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Gareth Smith


Gareth Smith
Last Active


  • Thank you Sheila :) I appreciate the kinds words and offer of help.  G.
  • Thanks Jessica, it helps. I think I'll stick with the Miracles meditation before bed as I'm someone who does not struggle to fall asleep, so not sure I'd make it very far into the less subliminal, more focussed one like the CTCOE meditation. I actua…
  • Sheila, thank you so much :) This kind comment has been very motivational for me, I appreciate it! Jessica - yes! That's a great idea; thank you for sharing. My alarm goes off at 4:55am normally so instead of snoozing until 5am, I am going to implem…
  • Hi Jessica, Hope you're keeping well :) A question; I've been using the Manifest Miracles While You Sleep audio while falling asleep. However the Changing The Course Of Events Meditation is suggested to be used at the same time - just before sleep.…
  • Thanks Jessica! Yes, it does thank you so much :)  Best,Gareth
  • Hi Tracy, Wafa, May I ask; when did you ask the question "who can assist me with my success"? Was it during a meditation or just in passing in a moment of reflexion etc.? Thank you! Gareth
  • You're very welcome :)
  • Fantastic, thank you Jessica. I've been on quite a few different courses and trainings over the years, but I feel yours is going to be the real catalyst for change in my life. Love your work and dedication to your community - it is very much appreci…
  • Will do Jessica! I've done day 3 so far :) and am doing it in bed at night, which I understand is what should be done. I don't think I've made it past minute 5 yet before falling asleep! Is that OK, or should I be doing it before I go to bed, to (tr…
  • Thank you Jessica, I appreciate the detailed response. As the saying goes, "neurons that fire together, wire together", so I will keep patiently creating the new neural pathways and let the old ones fall away. Thank you also for bringing my attentio…
  • Hi Jessica! Regarding the "Manifest Miracles While You Sleep" being freely available to members on the course, are you referring to the Ultimate Manifestation Mastery course? If so, I can't recall seeing this meditation? Apologies if I've missed it!…
  • Thank you Jessica :) I've just posted my first question to the forum, feeling better already just having put it into writing.Cheers,Gareth
  • Thank you Sheila, having such a great support network definitely makes the process easier! Have a great day :)
  • Hi Sheila,Thank you :) Yes I'm new, I joined the course at the back end of October. I had had enough of constantly trying to manifest and getting nowhere, so decided I needed to educate myself properly and learn a focused and systematic approach. Ve…
  • Thank you Jessica, Sheila, SJ and others, this thread is absolute gold :)Cheers,Gareth