Reprogram New Beliefs

Hi all,

I've just tried the reprogramming new beliefs exercise... 3 times.

I still get a "no" response from my body on my muscle test. I used the initial standard belief as per the exercise; "I can easily make my dreams my reality".
It's a bit disheartening because I almost expected it not to work (undoubtedly a limiting belief I need to deal with in itself); I often just feel that for some reason my subconscious is not interested in letting me reprogram it the way that it should or the way that most people do. Almost like it's saying; Fool, you knew it wouldn't be that easy for you. I'm hoping this is not true and I just need a little extra "something" to help me. Or maybe I need to tackle that limiting belief first - if so, do you know how?

Has anybody felt the same way, or been through the same thing? How did you break the mould, show your subconscious who's boss?
I'm still working through the course, but I really want to smash section 1 first, before moving onto the remainder. 

FYI, I tend to overthink EVERYTHING, so not sure if this is just that, or whether my constant questioning is actually sabotaging my attempts at reprogramming my subconscious.



  • Hi Gareth,

    That's just the old belief trying to hold on and defend itself. And that's perfectly natural! 

    When we follow a specific type of belief for any length of time, it creates a pathway in the brain. This pathway then tends to be what is "traveled" most often because it is the easiest route - from the brain's point of view.

    What I would encourage you to understand is this: You've spent your lifetime creating, affirming and recreating these types of beliefs. So, it's important to be patient with yourself when changing them. You may find that some of the processes work much more quickly for you and that others require a little more dedication. There's no rush. Each practiced step will help you build new roadways that your brain will begin to use more naturally - just as it has done in the past. 

    I'm happy to hear you are really focusing in on the first section of the course. If you need some added info (and it doesn't feel overwhelming to you), go down to the bonus section of the course and download your copy of the Manifestation Action Plan. You may find some of these tips and processes to be very practical in assisting you with the first section of the course. 

    Also, overthinking is only a habit that needs a little conscious attention. You can learn to still your mind in the same way you've learned to "overthink." The processes, especially the meditations, should be helpful with this. However, the questioning you refer to is a good thing! You're AWARE and working on a change!

    As I said in my email to you, I admire your dedication! Be easy with yourself and don't make it too much of a chore.

    As always, I'm here to help!


  • Thank you Jessica,

    I appreciate the detailed response. As the saying goes, "neurons that fire together, wire together", so I will keep patiently creating the new neural pathways and let the old ones fall away.

    Thank you also for bringing my attention back to the action plan - I hadn't actually started using that, but will get that sorted for tomorrow morning's session! :)

    And you're right, I don't want to turn it into a chore. Rather than rushing a breakthrough, better to let it happen naturally and easily and then really and truly revel in it when it comes, which it will :)

    Thank you also for sending across the meditation, very excited to try that in bed shortly.

    Have a lovely day on your side of the pond.

  • Staying in the present moment and allowing the processes to work for you will create amazing results! Let us know how the meditation works for you...I get tons of amazing testimonials for that one! 
  • Will do Jessica! I've done day 3 so far :) and am doing it in bed at night, which I understand is what should be done. I don't think I've made it past minute 5 yet before falling asleep! Is that OK, or should I be doing it before I go to bed, to (try) and avoid falling asleep? :)

    Cheers, Gareth
  • Hi Gareth,

    I fall asleep often to meditations such as this while imagining my end result. Your subconscious absorbs every bit of it the meditation, even without your conscious awareness. Repetition is the key! :) 


  • Fantastic, thank you Jessica.

    I've been on quite a few different courses and trainings over the years, but I feel yours is going to be the real catalyst for change in my life. Love your work and dedication to your community - it is very much appreciated! :)

  • Thank you, Gareth! I appreciate your kind words and support! 
  • You're very welcome :)
  • Hello Jessica/Shelia/Tribe:
    Is it possible that after I eliminate an old belief - or at least I thought I have- that it returns/comes back again? 
    Today someone made a comment to me that made me feel as if all my efforts were futile in regards to this particular part of my life that I'm trying to improve. Although this was not my big goal but as mentioned before in previous discussions that all these little or partial goals kind of tie up together.  At that moment I questioned myself: was that a limiting belief ? I thought that I have removed all limiting beliefs that stopped me from accomplishing my big goal.  Any input?

  • Hi Wafa!

    So happy to see a post from you! :)

    Yes, there can be little lingering remnants that pop up now and again that may still be attached to old memories and feeling states. The one thing I really wanted to say about your post is that no one has the ability to "make" you feel anything. We often learn at a young age that outside people and circumstances dictate our reality. But through this work, we know the opposite is true. In other words, allow yourself to begin entertaining the thought that no one or no thing has the power to cause you to feel this way. It's an internal job and only indicates that a little more examination is needed regarding your beliefs.

    Our goals often do tend to tie together. The main goal usually points in the direction of happiness, freedom and love. At our essence, that is what most of us would choose to experience as our dominant state. Questioning yourself is a good thing. You can use the course material to find out what it is that is coming up for you. You've already done a fantastic job at this, so this little, tiny thing that is coming up should be a piece of cake! Get in there and eradicate it! :) 

    I hope you find this answer helpful!

  • Dido to Jessica's response. It is essential that we own all of our experiences. Everytime I think that someone or something created my feelings, I give my personal power away. In the state of victim hood I am powerless. We must constantly remind ourselves that we create our own reality with the thoughts we choose to think, which are followed by our emotions. It must be my habit to always be reaching for a thought that feels better. It's really good to hear from you Wafa! ♥️
  • Thank you so much Jessica and Shelia, and it's always good to read from both of you; I love being here♥️ 
    I must have read your replies 10 times and the more I read your words of wisdom the more they sink in my head and heart, then I think how valuable this work and the knowledge we get in this course; this brings me to tears (of joy, of course).

    "It's an internal job"- I had no idea!  I knew that I can control my feelings, but this is a game changer.

    This is going to take a lot of practice from my end as emotions happen unexpectedly. How do I get the power "NOT" to feel the moment I hear a hurtful comment? I am able to control my feelings AFTER the fact by not allowing it getting to me and refuse to be affected by it.

    " In the state of victim hood I am powerless" - This is the exact thought that helps me get over things, but again, after the fact. 

    I examined and questioned myself why did I feel this way and that actually made me feel better as I had to face my emotions and use my knowledge from this work. this old limiting belief has been engrossed deep down since childhood now I have to focus on it before anything; like you said Jessica "The main goal usually points in the direction of happiness, freedom and love" now I know more what this meant. 

    We must constantly remind ourselves that we create our own reality with the thoughts we choose to think, which are followed by our emotions"  I'm counting on that Shelia!  Back to my UMM bible to get this limiting belief out of my system! 

    Thank you so much for your support  ^:)^ 
  • Hi Wafa,

    In reading your post, I detect an "Aha!" moment! Don't you just love those??

    You're correct that sometimes the emotions happen unexpectedly. To answer your question: "How do I get the power 'NOT' to feel the moment I hear a hurtful comment?" I'm going to refer you to the "How to Become the Ultimate Creator of Your Experience" bonus within the course. In practicing the tools given there, I think you'll find the answer. This part of the course specifically addresses what you are working on at this time. :)

    I believe that what you are experiencing is only a tiny fragment of a limiting belief just slightly lingering around. Because you've been able to create so much success in eradicating limiting beliefs thus far with this work, I have no doubt that you will be able to easily wipe that little fragment away!

    Please let me know if you have any questions about the techniques I've referred you to!

  • edited December 2020
    Thank you Jessica for referring me directly to the part I needed to read that was very helpful.
    I remember working that part of the course before but now I realize that I have not practiced everything in the techniques.

    I mastered the part about communicating with my subconscious mind with imagery and heightening feeling to match, on command as it became very easy to do numerous times during the day. 

    Correct me if I"m wrong; one of the techniques was to own the experience and start it from within.  So, I just need to combine my thoughts/imagery with heightened emotions and this will create the experience that I want, right?

    I have been doing exactly that to manifest my goal, but I never thought of it in any other daily experience with others, where it's not even related to my manifestation.  For example, I had positive thoughts and feelings of excitements for something I've done and offered to others for Christmas, but others "behaviour" - or lack of it- caused my feelings to change to say it mildly. I chose to let go and not to hold it inside me because I was practicing what I read in this course.  But how did I "create" my experience in this incident?  I think I understand what you're trying to explain in the course but I'm finding it a bit challenging to do it. by "creating the experience" you mean the thought combined with aligned feelings, but how about other's behaviour and remarks?

    when you stated " The world is what you think it is and you'll tend to see whatever it is you're looking for" I truly believe it and know exactly how that feels because I've felt it and been through it several times, but it unfortunately it is not a lasting moment for me and I'm not successful in following this all the time, so many things to practice  :D 

  • Hi Wafa,

    When you find yourself experiencing an internal reaction because of a perceived outer circumstance, pause and ask yourself what that means. Why are you feeling that way? What's going on internally that creates the experience of (fill in the blank)? 

    For example, "When I gave my mom a gift that I worked really hard on, she didn't seem to like it so much. That made me feel terrible. I create the experience (within me) of feeling terrible when people don't react the way I expect them to. I am finding ways to feel peace within when others don't offer back to me what I think they should. It's okay if they don't give me a reaction I prefer. I am going to feel this peace within me for what I have done. It excited me to create this gift and I will hold onto that no matter what takes place. I will commit to referring back to my original feeling state and remain in this space because I enjoy the experience of that."

    This allows you to create the experience of feeling that excitement no matter what happens! The internal experience is, after all, what everyone here is working on having more of in a positive way. Really, it frees you from reactionary emotions. As I've stated before, most of us are not really taught to do this. But it is well worth practicing to become proficient at this skill! 

    I believe if you set the intention to "find ways to feel (fill in the blank)" no matter what happens, you will begin to see some pretty massive changes. You can try doing this before (pre-paving) your next meeting with someone who might have offered you less than desirable reactions in the past. If you catch yourself going back to the old emotion, that's okay! Keep training yourself to do this and it will become automatic. It's truly freeing!!

    Does this answer you question?

  • edited December 2020
    I would like to add, others will begin to see this change in you and it will cause them to pause as well. As a result, I believe you will begin to see the outer circumstances adjust as well. You will start to see others giving you back the experience you prefer and are creating internally.  Ah, the law of attraction...  :) 
  • You are doing great work Wafa. I admire your commitment to the process. I want to toss my two cents in because I know you are sincerely asking for guidance.

    As I read your question two things jumped up at me. First was this statement, "but others "behaviour" - or lack of it- caused my feelings to change to say it mildly." No one "caused" your feelings to do anything. Everytime we give others blame or credit for how we feel inside, we give away our personal power. I want you to own your feelings as yours. They are generated by the stories (thoughts) we tell ourselves about situations, people, or about our own self. When I tell myself that everyone is doing the best they can based on their level of consciousness, there is nothing to be offended by. When I know for sure that everyone is right where they are in life, then I can begin to remove them from my emotional equation. I can stop expecting people to be different from who they are. What follows is peace. We may not be happy and joyous but peace is good!

    The second thing that caught my eye was this statement, "But how did I "create" my experience in this incident?" What I've learned the hard way is that it doesn't matter how I created what is in front me. What matters is that I know I did create it! Asking "how" invites me into the past. It invites me to create more of what I don't want! I must remember that my point of power is in the "right now!" Right now is what matters. What am I thinking right now. What am I feeling right now? What can I do right now to shift any unwanted or negative energy?

    - I create my own reality 100%
    - My power to create is in the Now

    You are awesome Wafa! ♥️

  • Hi Jessica,

    Thank you so much for the explanations and recommendation, I am going to make the next month a personal exercise for me to work and observe my feelings and reactions. The only way to be honest about it is to keep my daily journal of what I do and feel on daily basis. 
    "it frees you from reactionary emotions"   Yes, that's me! I am indeed a person who reacts immediately and my emotions a lot of times go rampant without notice. I need to get back on meditations more often that kind of put my heart/brain on "neutral" but I fell off the wagon with 1-2 meditations a week recently. 

    I will also set my intentions like you suggested, this makes me want to lower my expectations of what/how others may react. I'll keep practicing till it becomes automatic.  Thank you so much
  • hmm, my reply to Shelia disappeared from the previous message, let me try again.

    Shelia your input and care is so much appreciated, I have to remind myself that I have the power to create my feelings and no one is causing it. I'm going to be working more on this process for the next month. 

    I find your statement "I can stop expecting people to be different from who they are" so helpful and a powerful tool to remember every time I want to set my intention and make prior expectations. awesome!

    What can I do right now to shift any unwanted or negative energy?" I am grateful now that I know more about the energy around me and I make an effort frequently during the day to observe it and once I feel bad energy I make the necessary changes to shift bad energy away and get a positive one.  

    I have to add, every time I go over the course and read the pdf or watch videos I get a deeper understanding of the content and relate to it more. The more I read the more I learn and even find content that somehow I missed or maybe I read but didn't really relate to. It's so much fun and powerful, not only to manifest my goal but I feel it's making me a better person wit more peace, love, happiness. I'm so blessed!  Thank you so much for this opportunity.
    In the last week of this year, I want to wish all of you a better new year filled with love, light, joy, abundance and peace! ♥️

  • You really are amazing Wafa! You are a gift to the tribe! ♥️
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