Here i go again

Yikes. I suffer from depression on the cusp of bipolar. It is well managed. Could this be the reason for me to be unable to change my beliefs??
I have a great job and a wonderful daughter. My company was just sold so I'm a little nervous. It always works out.
My issue is convincing my subconscious that I can be do and have anything I want. I can not seem to get past my limiting beliefs regarding a romantic loving relationship. Basically a boyfriend! Lol. I've met two men i really liked but one dumped me and the other never texts or initiates so I stopped texting him.
My main goal has been to manifest my dream man. Figured after that, Abundance in other things like money house job would follow.
I seem to still have blocks but can not figure out why.
I knew this was going to be a great program I had followed Jessica on YouTube for a year or so before I joined.
Am i just so negative I can not change it?


  • Change is the only thing you can count on Nicole. Bipolar, properly treated can be an advantage. The potential power for creativity is great. Some of our greatest minds, artist, composers have had the gift. It is a gift because it requires you to focus and become self-aware, fully conscious. My advice to you is stop focusing on the boyfriend for awhile and take that incredible focus to a desire that has no resistance. I believe what you are looking for you already have. It is inside you and when you connect to it one of two things will happen. One, the boyfriend will appear or two, you won't really care one way or another. Aren't you ultimately looking for peace? Go inward for awhile and let's see what happens. ♥️
  • Hi Nicole! 

    Shelia is spot on, as always! The work here is internal - to become peaceful within FIRST. To cultivate such a strong love within yourself, for yourself and others, that individuals are naturally drawn to that. But, not because they will be drawn to that - because that love will carry you and endure you through anything. Because loving the self is so freeing and feels so secure. Because falling in love with YOU is the ultimate prize! When this happens, outer circumstances don't shake you. 

    I would encourage you to stop telling the story about these men. Stop replaying that in your mind. I know it seems counterproductive to put all the focus on you instead of outside circumstances, but I can promise you that when you do that everything else will naturally fall into place. I know this through both personal experience and through working with clients.

    You've go this! :)

  • Thank you. It helps me to write on here and receive the feedback..In the last week when I walk past a mirror I tell myself i love me. I have definitely evolved over the last 9 months.
    I have so much compassion for others but maybe not for myself.. I work with cancer patients. It always reminds me, subconsciously, how healthy and vibrant I am. I have a great network of friends. Mostly all are married or in a relationship. It's hard to ignore I'm the "single" person when we are together. I went through the visualization part. When we went out to dinner I was able if only for a few minutes visualize my "boyfriend " sitting across from me! Update soon.
  • Thank you. Everyday I walk past a mirror I tell myself i love me.
    I have so much compassion for others. I work with cancer patients.I have a great network of friends. Mostly all are married or in a relationship. Its hard to ignore I'm the "single" person when we are together.
  • Keep reminding yourself that it isn't an overnight matter. It takes a lot of action. You are doing a good job, just keep it up and miracles will be your new normal! The most important thing that we must do, especially when we suffer from obsessive thinking, is meditate every morning. Meditation is the medicine! Don't step your medicine for any reason! It's one day at a time being present in the present. You got this! ♥️
  • The fact that you give of yourself in the medical field says so much about the wonderful person you are, Nicole. When we give in that capacity, the law of cause and effect tells us that it will come back to us. Whatever you send out will be returned to you. (Compassion and Love)

    You're not necessarily the "single" person, although that is a label you can carry. You could also use the labels of nurturer, caregiver and loving individual. You are connected to everything! Patience and presence is the key! 
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