What is the different

Im doing the Ultimate Manifastation Mastery and i Love it so much...i already today got 2 new project offers and 2 weeks ago another project:)
Im now need to write the Big Goal,and I wanted to ask what is the different between what I wrote in preparing myself for change?there also I wrote my goals (many of them...).so how she’ll i treat the worksheet of the big Goal?what is the different that i should pay attention?
Thank you so much for helping with my question.


  • Hello Signal and welcome. Tell me more about your preparation for change along with your multiple goals. With that insight I will best be able to help you. The preparation for change places us in position to choose the realities that will create the fruition of our big goal. What is your big goal?
  • Dear Shelia
    Thank you for getting me back...in preparing myself for change I wrote my clearly defined goal witch are related to my career : getting grant for my research project,manifest to do a project with very specific people,invited to teach different workshop in different universities...and so own...
    Then: one of my goal is to buy a haus in my favorite spot in Berlin (I’m from Berlin),have beautiful things to my home ,having financial freedom and windfall of money...,having beautiful family holiday in special places in the world...
    So this is my goals
  • Thank you for helping me to continue the worksheet of my big Goals
  • You are welcome. It sounds like you are building a wonderful future!!
  • And still can you help me understand the difference between the defined Goals and the big Goas worksheet ?
  • Hi Sigal,

    In the "Preparing Yourself for Change" Worksheet, you are beginning to open your mind to the possibilities of what those changes may be. In other words, what might change in your physical experience as a result of the goal that you wrote down?

    The Big Goal worksheet is there to assist you in taking the clearly defined goal you wrote down in the other worksheet and elaborating on it a bit. Because it sounds as though all of your goals intertwine and work together, take that information and write down a complete vision of the end result of those things together. What might a vision of your end result look like? 

    Your "clearly defined goal" and your "Big goal" can (and most likely are) the same. The worksheets are there to assist you in priming your mind for both the changes and what those changes look like as an end result so it can begin to formulate a way to bring that into your perception as a physical reality.

    Does this answer your questions?

  • Ho...great! I understand now completely...thank you so much
  • You are so welcome! Glad that helped!! :)

  • Ho...great! I understand now completely...thank you so much
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