
I'm experiencing some major resistance. 

First it was coming up as "oh I didn't have time to do the meditation today, I'm not doing this right, it won't work for me because I'm not doing it right. Why are my visualizations always different? I can't get clear on my big goal,  it changes. But I have many goals, which do I work on first?" Etc. Lots of excuses, questions that made me feel stuck until I could get the answer. Etc. 

Now I'm understanding a lot of this is about energy. It's about changing old negative belief patterns so that you can raise your energy/vibration etc and match the frequency of the life/stuff you want. But is it really the stuff I want or does it all boil down to just wanting to feel content, happy, satisfied with my life? Is the stuff I'm trying to manifest just stuff that would make me feel happy for a little while and then I'll feel the need to manifest something else because I feel the same old void creeping in again? So in essence, I won't be able to manifest anything since my ultimate goal is just to be happy. So if my ultimate goal is just to feel happy, then why am I not happy now? OH. There it is. There is the resistance. The yucky icky stuff that I'm always trying to avoid by distracting myself with stuff. I start questioning what I REALLY want and getting really REAL with myself and it appears. The yuck appears and there is no way around it if I want real, sustainable change. And thats where the resistance is. None of this will work for me if I don't deal with my emotions. This requires inner work which I'm not sure how to do or how this course will guide me to do. 

I would love and appreciate any advice or suggestions. 


  • Hi Erika!

    That's a pretty big "Aha" moment you had! 

    It's never really the "stuff" that makes us happy. However, new experiences are fun! And creating new experiences is also fun! As humans, and as Creators, it's natural for us to desire new experiences and seek out the creation of that. But if we're just wanting something because we think it will "fix" something about our lives, you are correct that THAT will not last long. Happiness is definitely an internal job. 

    I'm not certain if you have reached into the different parts of the course, but each section is designed to assist you with this from a different vantage point. When you begin to change your thought patterns, your emotional charges and your behavior, and combine those things into one cohesive unit that is aligned with your "happiness" goal, you will begin to see some pretty big and positive shifts!

    Have you reached the "Recreating Your Emotional Behavior" portion of the course and utilized those tools? The total course has been created to address exactly what you are talking about, but I believe you may find some specific relief with this section. (I especially encourage you to combine this with the tools given in the first module: Rewiring Your Brain for Abundance.)

    What questions may I answer for you regarding the processes given? 

    I'm here to help and support you!


  • Wow Erika! What you described is huge! At the end of the day we want happiness. Now here's the fun part. The stuff won't give us happiness but the happiness will give us the stuff!! Happiness is the receiving mode, the state of allowing. Happiness is the frequency that aligns us to all we want!

    I want to look at this one thing. You stated that:
    "None of this will work for me if I don't deal with my emotions." The word "deal" popped out to me. It sounds like emotions are something bad and must be dealt with. If that's the way it feels start there. Emotions are our helpers, our friends, our guidance system. We want to "love" our emotions. They are the key that unlock the door to your soul. What old beliefs do you have around emotions? The beliefs need to be updated. All emotions are good! Some feel satisfying some are unsatisfying. But all are good because all give us valuable data about our beliefs and thoughts.

    This is the perfect course to guide you into a loving relationship with yourself. Said another way, guide you into a relationship with your emotions whose job it is to constantly let you know how close or far you are from your goal!

    Isn't it beautiful! You will skyrocket with this new insight!♥️
  • This is an interesting question. If emotions are based on thoughts and beliefs, and negative emotions usually relate to negative thoughts and beliefs - which we're better off reprogramming, then how can we trust our negative emotions as a reliable radar to whether you are close to your goal?

    Also I can definitely relate to what Erika is saying in the sense that - I have goals which might just be immature. Are these goals what is truly aligned to what my life is meant to be, or truly aligned to leading me to the happiest way of living my life?

    I feel a bit lost and like I need guidance from a ''higher'" self. Sometimes I do try asking when I am meditating, but often get left still with ambiguity. Sometimes I feel like my heart is like a fickle child. Yes there are things it 'feels' that it wants. But then what? Are these desires really good for me? What if you invariably manifest something bad for you in the long run?

  • Let's remember that we are co-creators. We are manifesting constantly. With the tools in this course we are learning to become deliberate in our creation process.

    As to the first question regarding emotions being reliable: Our emotions are indicators of our thoughts. We can completely know and trust that. It is a fact. When you think about your goal, how does it feel? It feels good, right. When we are feeling good we are a match to our goal. The degree to which we do not feel good tells us how far away we are from the match. We want to first manifest the emotional state. With enough intensity the emotional state begins to manifest in the material world. Our emotions are extremely important. They tells us the frequency we are tuned to.

    With the second question, I will say this: Everything we say we want is because we believe we will feel happy in the having of it. It is our deepest desire to feel happy. When we can hold ourselves in the vibration of happy all things that feel happy are attracted to us.

    There is nothing we desire that we cannot have. I desire a new van, a new home, a sweetheart, a wonderful job, etc. From the desire or goal we launched an "ask" to the Universe. The Universe answers immediately in a vibrational form. What we ask for, through our attention to it, is given us immediately! Now our work is to get into the frequency that aligns with what we have already been given. This usually requires us to reprogram our negative beliefs which dwell in our subconscious mind. As we clean up our vibrations the manifestations appear. Desires materializing feels good. We only manifest what we do not want when we focus on the lack of what we want or on the unwanted thing directly.

    Every experience is part of our growth and helps us to achieve clarity. It is ok to relax and have fun with it. As soon as we begin to be fearful that we aren't doing it correctly we are in the fear vibration which brings to us more things to be afraid of.

    I hope that was helpful to you♥️
  • Great discussion and I think some of us may resinate with some of all what Erika is experiencing in early stages of our manifestation.  I am in 2nd level now and I will share my experience with you; I hope it will help you.  
    Speaking from my experience, I find that being happy, loving myself and feeling the satisfaction; being content with what I think of myself was probably the first preliminary steps in the process of my manifestation. Achieving that has led me to feel more gratitude towards life and the little things I have but used to take for granted. Gratitude brought more love and appreciation, all are main ingredients required to manifest our desires.  
    When I try to elevate my emotions, wether during meditation or whenever I remember to do so, the first thing I do is try to feel the gratitude and happiness within me, I start naming the things I am grateful for and think of new ones every day. then I use some of the processes I learned in the course to talk to my creative machine, this gets excited about manifesting my goal, then I realize that I am calmer, happier, less stressed, more appreciative of every minute of my life that I spend with my loved ones. I still work on this every day and try to observe my thoughts, feelings and actions as I learned from the course. 

    Once you take care of YOU, I think your goals will follow easier. Ask yourself; are you not happy because you don't have the "stuff" you want? if so, maybe you need to be in peace with YOU first before you move on. Don't quit! hang in there, this course is amazing and it works!
    Best of luck.

  • Wow! Thank you Wafa for sharing your experience and strength! That was very powerful. I felt gratitude for you as I read it ♥️
  • Thank you so much Shelia. i do feel like a different person inside, not perfect, but I'm going to the right direction for sure toward my manifestation. 
  • I agree with you Wafa. We don’t need anything outside of ourselves to feel good. We can feel good for no reason which then attracts good things.
  • You got it! The secret is to feel good no matter what. Nothing is more important than how you feel. Our feelings indicate the vibrational frequency we are emitting which the Law of Attraction receives and gives back to us multiplied!! ♥️
  • I came to the member forum because i am still having trouble getting myself going.  I have read a couple of these threads.  I restarted the program, with Dr Connors advise to start with the "my personal manifestation plan", but I see in this thread, it was asked if Erika had gotten to "Recreating your emotional behavior" portion of the course.  That gave me confusion, should I be working on "The Course Curriculum" or "Personal Manifestation Action Plan.??????????

    I am going through similar frustrations Erika pointed out.  I shut my emotions down many years ago so I am having a real challenge bringing them back.  I agree that the car, the boat, the relationship, the house, the money, don't bring us to happiness, they may make life seem more fun, and DO, but don't necessarily bring the core desire of happiness & freedom.  Loving oneself, loving life as it presents, being content are all peace and happiness........... In the action plan I am going through Intentions - those learned from others, trying to separate what real intentions of mine would be,  the Genie wishes brought me to the core of happiness and freedom -- all the physical things ( car, boat, house, etc) weren't there, just happiness/freedom/content/self love.  I figure if I can love myself then I can love everything else because everything else is me.... a fraction of me that is all there is.

    I would like some of the groups input as to how to proceed.  I sounds like going through the curriculum has brought Wafa to some peace with self enough to move to level 2.  Should I be doing both at the same time?

    How can I accomplish something that will show my inner subconscious that I am making progress?

    I believe there are core beliefs that are running my life, I am on the path of erasing or replacing them....

    thanks to all
  • edited June 2020
    Hi Johnny, I don't claim a lot of knowledge on this issue, I can share my input and how I progressed in this course; I hope it helps you. As to advising; I will keep that to the professionals like Jessica and Shelia.

    To address your confusion in your first comment; I have started the course from the beginning without skipping. I believe there was a reason why Jessica had put those sections in the progressive order they are now. I completed each step in that order and never skipped or jumped to the next until I felt comfortable I understood it and followed the processes required. This made me more organized in my thoughts, my schedule, and even in my feelings. Everything was done systematically like a clock. 
    I think your personal manifestation action plan is part of the course (correct me if I'm wrong), so if you are going through the course in order, that should include working on your action plans anyways... 

    Secondly, yes I agree all those material things in life; house, care, money etc.. make us happy as they do make our lives easier, no doubt. My point in my comment to Erika was that our happiness would be more lasting if we accomplished it within ourselves and not attach the reasons to obtaining the "stuff" we want. That's what I found out during my course.  I am too trying to manifest a material goal, but in the process I successfully was able to realize that I am also a happy person because I feel a lot of gratefulness and love to life, myself and others.  Jessica has a good article in her newsletter on how to create happiness, usually sent at certain point during your membership process.

    As I learned, to manifest anything in your life you need:  Gratitude => Elevated emotions or Love => to get your Desire.   I had to work a lot on the "recreating your emotional intelligence" section of the course and it took me the longest time till I felt I created success in the process.  Do not breeze through it just to finish and move on.  Persist till you succeed and feel the change in you. 

    The secret to me was persistence. I challenged myself (or my creative machine that held on to old beliefs). When I felt lazy, I declared war and refused to lose, so I followed through the processes and worked on the steps in the course to claim victory over my creative machine. I promised myself commitment and dedication. I wrote a schedule on my calendar which made me feel responsible to do the tasks and take them seriously. 

    I told myself that this is my chance to change anything I don't like in my life, whether I want to manifest something or not, I wanted to have a fresh and new feel and look in my life and I started with the person in the mirror. If I don't change things I will have same old predictable outcomes and that was not acceptable to me. 
    I woke up 2 hours earlier to re-focus, meditate and change my energy, redirect my thoughts. I consumed my day with the topic of "Law of attraction", manifestation, energy, thoughts, my desired life, good vibes, love, gratitude and all the key words pertaining to this subject. I gained a lot of passion about the subject that my subconscious mind had no choice but to change.  I went to extremes to change myself by changing how I do things in my day, how I look and how I dress!  silly maybe, but I was willing to do it anyways.  Recently, I realized that sometimes felt more power to deliberately elevate my emotion in a second at my command!  I can't explain it but I tell myself to get excited and I suddenly feel a rush of thrill within me and my heartbeats start racing and I have a smile on my face; all for no reason at all except that I wanted to feel that way!  I take advantage of those moments and close my eyes and mentally go through meditation process (raising vibration, or changing course of events) even if it was for 2 minutes, till I get interrupted.  I schedule an alarm on my phone daily to talk to my creative machine and say the affirmations we have in our course and do the steps in our processes. I made this course my priority in my schedule and for the most part I succeeded despite my busy work schedule. 

    If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse. Do you want our "core beliefs to run your life" or anything else for that matter?  only YOU, can change that.  This course will give you the tools and blueprint to empower you and change your life, it's up to you if you do it.  Don't wait for things. Get up, decide, commit, do it!  
  • Hi John!

    Each person is different, so you don't have to follow the exact path that others are following. Although, Wafa gave some really great advice here! 

    Because you are taking another "go" at the course, and because it seems as though you are finding some success with the Manifestation Action Plan, I would advise sticking with that initially. You've uncovered something here with the "genie" wishes. And in doing so, you already have proof that you are making progress by getting to the root of what you truly desire: happiness, freedom and love. 

    This is great progress! This IS Success! This IS accomplishment! It may not be in tangible form (just yet), but you are doing the work, defining your true desires and making steps towards them. 

    I agree with Wafa about taking your time with the material. There's no need to rush yourself through it. Take it in small sections, have fun with the processes and give yourself a pat on the back for the progress you are making. The other things will show up as you continue to create these changes within. :)

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