Subconscious Self worth

Hi all! I've been working with the course for about 7 weeks. I've emailed and posted questions for guidance previously. Which have helped tremendously!
A thought occurred to me today and was also brought to my attention by another person (today as well)
Subconsciously I still seem to be having a problem with my own self worth.
I'm not sure which areas of the course I should concentrate on that would help me conquer this?
I'm assuming installing more affirmations of worthiness, enoughness and self love.
Thank you!


  • Hey Nicole,

    I think I once had that issue. People would compliment me on how beautiful I was and I just never saw myself as being beautiful.

    Then one day, I looked in the mirror and I told myself, Angela, its true you are beautiful. I believed what I said. I ran with it.

    I also use to think I wasn't good enough to have nice things. A nice home, car. Money. One day I remembered I had been praying and God was talking to me. He said I was the apple of His eye, that I walked in the earth with His heart. By that He meant that, I cared about people as He cared about us.

    From that day, oh I knew I was special. I knew that one day, my worth would be more precious than rubies.

    That day is today. It's right now. Nicole, you are more precious than rubies.
  • Unfortunately my subconscious still doesn't allow me to believe these things.
    My issue isn't beauty or actual money.
    My issue is more about people. I want to "please" by doing things. My subconscious tells me if I do these things then I will be liked
    and praised. Wanting approval from others.
  • Hi Nicole, what I'm hearing is that you are experiencing resistance at a subconscious level. My experience in that place is that I have to begin there. I have to reprogram my subconscious to be reprogramable. I use affirmations like, "I easily and effortlessly change my old beliefs," "my subconscious mind is open to receive new and empowering beliefs," "I am changing my subconscious program right now." Affirmations like that help to soften resistance which allows the new programs to be integrated quicker and with less frustration. Your passion for this work is amazing.♥️
  • Hi Nicole,

    I think Shelia nailed this with her answer! It's a great suggestion that I recommend you try out! 

    I also highly recommend working with the timeline video processes given in both the first and second module. Those are really powerful tools to address the types of things you are working on. :)

  • I apologize for my previous comment. I'm extremely frustrated with myself.
    Unfortunately I am not making any progress. I actually thought I was doing quite well with the program. Again I do appreciate everyone's support and help.
  • Nicole,

    We got only one shot at this life and life is to precious to give up trying. When a baby is trying to walk they don’t give up they try till they walk. If your subconscious mind is powerful that means eventually your Manifestation will be great once you stick to what you want.

    I have been on this journey for almost a year and I have not gotten what I want but I have seen small changes which gives me courage to continue. 

    Everything you are seeking in this life is also seeking you, be strong YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT.

    With Gratitude,

  • Thanks for your support Russell. I'm so glad to hear if everyone's success either big or small.
    I've been working diligently on myself for many years. Changing my deep down integrated beliefs are just so challenging and overwhelming for me.
    I as well repeat affirmations, write gratitude lists and meditate every day.
    Best manifesting to everyone.❤
  • Hi Nicole...I definitely understand your frustration.  I have been working on myself with similar techniques to these for 30 yrs and haven't conquered myself yet.  I think some of your challenges are what we talked about in a thread I started called My Creative Machine.  The info I've been given there seems useful and I have started using my help or point your toward an area that can help. I read this discussion because your title is exactly what an Aha moment told me about myself. 

    Keep the faith and good luck!! James
  • Hello James! I have been off the forum and course for a few weeks.
    Thank you for your kind words ❤.
    You seem to be accomplishing your goals! Keep going.
    In the beginning I was so excited. Finally something was going to change! This course most definitely is different then anything else.
    I did make progress but then I went backwards. Took a total nosedive.

    Unfortunately I have trouble with the timeline and "being" the person who gas what I want.
    If I could "just be happy" and figure out how to "be" that person I probably wouldn't be here! It's a constant battle. I know I'm worthy and have so many awesome qualities! I think that adds to my frustration.
    It's nice to see so much progress from the other members! It makes me smile to know people are changing for the better.
    I will think of you and those in the group today with love and positive energy!!
  • I will be taking a second pass through the course this week.
  • I'm on my second pass now Nicole...still working towards that Ultimate shift .....
  • It is a process and a practice for sure!. You can do it! Never give up. I look forward to hearing more stories and questions from all of you! ♥️
  • Hey Nicole! You are doing great girl! The fact that you are here... taking a second pass though the course really does show that you do believe you are worthy... Sometimes when we are making progress and then take a "nose dive" like you said-it  is our subconscious wanting to keep us at "status quo". 

     I like to think of it like a thermostat in a house... we set the temp to stay regulated at a certain temperature and when the house deviates from that setting, it regulates it automatically.  

    Our subconscious does the same... It happens to all of us. So please try and look at it from an observation rather than a judgement of you. It's not a "nosedive" , it's just wanting to reset itself back to what is familiar. When this happens I just simply observe and say "ohhh you again...old friend " lol and then gently remind myself that this is part of the process and I choose to not go back to that old setting. 

    Then just simply redirect thoughts and feelings to a setting that is more in alignment of that you want to be and feel... Eventually you will be able to catch it in the front end and redirect more easily. It just takes practice. :) I hope this helps! 
  • Hello all I read through the comments again and thank you very much.
    I have decided to start the course again this week.
    Thank you! I'll let you all know.
  • That's good news Nicole! Keep us posted!♥️
  • Wonderful! Excited to hear about your shifts :)
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