Meditation Experience

edited April 2020 in General
I just edited this topic as I found the answer in another thread. I will pay more attention next time, sorry!

Here is the 2nd part of my question:

I would appreciate any input on an experience I had last week during my mediation. I've been doing at least 2 mediation first thing in the morning, and 2 other ones before bed time. 

One of the meditation I did at night was DNA activation. During the meditation I suddenly I realized my neck and head were tilted back as if someone behind me was pulling my head down and it was very heavy that I could not move it to an upright position, so I had to lay it down on the chair's headrest and slid my body down and lifted my legs up placing them on a table in front of me to get in a more comfortable position. It was not painful feeling but it was uncomfortable till I finished the meditation and things were back to normal.  

Then, last night I did another meditation and suddenly I felt as if my heart was going to pop out of my head, where the 3rd eye area is. That was scary!  my head was beating and pulsating for few seconds then stopped.
Did anyone have any similar experiences? any thoughts of what might be an explanation to all that? or maybe I'm just hallucinating 


  • You are not hallucinating! As we begin becoming deliberate in our meditation practice our bodies must adjust to the higher frequencies. I have had such body experiences. As a matter of fact, I will tell you a funny story. In 1999 I began meditation practice. I had a teacher. He was a beautiful, wise Indian man. Following a practice with him one afternoon I came out of meditation and with innocence and seriousness I asked him, "Has anyone ever died during meditation?" (Imagine his Indian accent) And he answered with a smile, "Only a lucky few." Then he laughed. After that I was able to fully relax and surrender. The result was an ability to hear with new ears, see with clarity, live with joy. I think you are on to something big. I look forward to hearing more!♥️
  • Bless you!! this is a great motivation indeed. I still get the heavy neck and head tilting back every time I do the DNA meditation, maybe when I stop feeling that I will get the hint that I don't have anymore old garbage programmed in my brain! 
    What I'm excited about now is that when I first started the course, I was also new to meditation and I would consider myself lucky if I was able to finish 2 minutes. Now I do 2 meditations in the morning- around an hour- and I look forward to do more at night! I wish I could do even more but I don't have enough hours in my day as it is 
  • That's awesome progress, Wafa! I love that you're now looking forward to doing the meditations! :) 
  • You are a powerful creator Wafa!! Isn't transformation fun!♥️
  • Absolutely!!  I'm so excited even more after the sway test worked, finally. moving on with the remapping the behavior videos now.. Thank you so much to both of you Jessica and Shelia. 
  • You are welcome. You are on fire now! Let the momentum have you!♥️
  • Shelia took the words right out of my mouth! :) 
  • Greetings all. 
    I had to come back to this thread to review the replies in reference to meditations; as lately I have not been able to feel those amazing moments and experiences during my meditations as I used to when first started.  Is it because my body is now adjusted to higher frequency as you said, Shelia?  I miss those feelings!!  after viewing many of Your Youniverse youtube videos I came to realize that I unknowingly had the 3rd eye opened. Now I don't know why I can't get to that point again. Any recommendations? I now do my meditations at night only due to lack of time in the morning, and I switch by using several meditations but I go back to DNA  activation at least once a week.

  • Hi Wafa!

    I'm going to answer for Shelia as I know she has a busy day today. 

    Yes, it does sound as though you have scaled yourself into a higher vibrational frequency with your dedication to this work. When this happens, there can sometimes feel like there is a "lull" period where you are in limbo in that space. I know this because it has happened to me. It's part of the evolutionary experience, in my opinion.

    And when this happens, I generally change what I'm doing a bit. Maybe a different meditation or a different visualization process. Find what excites you! If you could do anything in that moment, regardless of outer circumstances, what would you be doing? What would make you feel most exhilarated? That is the frequency that seems to create miracles in my own life. 

    I always say if it feels like a chore, don't do it because "chores" often create resistance. Make small adjustments to get back to those feeling states.

    I hope you find that helpful!


  • very helpful Jessica thank you!  this all makes sense now. I will make some changes in my routine I feel it's time for new experiences.  
    much appreciated.
  • Tomorrow is a big day! It is December 21st! This is a day we all must have awareness of, a day for the history books. If you're not aware of what I'm talking about, please watch Jessica's video that was released today! Let's join together in this cosmic, mass event! We are all much loved! ♥️
  • What good timing for me to log in here after a while and find your message Shelia!! Thank you for notifying us and I will be there! 
  • You are welcome Wafa. You are a joy to work with in this process of transformation! ♥️
  • I must have done something really wonderful in my life to be blessed with such support and valuable work and info! 
  • You are the creator of your reality!!! ♥️
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