
Hey everyone. I'm starting over. I'm better than I was but have a question about visualizing my goal.
I think I asked this before.
When I try to visualize my outcome. Doesn't it become contradictory to imagine what my person looks like and how we met and the steps leading up to the end goal ?
I have a list of physical, and emotional attributes of what my perfect partner is and how I feel when I'm with them.


  • Emotions are the key. The more details the better as long as it feels good. Feel how it feels! Sometimes specific details create in us a twinge of resistance (a negative feeling). If that happens we just breathe and go a little bit more general. With all this work we want to be aware of the feeling in our bodies. If something feels stressful or causes tension, backup or move to another tool.

    I'm glad you are back! I hope this helped. ♥️
  • Ok. How do i create without being specific? I really do not understand going general.
    I think if holding hands, going out to dinner, hugging, iand introducing him to my friends. I pretend its real but then i feel the negative lack.
  • I seem to be impatient
  • I want you to think about how you will feel when your sweetheart shows up in the physical realm. For example, "when my guy shows up I will feel happy, warm, excited, appreciative, grateful, joyous." Those feelings are the vibrational frequency required for the desire to manifest. The work is to calibrate to that frequency. General to specific is a continuum. Another word for general is "broad perspective." General may look like, "I love knowing that my lover is on the way, I love knowing how Universal Laws operate, I love knowing that my lover is close by, it's just a matter of time before my lover appears in the flesh, I'm eternal, I love anticipating his arrival, it feels so good to think about my lover..."

    The work is to feel your way into the vibration of appreciation, joy, happy, grateful. Play with the visualization. Feel how far you can take it from general to the specifics. If frustration arises, you will know that you have gotten more specific than you are vibrationally ready for. We must get ready to be ready. It's a process. I also encourage you to conjure those feeling states as often as possible in day to day living. Look for things that feel good, bring you joy and things you can appreciate. Trust that the Universe has received your order and is standing ready to deliver. Your delivery address is the vibrational frequency of love, appreciation, gratitude, happiness. In that state of being you are preparing yourself for your delivery.

    Do whatever you need to do to create in yourself good feeling emotions. Feeling is the key. Find things to love, find things to appreciate. Be a lover and then the lover will appear!

    If thinking about the guy is frustrating, then stop thinking about him altogether. Find something that feels good to think about. Your request has been granted. Focus on flowers, butterflies, puppies or whatever has no resistance. Joy will be the result making you a match for what you desire.

    I hope that brings you some clarity. I encourage you to continue asking questions until you feel satisfied! ♥️
  • Thank you. I think that is why I'm so frustrated. I have moments even days when I feel happy, joyful even. Every morning I am grateful for at least one thing. I lay down at night and feel the feelings of being in love. I even talk to my partner. I even distract myself with TV when I feel negative. I stopped watching it a while ago.
    During my work day if I feel negative I acknowledge the thought and say that is my old belief and no longer applies.
    From the teachings I thought if I could be happy for even a few hours more like it would come. When nothing happens or works out it drops me back.
    People and my friends are nice and say when the time is right or stop thinking about it. I have. It has been 4 years. I've been able to meet 2 men but then i was dumped for another women. Yes i agree that someone better is coming along but they never appear.
    I have a wonderful daughter and we just got a puppy 2 months ago. I redirect my thoughts to them when I am extremely negative.

    My negative moments have become less and not as often. Of course Fridsay nights are always the worst for me.
  • I understand your "stuckness." This is a beautiful time to surrender. By accepting this moment just as it is, we find peace. Peace is a vibrational match to all things wanted. Surrender doesn't mean to give up. It means to accept this moment and be present to the now. Everytime you become aware of a negative feeling, realize that that is the voice of the ego inside your head. It is not who you are. It is not the real you. With that awareness, focus your conscious attention into your body and breathe. Focus until you feel the tingling sensation. Everytime you do that, your negative mind will calm. Peace will follow. Practice that like your life or the life of those you love depends on it. You will be amazed.
  • Thank you. After I wrote this message, did a meditation and had a Tarot reading (it was a quick card pull) message came up for me. I didn't understand but have been thinking about it. It is something about my patterns and co dependency. Which I never really thought I had. I interpret the message as accepting my wounds and loving them?
    Not sure how to do this..
    Every day I've been saying I live, honor and except myself. I'm guessing acknowledging and then changing the pattern is what i need to do!
    Even though I said I have trouble with the time-line exercise I realized I can do it the way my head tells me to. Not so much looking back at an event but the feeling of what I think is wrong or needs healing. hope that is making sense especially to anyone having issues like myself.
    Loving the parts of me that I don't is where I need to start.
    Like you said awareness and accepting the feeling breathing into it and letting it go. In a peaceful non judgment way.
  • I'm happy for you Nicole! You have discovered the path to the vibrational frequency of Peace and Joy. The ultimate state of manifesting! ♥️
  • Hey all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I tried again back in August but I can not seem to change my thinking and self limiting beliefs. Ugh so frustrating. My year is almost up. I don't even know what to ask!
    I do not know how to let go of people and past beliefs.
    I seem to keep reliving the same life?
    I met two men i really liked and have been dumped by both for another woman.
  • Hey all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I tried again back in August but I can not seem to change my thinking and self limiting beliefs. Ugh so frustrating. My year is almost up. I don't even know what to ask!
    I do not know how to let go of people and past beliefs.
    I seem to keep reliving the same life?
  • I hear your frustrations Nicole. I know that your level of consciousness is rising. Otherwise you would have given up. You are in the process of becoming aware. You are awakening now. These last few layers of self-defeating, sufferings are peeling away. In a short amount of time, as you focus your attention on the inside rather than the outside, you will begin to know a vibrational frequency that feels like peace, security, safety. In this vibrational state of being, neediness and lack will fall away. You will know freedom and you will know satisfaction. You will be a beautiful match for all things similar. I salute you and praise your persistence. I look forward to hearing more about your journey. You are a beautiful flower on the edge of full bloom. ♥️
  • Sheila! After I wrote the message above I visualized and meditated. I went onto the your universe channel. I watched your video from March, the one Jessica posted, and a few others. I realized I was still "seeking" which put me back in the feeling of lack. All this time it just took that shift to realize why I was falling back and being depressed about why it wasn't "working". Without knowing I was still carrying around my limiting beliefs and the past. I'm constantly saying I can't let go but I can. It was just a matter of accepting letting go is a process and limiting myself is limiting my abundance.
    It is not going to happen overnight but know I have the sense of knowing. When I fall back it's OK!!! Be aware of it and stop being frustrated. I am undoing 50 years worth of self sabatoging and limiting beliefs. It may take me a little longer.
    I'm not seeking now. Everyday may not be perfect but I'm getting there!
    Thank you. Thank you thank you.
    Not to be so long winded which I usually am, but I want someone else who is like me to understand!!
    So it takes me a year but I'm doing it! I'm changing my beliefs.
  • Yes, Nicole! This is a profound revelation! There really is nothing to seek anyway...it is all within you. And you are tapping into it!! Based on what you've just written, that is very evident. :)

    Every day isn't perfect for everyone. However, it is always an opportunity to check in with yourself and make adjustments. Shelia is correct - Your level of consciousness is rising. And if I had to bet on it, I'd say you can feel that within you. We're always doing "the work." Enjoy that journey, Nicole. It can be so invigorating when we are flowing with it. :) 
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