New small successes manifested

Hello tribe, it's been a while and I have came a long way in my journey to manifesting my goal. 
I tried to manifest a small 2nd goal while I'm working on my big goal but I found myself focusing on my big goal and forgot my 2nd! That's ok as we've established that they're all connected anyways. 

few weeks ago, I started experiencing regular small successes, and I still do, which has excited. Every day I express my gratitude in many ways and try to keep my emotions and vibes elevated to continue my successes.  However, I started feeling the weakening of the dopamine impact; as I've learned from the feedback loop section in the course.  I now have a better understanding of the feedback loop and how it works, it's amazing how you have covered the process exactly as we would experience it, Jessica! 

My question here is, are those early opportunities of small successes that gradually began to feel less significant.still considered part of the manifestation even though there is no correlation between them and my big goal?   I am wondering if these small successes were the groundwork for building the feedback loops that my creative machine utilizes as part of the program. Sometimes I think maybe I have a belief ceiling but I still want more out of life than what I'm experiencing.

And what do I do now that I feel the weakening of the small successes impact and significance to me.. I had interim breaks last 2-3 weeks due to hectic schedule but I'm back full force to the process using affirmations, meditations, and I use your youtube channel which highly motivates me and helps a lot in keeping my emotions high. 


  • edited September 2020
    Hi Wafa!

    These are great questions! To answer the first, yes! Success, from your definition of that, is always success to the inner workings of your brain -- even if those successes don't feel as significant as they once did. We're always growing and evolving, so we're always going to want to experience something new. They may not seem to be a part of the big goal to you, but what they are is proof that you do, in fact, create success in your life - that you already know how to do that. 

    I recently created a video specifically about dopamine and I'll outline below some of what I do (and have done in the past) to impact those positive feedback loops and reward my brain. This comes directly from the article I wrote about this.

    Important note: When we update the reward value of our behavior, we can
    easily create new habits that drive us towards success.

    Here’s how I did this:

    1.     In
    psychology, there is a term known as implementation intention. This is a
    strategy that leads to better goal attainment and assists in modifying
    behavior, brain reward and, in turn, creating new habits. With these types of
    intentions, you specify the when, where and how portions of goal-directed
    behavior. For example, “I will study at my desk on (specified date and time)
    for 1 hour.” This automates action and assists in overcoming procrastination.
    In other words, it makes a person much more likely to perform an action. 

    3.     Using the implementation intentions just mentioned, write a list of committed actions to follow through with
    that will lead you towards success. In the second column, list rewards
    that you will allow yourself once those actions are completed. These are daily
    actions and daily rewards. So, it doesn’t have to be all work and no play. This
    teaches brain that it will receive a reward after doing something that moves you towards your big goal and will keep you from depleting your dopamine levels early
    in the day, which causes a decrease in motivation.

    4.     Remove yourself from distractions that will activate the dopamine craving your related to old habits that don't drive you towards success. For me, I
    would move my phone to another room, avoid social media and I stopped buying snack
    type foods that might give me an excuse to walk away from a commitment.

    5.     Personally, I put a note up near my desk that reads, “Procrastination feels bad. Success feels
    great!” This reminds my brain of the rewards it will receive for creating
    success. Each trigger we have creates a behavior that creates a reward for the
    brain. Starting a behavior can sometimes be the thing that blocks us. This note
    triggered me to start a behavior that was working for me and the life I wanted
    to live, which is the reward. It’s important to note here that the behavior with
    the biggest reward is always the one we will act out.

    6.     I
    gave myself positive rewards that were linked to increased dopamine levels.
    These included listening to high vibrational music, spending time in nature
    soaking up the sun, restful sleep, meditation and creating vision boards that
    included things that I considered as successful outcomes.

    To change a habit, we have to change the experience of
    the rewards we are getting from our behavior. In doing so, we create automatic
    behaviors that become habitual and drive us towards success. 

    Although more centered on action than just intention, these tips are a great way to create those automatic habits that drive you towards your goals. Once those habits are in place, the behavior will also become automatic. 

    I hope you find this helpful and that it answers your questions! :) 


  • This sure helped me! Glad to hear from you Wafa! ♥️
  • Thank you so much Jessica, these were fantastic tips. I'm not only having fun with this process but I am enjoying the psychology parts in dealing with the brain and how to trick it.  :))

    So if I get this correctly, these steps are to update our reward value by creating new habits that will drive us towards our success.  Once these new habits, brain rewards and successes become automatic even if they were not exactly related to the intended big goal, this will ultimately drive us towards manifesting our goal, right? 

    to summarize what I need to do:

    1- Implementation intention to modify my behavior and create new habits 

    2- commit to action list and reward list. I have good idea of what these list will consist of!

    3- No distractions - easy for me, most of the time. I am not a social media person.

    4- Reminding the brain of the rewards it will receive for creating success. I find this very important step and I will need to work on it more. I have notes that say "I will not fall prey to bad influences or negativity that will slow me down or stop my success" or "This mind is my domain and I will rule it by force", they push me to keep going, but sometimes what used to motivate me get old and mundane; I just walk by them and don't affect me as I've seen them/repeated them/thought of them so many times they lose their power to affect me. Then after a while I looked at them and I get fired up. these emotions go in circle, back and forth. 
    to overcome the mundane pattern I listen to new affirmation and repair DNA music from youtube, change the photos on my vision board. 

    "Starting a behavior can sometimes be the thing that blocks us" . 
    What do you mean by this, would you give an example please?

    In mentioning the high vibration music; is it more effective to listen to it during sleep as it goes in our subconscious mind?  how effective will it be if we can't raise or elevate our emotions to match the high frequency during sleep? 
    Will it also work if we also listen to it and to affirmations during the day in the background?  my understanding is we have to elevate our emotions to match the high frequency and energy in order to manifest our goals, and if we just play the affirmations and music in the background or during sleep, how will that work or be effective? 

    Sorry for all these questions. 

  • Hi Shelia, thank you, good to read from you here, I hope all is well ♥️
  • Hi Wafa!

    I love how dedicated you are and the notes you have written to yourself! That's so awesome!

    To answer your questions:

    Once these new habits, brain rewards and successes become automatic even if they were not exactly related to the intended big goal, this will ultimately drive us towards manifesting our goal, right?  The goal with these types of exercises is to prime your brain with the achievement of success. Basically, you're teaching yourself that you can, in fact, create a desired outcome that relates to success. So, ultimately, yes!

    "Starting a behavior can sometimes be the thing that blocks us" . 
    What do you mean by this, would you give an example please? Most certainly. The behavior is exactly what is outlined in the previous response. Going through the processes of setting the implementation goals and following through with them is the behavior, as is writing those notes and glancing at them several times per day. Going through the course and actually implementing the steps and processes is also creating a new behavior - which you're doing wonderfully! Thinking about creating success is great. Following through with behaviors that actually create success is even better! You are an animation of physical existence. If you're going to move, why not move in a direction that creates successful outcomes? :) 

    In mentioning the high vibration music; is it more effective to listen to it during sleep as it goes in our subconscious mind?  how effective will it be if we can't raise or elevate our emotions to match the high frequency during sleep?  There are many ways to implement this. Guided meditation is great, as is specific frequency music. The beauty of frequency music is that it entrains the mind and body without any conscious effort. I recently created a frequency meditation channel for just this reason. You can check that out here: ; Most of these meditations can be listened to while either awake or sleeping, and all have specific frequencies designed for healing specific areas. (There will be some deep sleep tracks added in the near future, and those are self-explanatory.) 

    The rest is on the next post (it says it's too long, haha.)

  • my understanding is we have to elevate our emotions to match the high frequency and energy in order to manifest our goals, and if we just play the affirmations and music in the background or during sleep, how will that work or be effective?  When listening to affirmations, they are absorbed by the subconscious mind, whether you consciously "hear" them, or not. You don't always have to be in an elevated emotional state; in fact, it wouldn't really be natural to try to force that to happen. Our emotions are a great guidance system! However, when affirmations do sink into the subconscious mind with repetition, you may find that you are more easily able to get re-centered when you find yourself not feeling so great, or not feeling aligned with your manifestation goals. Again, this is a behavior that creates a new result. 

    All of these things are the "work" that creates new habits and behavior. I applaud you for your dedication! Try not to overthink it - just flow with it naturally. Do what makes you happy and what feels like success to you!


  • Thank you so much Jessica♥️ these tips and all the information are so wonderful they make me feel so excited and more motivated. I do feel like a different person from the time I started; personal growth and more control over my thoughts and emotions not to mention all the successes I'm experiencing on the way to manifesting my big goal. God bless you !
  • by the way, I am subscribed to your new channel and listened to the new 7 tones of creation music it was awesome and took me by surprise as I grew up listening to this type of music in my home country. 
    I love all the videos on your channel, they are addictive! 
  • You're welcome, Wafa! I love to hear that it offered you some added enthusiasm! :)

    And thank you for supporting my frequency music channel! I'm having a lot of fun with it, as is my adult son Lee. He mixed/produced the 7 tones of creation frequency music and I was blown away by his understanding of the tones and his talent. (Of course, I'm a bit partial to him - haha.)


  • He obviously has great talent and excellent taste in music! I can see from the videos in the new channel there has been a lot of efforts and well thought of plan and work. All the best.
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