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Kristin Day


Kristin Day
Last Active


  • And look!! I posted at 555 -huge shifts happening!!!
  • Thank you both SO much I was given my first teddy bear a few years back by my surrogate Mum.( a lady I et whikst working with sexually abused kids) I'm going to get her now Yes it is fear . Fear of a little girl never getting loved and nurtured and…
  • Oh Yes! these are the ones I use all the time..i just did another ...boy oh boy!! It went back to when I was born..I had lost my identical tin before I was born and had felt I didnt have a choice except to be be alone and at the disposal of  my moth…
  • Thanks Sheila I am doing all of what you have suggested ..constantly...except I am not sure what you mean by timeline regression exactly...I definitely use cleaning up past memories .and emotions as  regressive time line therapy this what you m…
  • P.S I just did the bonus exercise How to Become the Ultimate Creator of Your Experience. I'm working on it ...and feel better!
  •  I Just have to say Sheila ...I Love the " Temple' of St John ...I'll giggle all day about !that! :))
  • oops iI pushed the wrong key I'm am feeling some resentment /anger I live in a share house My house mates are essentially great But Ive fallen into old patterns of picking up the slack where cleaning and being responsible things are concerned Ive…
  • Thanks Jessica I had a huge AHA moment about my, ( and others' journey's), who have had a  less than desirable  circumstances  and that is, that as we heal ..we ,in this new energy, quantum-ly heal the energy on the planet for ourselves and others. …
  • And as I reflect. I have stated this countless times throughout my life I used the " How to clean up past memories and emotions that block success (I use it often) Starting around 7 minute mark... It’s important to really support …
  • Amazing!! Thank you fory ou beautiful Support.. Please see my post on 'Deep Healing and Deep gratitude" Much Love to you both xx
  • Aaaand Again  ..after a Big process like this there is always sadness or anger or some emotional pain till I sleep  Is that normal or have i missed doing something...sometimes I just want to cry all day  and I often feel so so alone  Thanks Sheila …
  • Wow! i just went back to where I made the decision  "That it was a given that I dont get "I was actually giving to my mother who was  in a place of chaos and condemned for what I did ..I saw and learned  how altruistic and helpful I am and I  that l…
  • P.S I did some RH ?/LH writing about 'asking' an along the way in the process discovered its because Im  also asking for something for me too After 2 pages of Processing I discovered a decision: "That it's  a 'given' that I don't 'get' ( so whats t…
  •  Thanks Jessica I used the installing a future memory this morning and I have used the Raising your vibration several times And I use the Cleaning up past memories constantly( Often I start with LH RH writing which really helps me pin point stuff ( …
  •  Hi Again! Would you please recommend the best meditation I can listen t to help this process this one was at the end of your video .. Thank you Kiki x
  • Thank You Jessica ...I knew it was a dopamine/ reward loop Ive worked so hard at changing old patterns and beliefs around this ..having not been nurtured or rewarded as a kid... it goes deep and I fully recognise that's why this happens And just to …
  • Thank you for sharing this Shaera this is amazing!!! ;;)
  •  Thank you So Much Both of you I am a great observer... I never stop!! and  So Yes Sheila I will relax into Welcoming old beliefs into my awareness.  ( I always have actually) and go deeper into my awakening. It really is Lifetime's certa…
  • Oh  and on  a side note as I re-read your comments...I have studied Human design and Some of the Gene keys along the way. It has been a saving grace fro me in lots of ways AND both of you mentioned pure creative power  Which is a BIG feature of my h…
  • Thank you Both SO much!! I sure am pushing boundaries ...Financial Freedom .I feel , is the last frontier for me... there's huge conditioning from my childhood around it ..I have pushed through SO many things in my Life...This one is Big! Thank you …
  • Thanks Wei I have !!! And loving it ..Thankyou so much for your message x
  • Thanks Sheila ......I went back over my time line and landed on a big childhood trauma ( my Dad had taken a gun out and threatened to kill us all) Ive done lots of work on this trauma over the years but there was still  a decision Id made back then …
  • P.s I just let myself cry and do some LH /RH writing and asked what is really happening for me ...And the answer that I  got ' was that Its just me ..its always just me ,alone ,battling to change things ( and me) Im still not sure what to do to heal…