn just how wonderful and powerful you really are!♥️
  • Thank you so much Shelia!  I can't contain my excitement sometimes while I am driving to work I think of the course more than my desired goal! I am enjoying every bit of it. Actually, I do have a couple of questions which I'm going to post on a new thread so I don't go off topic, and maybe someone else would benefit from the discussion. 
  • I look forward to your questions Wafa!♥️
  • Hi I am Mark i believe newest addition to the tribe, I too am trying to save my soul and whatever life on this earth is left. I hope i can do it swiftly and move on with my life without one million false beliefs.  
  • Welcome Marek! You are about to discover just how powerful you are as a Co-Creator in this beautiful Universe that we share!♥️
  • Welcome Marek and I wish you the best in your endeavor !
  • Hi Mark!

    I'm so happy to have you here with us! 

    Just the fact that you took the step of embarking on a personal transformation tells me a lot about you. Not everyone makes the attempt, so you should be very proud of yourself. Myself, Shelia (licensed coach and moderator) and the other members are here to support you on this journey! I'm looking forward to watching your progress!

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