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  • Hi Franklin, I loved what you have shared. They are all great techniques! My favorite now is integrating the right and left hemisphere by doing mix matched body movements. This has been profound for me over the past couple of weeks. Also the mediati…
  • I absolutely love this community! Even just reading this I'm getting aha moments and breakthroughs! Thanks for asking the question Tayla and I loved reading Jessica's response as always. Abundance is a state of mind! GOLD xxx
  • Ha thanks Jessica, I guess I did ask the existential question of all time there didn't I! I definitely went into overload and I think my mind was seeking to know all the answers. I also like to try to explain what I'm learning to my friends so that …
  • Thank you as always Jessica! I had completely forgot about using the Reinvent Yourself program. I'll do that and will create those new future memories also with the UMM. Thank you and have a beautiful week!  With love and gratitude KC
  • Thanks Jessica, I am very grateful for your detailed response. I have been doing the mediation you gave me in the link and have been using the affirmations all weekend. I do feel that I am generally an upbeat person, love being in nature, have a lot…
  • BOOM!!! That's it! You've nailed it Jessica. :) I'm in survival and I didn't even realize. I just asked my subconscious mind using a pendulum and it basically said 'yes' to my brain and body being in survival. I've been using that technique to ask m…
  • Thank you so much Jessica! This is what I wanted to hear and I love how you have put that question to me. I am definitely changing my belief system about manifestation and seeing it as easy for me and always working out for me. I absolutely love you…
  • Thank you Jessica, in that case my partner will just have to get used to it!  : ;)