My big goals!! Is more than 1 ok?

First off I just want to say thank you so much for creating this program. Every time I dive into it I get so excited a And empowered when thinking about my future. Now to the questions...

I’m working on my big goal worksheet and I’ve noticed that I’m having difficulty putting it down into words because it’s not just one goal. There are lots of things I want to manifest! All of which will enrich my life and the lives of my husband and two boys. I have already shared some of these goals with my husband who doesn’t typically believe in the law of attraction. But he seemed receptive and that was a much better reaction than I could’ve asked for


  • More than one goal is fine. What I've noticed is that all the goals touch. What I hear you say is that you want to enrich your life and the lives of those you love (big goal). And to do this you want to manifest:

    Self esteem and self love
    Good health
    A beautiful home
    A new SUV
    A job you love

    And on and on...

    See how nicely the subgoals fit under the big goal. The subgoals are easy to work with. You can easily visualize those things becoming. As they manifest the big goal is actualized. It's really just one big goal with some pieces.

    So, get to it and let me hear an update on how magnificent you are doing!!!♥️
  • That response helped me. I had the same question. For those of us who are relatively new to this, it's not always easy to identify goals, emotions, resistances etc. 
    Thank you Sheila and all the best Erika :)
  • Welcome Hana! Keep us posted on your progress. You will be amazed before you are halfway through! ♥️
  • Also this response helped me a lot... there are some things I want to have and do that relate to who I want to be. I was listing things I wanted to have and do... but reading this response from Sheila helped me realize that there is a state of emotional beingness, self respect and accomplishment that I want to manifest... and quite frankly as I go thru the course, I am realizing that my feeling states have been mostly negative and have been blocking me... and the section on emotional intelligence is really helping me to release and re-align certain feeling experiences, both positive and negative. 

    What I have been really seeking is to change my emotional state, my emotional energy and the feeling energy that I am sending out... the feeling is the secret... I have known that I have wanted and needed to release these blocks, but I did not know how... I have been unable to touch the embedded programs in my subconscious. The negative tone and chatter in my self talk would always seem to rise above any work I would do on my beliefs... and drown and re-drown me, throwing me right back into a state of hopeless despair. 

    These embedded negative feeling states were so powerful, that I would begin to hear... this will not work, it works for others, but not for you... (that negative internal tone and chatter)

    I have just started going thru the section on emotional intelligence and doing the exercises on dissociation from negative emotions... all I have to say is oh my gosh the draining away of the negative feelings has been amazing and miraculous to me. I am feeling breakthrough from past embedded limiting beliefs and self sabotage cycles because I am now able to change the feeling states associated with those negative memories... and dissociate from them. It feels so good to begin to feel good again!

    I also realize that I have been under a very strong negative cloud of shame and guilt...  the exercise on locating decisions I have made where I traded away something in a decision has also been revolutionary... it is brilliant! I feel like I have a tool that once I sense any guilt or shame I ask my subconscious mind to identify for me the decisions I have made and go right to those decisions and thru the guided exercise I am able to release that shame and guilt... and also really really take the learning with me... (sometimes we do some internal bargaining we are not aware of that is just not helpful :)

    So in the first section on re-wiring my brain for abundance... I had trouble imagining positive things... now I know that these areas have been blocked by embedded negative emotional states that lead to negative beliefs...  being able to address each and every negative experience, feeling state in my timeline... is empowering... it is a key for me... I feel like things are just going to get brighter and brighter and brighter... and I am just beginning... 

  • Wonderful realization Michael! Yes, how you feel, what you are emotionally experiencing right now is everything! I look forward to hearing about your progress. It will come fast now! ♥️
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