Specific person

Hello. Just wanted an opinion.
I am manifesting a romantic partner. I had some work to clean up past events and self limiting beliefs. I have trouble letting go. I want to bring back a previous relationship.

Is it possible to manifest a "specific person" ? I always say him or someone better.
When I visualize I see his face. I hear his voice.
From the work I've been doing I'm guessing its better to just let go but I'm having trouble visualizing someone else..


  • Anything is possible for one who truly believes. However, I do not think we get to create/manifest in the lives of others. I suggest you avoid the topic as much as possible. It has too much anxiety attached to it. I find visualizing emotionally very effective. Focus on the feeling of romance instead of the physical form it will take. Letting go is powerful. Trust that the Universe knows exactly what you want and you we be able to receive only when you are a vibrational match. Make how you feel the most important thing in your life. Check in with yourself constantly. Reach for calm. Visualize yourself calm and peaceful. Let the romance be within you, with your higher self. Then it will show itself in in the outside world. So within, so without. Inside first!

    Remember, you are much loved ♥️
  • Thank you. I was doing the Changing the course of events and Installing a future memory. I'm try to block the face of my person so it is not a specific person. Especially a past one.
  • Trying to block something is resistance. That only makes what we are resisting stronger. See it for what it is, bless it and let it go. Focus on the feeling of what you want. Give the details to the Universe. You can trust the Universe to deliver exactly what you want emotionally. Our emotions are the vibrational frequency. ♥️
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