Energy Giddyingly high

 Hi Sheila / Jessica   since doing this course my energy is VERY high...I have swung in the  past from Very high to lows (Kind of bipolar stuff)
I feel I just need to acclimate to the energy... and as I am writing this feel I may need to step a few paces out and perhaps face a fear that I may swing to low again.
I am a but scared of the huge highs I am feeling
What do you think and suggest
Thank You!!
Kristin ( AKA Kiki)


  • Hi Kristin!

    I love that you recognized that you enjoy feeling good and that you may have an old fear associated with the "feeling good" belief. That's what this work is all about - breaking down those old fear programs so you can live fully in happiness and joy!

    With the processes given in the course, you are retraining yourself to think and feel in heightened ways. You may feel "scared" of the highs you are feeling because your self-image isn't quite on board (aligned) with that as your natural/dominant state (just yet). I believe it is great that you are experiencing these positive energy states. Don't we all want to think and feel good? :)  In my opinion, it is a good sign that you are making some positive shifts. 

    Have you tried to install the belief that it is "safe" to feel good, high energy states? I'd be interested to hear how using the processes to do this works for you!


  • I always love to read Jessica's words of wisdom and encouragement. I understand where you are coming from. I just want to add a little from my personal experience. I too have felt such high energy that I would have flashes of fear come over me. As soon as I was aware of the fear, I would use affirmation techniques to get a handle on the momentum of my energy so I wouldn't feel scared. I would repeatedly say things like this to myself:

    " I can handle this"
    "This is my natural state of being"
    "All is well"
    "This is good"
    "I'm doing a great job"
    "I'm learning to drive my car (life) faster, it is fun"
    "I can slow done and rest anytime I want"
    "I am the Creator of my experience and have always been"
    "I got this"
    "I'm doing a good job here"

    I would also take a lot of time throughout my day to breathe from my heart. Fear cannot abide in the deep Presence experienced in deep breathing. My old belief systems began to melt away effortlessly as I turned my focus to self-love and Presence.

    I hope we have done a good job helping you. You are powerful, you are loving, loved and loveable. You deserve the best life has to offer.

    Shelia ❤️
  • Hi Jessica /Sheila
    No I havent tried to install  the belief that it is "safe" to feel good, high energy states as yet... I will do that..
    interesting I can really feel  my old programs running...attempting to pull me back.
    Im not sleeping and .Im really teary today I actually feel really confused and dont know where to go in the program or what to do.
     Im so scared things wont change ...even though they have already
    Thank you for your understanding and support

  • P.s I just let myself cry and do some LH /RH writing and asked what is really happening for me ...And the answer that I  got ' was that Its just me ..its always just me ,alone ,battling to change things ( and me) Im still not sure what to do to heal/change this ( Its a huge recurring one in my life)
     Thanks again I will add a new belief that "I am surrounded supported and loved ' and would love any other guidance
  • Everything is going to be okay Kiki. I want you to remind yourself that this is a process. It's not an overnight matter. Many years, if not lifetimes, went into the current programming. Although the reprogramming doesn't take the same amount of clock time, it does take some time. We must remain on course and diligently practice. We are creating a totally new way of life. It's like deciding to go to the gym and get fit. Seven days straight at the gym doesn't get us fit. Be patient and kind to yourself. Be easy and gentle. It is practice, practice, practice. Talk to yourself like you would to a beloved child. ♥️
  • Thanks Sheila ......I went back over my time line and landed on a big childhood trauma ( my Dad had taken a gun out and threatened to kill us all) Ive done lots of work on this trauma over the years but there was still  a decision Id made back then about being alone ,that I'd not healed... I didnt have a good day but I did love myself ...although I defaulted back to alcohol ..but this morning I am clear..
    You are so right about  Being gentle with myself...I have learned to do that...I can be better at that though
    thank you for your lovely support xx

  • Hi, Kristin:
    This is Wei, I joined ~ 2months ago.I hope to share a little bit of my personal experience with you.

    At very beginning, I got an instant boost of energy, I feel like I need to jump through the roof for about 2 weeks.
    Then I noticed energy level has come down from the peak, and I had the same worry as you had, as I wanted to stay at the peak.

    If I look back, I know my energy level is still much higher than before the course. I sleep 2H less averagely, have a much clearer mind, and a ton of renewed interests to learn and explore. I am aware of a lot happy thoughts for no reason from time to time these days, and my average mood is on positive side.

    I am sure you will find a lot of subtle positive shifts in your live even after the initial energy boost.

  • Thanks Wei
    I have !!! And loving it ..Thankyou so much for your message x
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