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  • One good news update is my attraction to that guy has lessened a lot! This is good as I step more and more into trusting that the right person will come along who is more aligned with who I am and not an old story. 
  • YAY! Love this thank you! I will do this. I love simple clear instructions like this. I will do this :)
  • Thank you Sheila :). I really appreciate your kind words! It's tough in these moments for sure and I agree vibing high can be too far away. That's actually exactly how it feels with me. I'm either vibing high or feel crappy (again my lowest low isn'…
  • I feel like for the most part I am either in a state of suffering (thankfully due to all the spiritual work this year has been the least and I am getting better and better) in a state of healing or in a state of feeling stuck. 
  • Yes this is very true and a big hurdle for me. I have been programmed to compare to others for a long time and it's driving me nuts! I even manifested a dear friend who's life I compare mine to all the time for over a decade now and I really hate it…
  • Thank you Shelia! I have a follow-up question with manifesting then in terms of people who say things like "never in a million years did i think this could happen to me" when it comes to something great they've experienced. How can someone manifest …
  • Thank you so much! I love this answer and I've actually realized that the anxiety that I've been waking up with around this person/the obsessiveness of wanting him to message me/the abandonment feelings weren't actually mine but rather ancestral tra…
  • Curious - when you say "That idea (thought) sparks an energy within you that you are attracted to. You want to experience more of that energy. So, if the idea/thought can create that energy within you, focus more on those types of thoughts and those…
  • Amazing. Thank you so much Jessica!
  • Awesome thank you! Will be doing it with you Tracy :) !
  • Thanks Sheila! Yes this is 100% true. When i focus on the lack that's when I get depressed or actually the other way around. I feel the anxiety/depression first creep up randomly and then the thoughts start to spiral but I think in those moments now…
  • Amazing. Yes it does! Thank you!! This brought up another question regarding staying grounded. I find that as I focus more on my future goals I start to yearn for them and feel antsy or longing for them in the present as they are not here. That long…
  • I was also wondering how manifestation works during a time like this when there's a global pandemic or historical times say like during world wars. If someone has big goals they are trying to manifest but the world is in a different state, how does …
  • Shelia - could you elaborate more on what was behind the NO on "I am deserving" I did the sway test myself and got a yes for both but am curious if maybe my body has a different definition. 
  • Wow Jessica. Beautiful words as well. Okay this made me feel better about where I'm at with the previous thought. It's all persepctive and about zooming out into the much larger picture of universal expansion. 
  • That is absolutely beautiful Shelia! Thank you so much!! This is super helpful. Yes, creating abundance so I can further my influence in teaching others to fish. Love that!
  • Not at all! Your question helped clarify stuff for me as well.  Jessica - another question on this. I had a thought that maybe I have a block against manifestation because I could feel like it's unfair for me to have such luxury when so many others …
  • Thank you!
  • Ah perfect. Thanks! That makes total sense.  And then in the Changing Course meditation - you ask us to visualize what we did the moment before we stepped into our goal and I am having a hard time seeing anything other than something random I come u…
  • Speaking of goals - what's the balance between being super specific and letting go and letting the universe bring in whatever is best for the highest good? What if what Im specifically going after right now isn't what's actually meant for me or best…
  • Amazing Jessica. Thank you! I'll check out that meditation. It sounds perfect! It's interesting because I don't feel like I've had any major trauma in my life or anything from my childhood yet my programs are quite intense. My body shakes as though …
  • Thank you so much!!
    in Hi! Comment by SJ April 2020