
Hello everyone! My name is Shelia. I am grateful to be part of this powerful manifesting tribe!


  • Hey Shelia! Welcome to the Tribe (: we're glad to have you.
  • Please welcome Shelia to our Tribe!  

    Shelia is a licensed clinical social worker who also teaches law of attraction. And as synchronicity would have it, she is also my neighbor -- living just a few miles away from me!

    I'm excited to announce that she will be assisting me with the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery portion of the forum as an expert moderator! Her years of clinical therapy and vast knowledge of manifestation make her a perfect fit.

    The Universe could not have delivered a more perfect person to be a part of our Tribe!

    Welcome, Shelia! :) 

  • Thank you for such a warm welcome! Also thank you for putting your soul into creating this wonderful course. I am getting so much from it! I look forward to assisting you in this forum.♥️
  • Welcome.
  • Thank you Angela!♥️
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