Endpoint in "Changing the course of events"

Hi, All:
I started UMM course a few days ago.
When I practice "Changing the course of events", I have some confusion of what is "endpoint".
My first reaction is visualizing the scenes when I am 100 years old.

How should I understand and adjust (if necessary) ?



  • Before we talk about that, do you mind sharing your Big Goal? That will help us be more helpful to you.
  • very good timing, I just finished my first attempt a few min ago, let me know if they make sense ?

    Constantly improve my active and self-healing mind and body with endless energy

    Be happy, grateful, enlightened, handle everything with ease and grace

    Continue outstanding career development for another 15 years

    Be curious and learn something new everyday 

    Help others on personal developments

    Travel the world with Wendy whenever she feels like to

    Live in a luxury house with large yard in the hills, having pool parties with Wendy (my wife), kids/grandkids, and friends

    Own a vacation house on Naples beach, FL

  • Beautiful, well thought out set of goals Wei. As you imagine these goals manifesting in your life, what feeling state arises within you? How would it feel if these goals were already manifested?
  • They are very satisfying, and I feel I am really blessed.
    I also feel some amount of doubts popping up from time to time.
  • Wonderful! You have identified the desired feeling states. Now it must be your practice to conjure up those feeling states as consistently as possible. Use your imagination to construct whatever scenario is needed to create in yourself the feeling of "satisfied" and "blessed." Remember always that fear, doubt and indecision are the ego's favorite tools of distraction (and destruction). When they creep in, and they will, dismiss them as soon as possible so that they do not gather momentum. Affirmations, meditation, visualization, listening to empowering videos, taking a walk in nature, making a handwritten list of the things you are grateful for are just a few tools for your toolbox. Study this course repeatedly. Play with the tools. See which ones are fun and easy for you. Do not struggle and create resistance. Focus on how you want to feel and create that feeling in the present moment. In doing so, you will attract into your life things that match those feelings, also called the vibrational offering. That is the path of conscious manifestation. I hope this is helpful to you. You are a Divine creature with the power to turn thoughts into things. ♥️
  • This makes total sense. and I love you guide.
    If I understand it correctly, the key to use visualization to create true desired feelings, the actual images in the visualization can vary.

    A slightly different topic, I can use another thread if I should.
    I just ran into another thought today, I am not sure it is superstition or something good I can build.
    When I try to achieve something in near future, I sometimes like to "test" it in a small activity, say, toss a basketball. If I score, I just feel instantly increased my confidence on my mission.
    Of course if I fail, I have to sooth myself, like, I can do it, may be with a little more effort or time.

    Do you know anyone had similar experience ?


  • Think and do what causes you to feel satisfied and blessed. That is the goal. The Infinite Field will match those frequencies with like frequencies. It really is quite simple. Simple but not always easy. Like anything, the more we practice something, the better we get at it. Be mindful of what is being practiced.
  • Happy new year to you, Shelia, and every one in the tribe.

    "The Infinite Field will match those frequencies with like frequencies."
    yeah, that's my north star now.

    I am a better person now since I joined last week, I am pretty sure I will evolve a lot more next year with you all in 2021.


  • edited January 2021
    As with you and all of our members, Shelia is such a blessing to our tribe. Her Divine wisdom and gentle words magnificently guide in the direction of that north star. I'm happy to see those words positively impact you. 

    Happy New Year to you as well! 2021 will bring an amazing evolution for all. 

  • Good new year's day morning, Jessica !

    You, Shelia, and community here are absolutely appreciated. 
    You just revealed a path to my "Endpoint".

    All my fellow tribes are having an abundant year !
  • I appreciate you Wei and all our members. Together we can do it! We are beloved, powerful creatures! ♥️
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