
Hi everyone,

I realise that I've been trawling the questions and highjacking the discussions on a few threads and nobody even knows who I am! :)

I'm Gareth, originally from Durban in South Africa but currently living in London (well Surrey, but close enough) for the last 12 years or so. Happily married and a father of an amazing little boy. 

I'm looking develop my manifestation abilities to work for me, rather than against me and take control of them instead of them running wild! My main focus is wealth and abundance so that first and foremost I can create a fantastic life for my family (as well as my parents) and then focus on dedicating both time and money to conservation efforts (African Wildlife mainly, which is close to my heart) and other charities.

I look forward to growing, developing and manifesting abundance with the rest of you.



  • Thank you for introducing yourself. It is good to know a little about you and your goals. I am here to offer you support in any way I can. You are obviously a beautiful soul. ♥️
  • Thank you Sheila :) I appreciate the kinds words and offer of help. 

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