One Goal At A Time Or No?



  • Awesome thank you! Will be doing it with you Tracy :) !
  • Wonderful!♥️
  • I have been hesitant to try manifesting another goal in addition to my primary "big goal" as I am a bit concerned that it might throw me off my track and dedication or slows me down.  
    One of the steps was to set a date I would see my big goal manifest and I set it for the future as I'm working passionately towards it.  How would I know if my 2nd short-term goal would cause conflict or resistance with my primary goal? neither one has to do with the other, but how can I tell if working on both goals simultaneously doesn't cause resistance? 
    I am still doing morning and night mediation; usually to raise my vibes + changing course of events in the morning ( I keep going back to it as I feel empowered doing it), and DNA activation+ speed up your manifestation at night. I also increased the affirmations during the day. 
    If I added a new 2nd/short-term goal, how do I focus on it while I'm visualizing my primary goal at the same time?

  • Good question Wafa. There is only resistance when goals conflict with each other. For example, "I want to manifested abundance in all areas of my life" and "I want other people to approve of me." Those conflict.

    My experience is that my big goal also includes other goals. I have many goals in various areas of my life but at the end of the day they all are connected to my big goal.

    I know if there is a conflict or resistance by the way I feel. Remember, feelings are indicators of our vibrational output. When I become aware of fear, doubt or indecision, then I know I have resistance to something. Through self-examination, reflection and meditation I will get clarity on those negative feelings. Once I have clarity about these unwanted states , I can clean up my vibration. Luckily, this course is about cleaning up our vibration so that we can come into alignment with everything we desire!

    We truly can have anything we want. In truly believing that we experience positive, higher vibrations which allow everything we want to flow, via Law of Attraction, into our physical experience.

    You are doing great! You are doing the work! Your job now is to relax and enjoy. Be playful, laugh a lot, smile, have more fun in all areas of your life. Your emotional state is everything!

    I hope this was helpful to you! ♥️
  • edited July 2020
    Thank you so much Jessica.
    I feel great about my journey to manifesting my big goal.  I truly believe and I have no doubt my manifestation is on its way to me now. 

    However, there is a "BUT" when it comes to manifesting my 2nd goal.
     like you said, our goals are all connected at the end, so in experiencing high vibes to align with high frequency of abundance for example, everything around me is looking perfect including myself, but here comes the fear and doubt part which I only feel if I want to try manifesting the 2nd goal, and that I am aware of now..." Looking good" part-as in losing weight.  Since I have a health issue with thyroid and Hashimoto, it's a challenge for me (I'm trying to chose my words carefully but my words are not describing the severity of my condition, lol). I want to manifest eliminating this ailment and consequent disorders. 

    Now will that be considered resistance even though it has nothing to do with manifesting the abundance goal? and when I do I need to do separate mediation for each goal? 

  • I'm glad you shared this regarding health issues. Many people will benefit from it. Creating a healthy body after we have already created an illness requires a special discipline. A special commitment. You are ready! You have been doing the work at such a high level that the practice will be easy for you and make sense.

    The issue we are dealing with is one of focus. I know it is difficult sometimes to not focus on our bodies when they hurt or are not feeling well. However we must take our focus from our health altogether because of the resistance. When the body is not well and we try to directly affirm it's wellness in the face of discomfort our mind will say, "NO." But, when we us our mind to visualization a healthy body we bypass the minds insistence on focusing on the "now" condition.

    Here's what I suggest. Focus on and praise the parts of your body that feel good (pinky finger). Meditate (which you already do beautifully). Now the most important thing, visualize yourself the way you want to be. In your mind see yourself wearing the beautiful clothes, dancing, walking, feeling wonderful! Ask yourself "What would it be like to feel and look this way!" Now, visualize the answer. Daydream often about this. See the details. Live in your imagination on this one!

    Another piece: Rename the physical symptoms. The physical symptoms are your body telling you "help is on the way." Say that over and over. " Help is on the way!" " Help is on the way!" And with pain, call it a "sensation." I smashed my finger in the car door recently and as I squeezed it with the other hand and jumped up and down I said aloud, "OH WOW! WOW, WOW, WOW. WHAT A SENSATION THIS IS!!!" Renaming helps tremendously!

    Thank you for the question. I hope this helps. ♥️
  • Thank you so much Shelia.❤
    I will focus on that visualization as you said. I think I've already been seeing myself healthy and looking good in  doing the visualization for my first goal but focusing more on what I initially want to manifest, but now I will put more focus on how I feel if I was physically and medically in good condition.  Funny, how my manifestation list is automatically growing  as they are all connected to one another :-j  
  • We never finish! That's the joy of life! MORE! I'm really impressed with you commitment! ♥️
  • Shelia gives the best advice! I'm taking some golden nuggets away from this as well. Thank you for opening this discussion, Wafa. And thank you Shelia for sharing your amazing gift! 
  • Yes indeed, I am very inspired by both of you, we are blessed here to have both of your support  ^:)^

  • You are amazing Wafa! Keep up that sweet momentum! ♥️
  • Thank you Jessica, Sheila, SJ and others, this thread is absolute gold :)

  • Hello Gareth, my name is Shelia. I haven't met you in the forum yet. If you are new, welcome. I am here to guide and support you on this magnificent journey of becoming a deliberate creator and an evolving high vibrational Being. I am happy to see you doing this transformational work. ♥️
  • Hi Sheila,
    Thank you :) Yes I'm new, I joined the course at the back end of October. I had had enough of constantly trying to manifest and getting nowhere, so decided I needed to educate myself properly and learn a focused and systematic approach. Very excited to see what I can create going forward!
  • I can promise you that you are in the right place! Welcome my friend ♥️
  • Thank you Sheila, having such a great support network definitely makes the process easier! Have a great day :)
  • So happy to have you in the forum, Gareth! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We have a wonderful, curious and creative group of intentional manifestors in this space. :) 
  • Thank you Jessica :) I've just posted my first question to the forum, feeling better already just having put it into writing.
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