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  • Hi, Kristin:This is Wei, I joined ~ 2months ago.I hope to share a little bit of my personal experience with you. At very beginning, I got an instant boost of energy, I feel like I need to jump through the roof for about 2 weeks.Then I noticed energy…
  • Yeah, I am so grateful we are connected.
  • Just manifest a thing...Talking to Xfinity customer services was always a pain for me. I realized my mindset last time (12/26). Today before I talked to them, I visualized how they are agreeing with me and helping me out. Guess what, I was on the ph…
  • Good new year's day morning, Jessica ! You, Shelia, and community here are absolutely appreciated. You just revealed a path to my "Endpoint". All my fellow tribes are having an abundant year !
  • Happy new year to you, Shelia, and every one in the tribe. "The Infinite Field will match those frequencies with like frequencies."yeah, that's my north star now. I am a better person now since I joined last week, I am pretty sure I will evolve a lo…
  • This makes total sense. and I love you guide.If I understand it correctly, the key to use visualization to create true desired feelings, the actual images in the visualization can vary. A slightly different topic, I can use another thread if I shoul…
  • They are very satisfying, and I feel I am really blessed.I also feel some amount of doubts popping up from time to time.
  • I am already while reading many of the inspiring posts here. Thank you all so very much!
  • very good timing, I just finished my first attempt a few min ago, let me know if they make sense ? Constantly improve my active and self-healing mind and body with endless energyBe happy, grateful, enlightened, handle everything with ease and graceC…