Current Global Awakening Video - How to align with the 5D, High Frequency Version of Earth?

Hi Jessica,

How are you?  I watched your video on the current global awakening and ascension (that had the clip about the Simpsons episode in 1999), really enjoyed it and appreciate your creating it.  I can't seem to find it on your channel now, did you remove it?

Along the lines, I've also seen other eye opening videos by London Real and Dr. Rashid Buttar. I'm a curious, open-minded person and am open to seeing different angles and different perspectives, even if I disagree or agree.

My question is - how can we all best help align the collective consciousness to the best, most positive timeline where we most quickly and easily all move into the age of aquarius - where we have love, compassion, and connection/unity? And health and wealth for all?  

And what's the best way to look at some potentially disturbing things going on around vaccines, 5G, censorship, and rights issues that seem to be amped up recently? Is giving focus to those things, creating more of that energy and perpetuating it? Is it better to focus on an earth with a loving, conscious, awakened population that has taken its power back from our current ruling structures?    

Thank you for reading and any thoughts.


  • Hi Pearl,

    This is a great question. If you allow yourself, you can get all caught up in anything that appears to be negative. I'm personally choosing to see all that is currently taking place as something that is moving us into a magnificent outcome. If something surfaces for me throughout this (through media or talks with family and friends), I go within and envision that thing as being healed with loving light and give it permission to evolve into that space. 

    Yes, it really is as simple as envisioning all of us being more loving, connected and awakened...ascending into a new way of life with the most positive of circumstances. Where focus goes, energy flows! In addition to that, our Earth is also being given the space to heal. 

    Isn't is a wonderful time?? :) 
  • Yes, I agree. It is a wonderful time
  • Thank you Jessica, for your advice and thoughts.

    It's really an exciting time and I love what you said about focusing on a new way of life with the most positive of circumstances - everyone is loving, connected and awakened :)

    Can I ask if you think there may be any benefit at all for digging into the truth / messiness in global awakening - reading about it or watching media (eg. Out of the Shadows documentary around Hollywood's brainwashing people working with the gov't etc), or the darker stuff around the awakening - eg. new world order, etc.?

    Is the best thing to do when one's focus goes to the above to just go within and envision?  What about any actions?  

  • Hi Pearl,

    I don't find any benefit in "digging" for answers. What I do find benefit in is allowing some of the old "stuff" to fade away while inviting in the wonderful aspects of what that means. When old systems break down, both personally and collectively, it allows for new growth and opportunities. Those things can elicit very exciting and positive feelings if we allow them to.

    If you're like me, you've probably felt along the way that life really is meant to be joyous, fun, abundant and free. Most everyone I know who embarks on a personal transformation finds that to be the case. And sometimes that means watching what was fall away (in a gentle manner) so that the new can be ushered in quickly. 

    Focusing on those positive aspects will open your mind to more of that experience. It's not an attempt to stick your head in the sand, so to speak. But is an attempt to create your own personal reality in the most positive way possible. You can train yourself to envision and act in alignment with that. That's what this work is all about anyway! :) 

  • That’s a great way of looking at it Jessica ❤️
  • That is a great way of looking at it.

    I couldn't help but "dig" a bit - This movie on youtube does a wonderful job of putting together the pieces on how a mass awakening will come about - in terms of how the current gov't structures etc will change.

    It's intense but very very good and informative. I want to share it before it is censored:
    Fall of the Cabal

  • If anyone has seen this, please let me know what you think.

    Thank you Jessica for your advice and wisdom. It's an exciting time!
  • A great teacher who past through this dimension a few thousand years ago said this, "Turn the other cheek." I believe he was giving us instructions on manifesting what is wanted verses what is not wanted. We follow our creative energy to whatever we focus our attention upon.

    Isn't that good to know! ♥️
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