Hello from North Carolina


I'm so excited to be here! I have been working on module 1 of the course and have done the Changing the Course of Events meditation a few times now. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two little boys that keep me very busy all day so it's been a challenge to do the meditation consistently but when I do it I feel really great! I'm looking forward to connecting with other students of the course and hearing how it's changing your lives!



  • We are so excited that you have joined us! It sounds like you are quite busy with two little ones. This course is the best thing you could ever do for your boys! They will get to watch their wonderful mom become the truth if who she is : A Powerful Co-Creator!!♥️
  • Thank you for your kind and encouraging words Sheila!
  • I am always here to support you Erika ♥️
  • Hi Erika,

    I'm so happy to have you here and applaud you for embarking on this transformation journey! Shelia is correct...this is the best thing you could do for you both you and your boys! I know this firsthand. :)

    Shelia, myself and the other course members are here to help you along the way!

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