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Franklin Kelly


Franklin Kelly
Last Active


  • Thanks Jessica!  >:D
  • Hi Garett. Well, the exercise that worked really well for me to clear negative emotions and concepts of myself was the one where you stood in a spot, thought about all of the negative emotions and then took steps back to look at yourself. This was r…
  • For what it's worth, through the UMM course and reading Neville Goddard, the statement "feeling is the secret" is your best friend when manifesting. If your struggling to create a clear picture in your mind then you may want to use general mantras a…
  • Leslie, way to go! I'm so happy and ecstatic reading about your successes, especially how you felt them into existence.  ~Franklin
  • Hi all! Hello Garett! Hello Jessica :) I have been keeping a log for some time now and find it super beneficial! I’ve adjusted it over time and now keep track of the meditations I use, the successes I have, and the types of energy mantras I use befo…
  • “After you have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled, do not close the experience as you would a book, but carry it around like a fragrant odor.” - Awakened Imagination
  • If it helps to add to this conversation, a fun thing that helped make a new self-image stick within me in regards to attracting relationships was to conceive of myself as the starring role in my movie (my reality) and after fully conceiving of that …
  • Thank you for the encouragement! You are exactly where you need to be :)  You know, I heard that phrase awhile ago and it kind of irked me at first, if I'm honest, but, it is such a powerful saying because it's all about "I am!" You are so full of s…
  • Hi Ray and KC! Thanks for posting, I always get inspired by what others are finding useful about the course and knowing that others are growing as well.  And yes Jessica, thank you I found the talking to your creative machine bit at the very end of …
  • Glad you had a long holiday weekend, family time is so important! I had a wonderful weekend too. I also saw that you have a new video posted which I'm about to watch.  Cheers! :)
  • I'm so happy for you Leslie! Look at what you did, you are such an inspiration and your success has, in fact, inspired me to achieve my own and am so grateful for you sharing your situation and letting it morph into a new conscious reality.  Happy H…
  • Hey Tayla! So nice of you to say! I have also found your posts quite intriguing and thought provoking, good stuff all around! You got this, it is done!!! So, update on this post from the 22nd of November. I did all of the things on the list I mentio…
  • If I could share some perspective, particles in quantum physics such as electrons or photons are "quantized," that is, come in small packets. As such, their vibrational rate is low because of their extremely low mass. The wave function (symbol psi) …
  • You are such an inspiration!
  • Hi there Jessica! I often have fallen into the trap of wanting to raise my energy by watching something about manifesting, which inevitably seems to work as such content inspires me. However, I have found that simply getting myself charged up emotio…
  • I have watched that one before! In fact, I've watched pretty much all of your past 2 year's content and get excited to see new stuff in my subscriptions feed by you! There was just one today actually about astral projection, am going to listen on th…
  • That one jumped out at you did it? That is "the one" then! :) I do like the guided meditations as well, it lets your mind latch onto something to allow it to relax. Do you have go-to meditations or are you constantly finding new ones? It's my pleas…
  • Hi Garett, I’d like to chime in if that’s ok? I’m here to support you as a fellow student. As someone who can relate to where you are right now with respect to a relationship, I can attest to the power of this program and the sage advice of Dr Jessi…
  • Hi Jessica, thank you again for such poignant responses! I do look forward to our discussions. I took what you suggested about including a “because” statement and created the following iterations: “I am worthy of love and financial abundance because…
  • Hi Jessica! Don't worry about the formatting haha, I hardly noticed :)  It is always nice to hear from you! And thank you for your suggestion to elaborate my statement out to include the "WHY" or "BECAUSE," that is brilliant, and so are your example…
  • You know, I’ve come to the conclusion that the wider I cast my net, the more I’ll catch when it comes to reprograming my subconscious self-image! Back in late July/early August I went very specific, perhaps too specific and although I did notice mar…
  • Yes, yes, yes! Combine the energies if you can. I had this same question when I started the course and created a scenario to combine my 3 individual goals into a single story. It is efficient and the brain likes efficiency which wastes less energy o…
  • Hey Garett! It sounds like we have similar goals, I think your goal statement is really powerful indeed! We are so lucky to have the wisdom of Dr. Jessica and her perspective, she has helped me immensely so far. I really like how she refined your go…
  • Hi Les, this forum is the best way to stay connected to our program and mentor and I am so grateful to have a journal of sorts to reflect back on. All the best on your successes!  Thanks again Dr. Jessica!!! 
  • HI, Yes balance is the key! I have also noticed that I am already reaping in the rewards of allowing myself to relax and be more balanced in fun things. Previously, I was always dependent on others to define my fun and that’s not good, and that is …