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  • Thank you. I was doing the Changing the course of events and Installing a future memory. I'm try to block the face of my person so it is not a specific person. Especially a past one.
  • Thank you. I will update you. I figured numbers have no emotion attached to them. A cloud, the sun , my daughter etc have emotion mostly positive but still emotion.
  • Hello! I just came across this. I've been working hard to shift my beliefs. Do you just look at the codes? Do you repeat them? When I have a negative thought I'm trying to redirect my mind. I've been saying an affirmation. I found if I'm thinking of…
  • Thank you!! For the support and for what you do! I am determined to get there fully. Yes I listen to the love frequency almost everyday It's amazing what limiting, negative beliefs we carry about ourselves . For me for so so long!!
  • I think I have watched every video you have put out Jessica! Yet I don't remember seeing this one! I listen to the positive affirmations in the morning and at work. Basically anytime I can!! I have the affirmations to attract love, I am a powerful c…
  • Yes thank you. I should have been paying attention to Sheila's answer.
  • Thank you. Do I write an affirmation , like "I am loved and wanted". Should I do the programing of a new belief? I have trouble writing clear positive affirmations... Thanks again
  • Wanted to comes out as "Why not me?" Thats what I can't get out of my head
  • Thank you. Everyday I walk past a mirror I tell myself i love me. I have so much compassion for others. I work with cancer patients.I have a great network of friends. Mostly all are married or in a relationship. Its hard to ignore I'm the "single" …
  • Thank you. It helps me to write on here and receive the feedback..In the last week when I walk past a mirror I tell myself i love me. I have definitely evolved over the last 9 months. I have so much compassion for others but maybe not for myself.. I…
  • Sheila! After I wrote the message above I visualized and meditated. I went onto the your universe channel. I watched your video from March, the one Jessica posted, and a few others. I realized I was still "seeking" which put me back in the feeling o…
  • Hey all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I tried again back in August but I can not seem to change my thinking and self limiting beliefs. Ugh so frustrating. My year is almost up. I don't even know what to ask! I do not know how to let go of pe…
  • Hey all. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I tried again back in August but I can not seem to change my thinking and self limiting beliefs. Ugh so frustrating. My year is almost up. I don't even know what to ask! I do not know how to let go of pe…
  • Thank you. After I wrote this message, did a meditation and had a Tarot reading (it was a quick card pull) message came up for me. I didn't understand but have been thinking about it. It is something about my patterns and co dependency. Which I ne…
  • Thank you. I think that is why I'm so frustrated. I have moments even days when I feel happy, joyful even. Every morning I am grateful for at least one thing. I lay down at night and feel the feelings of being in love. I even talk to my partner. I e…
  • I seem to be impatient
  • Ok. How do i create without being specific? I really do not understand going general. I think if holding hands, going out to dinner, hugging, iand introducing him to my friends. I pretend its real but then i feel the negative lack.
  • This is my issue. How do i change my beliefs? It only lasts temporarily.
  • Practice the visualization exercises. They will definitely help! For me trying to find a better feeling thought is difficult. I have been able to raise my vibration to a level where I'm not sad about not having a partner so I guess that is a positi…
  • Hello Mark. I have not been in the forum for many months. I had difficulty getting over my issues. I was very frustrated with myself. Although I really enjoyed this course my life got in the way and I just gave up. I did meet someone the end of Jan…
  • I purchased this last year! I totally forgot. I used to listen while I was at the gym but not for more than a few days. My phone broke and I forgot all about it!
  • Thank you Sheila.
  • Hello Pamela and Sheila! I have trouble with the timeline I don't usually look back at the past. It's not one specific event that happened in my life. I met a couple gentleman whom I really liked. Unfortunately they said they were too busy and didn'…
  • Hello all I read through the comments again and thank you very much. I have decided to start the course again this week. Thank you! I'll let you all know.
  • I will be taking a second pass through the course this week.