Subliminal tapes and hypnosis

I have a general question about subliminal recordings and hypnosis.  I don't know if they can be lumped together, so pardon my misunderstandings.  From what I have read we ( all people ) imprint in our subconscious minds, belief about the world, in the first 6 years or so of life.  IF I understand it correctly, we ( all people ) grow up, not knowing these imprinted beliefs.  These beliefs influence our interpretation of our world, our circumstances, our behaviors, etc be default.  They are actually the attractors ( by law of attraction ) what experiences we draw into  our personal lives.  I am getting the impression from what little I have dealt into this course and the information provided,  that there is a process one goes through to remove old limiting beliefs ( I think I came across somewhere it isn't totally important to identify a specific negative belief or all of them )  One can remove/cancel/delete/erase and old belief or thought pattern and replace it with one you desire.  Kind of what the process of identifying your self image and then changing it to one you desire.

I don't want to get to far off track , but I wanted to give some background reference to my question about subliminal recordings............

I have heard or read something to the effect of " YOU CAN SAY AFFIRMATION UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME AND YOU TURN BLUE" but the reason they don't work is because the subconscious mind has a set of beliefs you/we/people learned/adopted as young child in THETA brain.

SO,  how does subliminal tapes, and possibly hypnosis work?  or do they?  I have had over 20 , maybe 30+ hypnosis sessions, and those limiting beliefs are still manifesting what I dont' want?  I listen to Jessica's "Affirmations to Build Creative Confidence, Self-Worth, Inner Power" every night with head phones.  I have been falling asleep to it for 3 months now.  I am considering buying the 3 recordings that would run all night....

Hope that isn't to broad a question, but it's something I am curious about.


  • Good question Johnny Boy. First I want to say that hypnosis and subliminal messages aren't the same. Both are highly effective. And that's an understatement! I personally use both in my daily routine. Like all truly deep and effective work, it takes time. Transforming ourselves is not an overnight matter but I can't say enough about how much quicker and soother the process is with these tools. I see the affirmation tapes as hypnosis tools. I listen to them every night. That brings me to your next question about affirmations. The reason some people say they do not work is because they aren't doing them effectively. Affirmations must stick when we say them. They cannot be just words spoken landing nowhere. Here's what I mean by that. Say you are broke and you want more money. If you are looking at your checkbook which is empty and saying to yourself, "I am wealthy, I am abundant, money wants me," you will feel your gut saying, "that's a bunch of crap!" The law of reverse effect has just strengthen your belief about scarcity. Now same scenario. You say an affirmation like, "This is temporary, things are changing for me, I doing the best I can, I'm ok, I deserve abundance, etc," You can feel those softer affirmations stick. You feel your gut say, "yes, that's right, ok." Pay attention to your body's reaction to an affirmation. If your body rejects it just go more general. Be softer. It really does require an intimate relationship with your gut (your emotions). Affirmations done in a state of relaxation are a powerful method for change. Powerful!

    I hope this was helpful to you. I'm sure glad you are amongst us. ♥️
  • Shelia,

    Thanks for your help.   I am one who for some reason at a young age decided I was going to quit feeling things.  So I have been, how can I say it, numb or ignored feelings.  I was even wondering when my dad died if I would ever feel sad or cry, I did.  I have worked on opening up to my emotions and my "gut" as you put it. Are there any exercises one can do to strengthen ones awareness of gut feeling????  I have learned the gut , the body, is the access to the subconscious.  I have tried the standing, lean forward or back method to connect with the subconscious.  

    So any exercises that would help me ( all of us ) become more aware of our emotions and what they are saying to us would be great.
  • Hi John,

    Our emotions are constantly giving us clues. We each know how we feel at any given moment. When we slow down and clear our mind, we can really tune into those emotions and examine what they are saying to us. Most times, we can trace those feeling states back to the thoughts we are thinking. For example, if I'm thinking of something that I love, my feeling states are going to be elevated and joyous. If I'm thinking of something that worries me, my feeling states might indicate anxiety or fear. I can feel this within my body.

    If I'm experiencing something that indicates one of the "lower" emotional states, my internal navigation system is saying something to the effect of, "Turn around and go the other direction." Or, "It's time to find ways to let this go." I know this because it doesn't "feel" so great. 

    It's really simple, but it seems so complex because we can get wrapped up in some of those lower emotional states and become kind of "stuck" focusing on them. The job here is to mentally and physically clear away the clutter (which is what I intended in the creation of the techniques given in the course).

    For simple ways to do this:

    1.) Take a step back from situations to gain more clarity on how you are feeling and what those feelings are telling you.
    2.) Meditate
    3.) Deliberately choose thoughts that make you feel good so you can begin to refocus your energy in that direction..
    4.) Give yourself permission to slow down and find things to be grateful for.
    5.) Close your eyes, scan your body and determine where you might feel any negative emotions and how you experience them. Listen to what your body is telling you and then, again, give yourself permission to release any tension.

    I hope that helps! :)


  • I understand John. Here's something that comes to me right off. Just like you made the decision to not feel your emotions, make a new decision! In your heart decide that you are safe, that it is now okay to experience your emotions fully. Emotions really are our friend. We need all of our emotions. They are a powerful house of information. Think about touching a hot stove. The "it's hot" information is life saving. Make the decision today. Make "feeling you emotions" a goal. Follow that decision with the action of checking in with yourself on the hour (phone chimes are helpful). Ask yourself questions such as, "What am I feeling?" "Where is this feeling in my body?

    You are not alone. Keep us posted ♥️
  • Thank you both, great suggestions.  I could feel things within myself as I read both messages. Shelia I felt a swelling come up in my throat and my eyes began to tear, so I feel myself wanting to open up. Thanks.

    For a analytical question:  How do subliminal recordings work on the subconscious minds belief system.  Are the subliminal messages actually able to convert ones ( me, other people reading this ) beliefs ( those beliefs they adopted as a child and are now influencing how their lives unfold ),   I

    In the e-book,  "As A Man Thinketh", we can let programs run by default or we can actively choose good thoughts, thoughts that bring freedom and joy. But the beliefs we have influence our thoughts and therefore our actions.

    Great subject , really appreciate both of your down to earth, real life, relatable points of view that will help me and others who read this move forward with deliberate creation.

    thanks again
  • The reason why subliminals work is that you do not consciously hear, understand and see the messages, but your subconscious mind does, and it stores it. Your conscious mind acts based on the programming of the subconscious mind. Subliminal reprograming of the subconscious bypasses the conscious mind. Simple really. Extremely effective. Hope this is useful to you. ♥️
  • Very.  I picked out several that Dr Connor has made that I am going to start with.
  • I think that's a wonderful decision John. You will not be disappointed. ♥️
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