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Kim Velez


Kim Velez
Last Active
Member, Moderator


  • Hey Dana, You can ask your subconscious mind to lead you to the best job opportunities for you. You can also focus on how you want to feel I regards to how you will feel having either career path.. the course will help you with tapping into that!
  • Focus on you and feeling loved and valued.
    in Spouse Comment by Kim Velez March 2020
  • Change the belief that “hard to rewire”. No one is hard to rewire- it comes down to choices to view /believe/ think and feel something different. If you start with each moment and be conscious of your thoughts- you will start rewiring immediately
  • Hey Santiago, We can manifest anything we desire if we are in alignment with it. When it comes to an ex , the best thing to do is focus on YOU. Your value and worthiness and self love. That way when you are creating a reality where you have the typ…
    in Spouse Comment by Kim Velez March 2020
  • Hmmm it only posted half of my comment to you Dana ... when we put too much emphasis on one technique it can cause resistance. This course provides you with multiple techniques to help you reprogram your beliefs! So please be gentle with yourself! Y…
  • Hey Dana! Yes it will work! This is a process and as you continue through the course and gain more clarity and experiencing synchronicities you will feel more confident in this.
  • This is wonderful Shaera! This is what it means to be a conscious creator! You are doing what you need to do to be in alignment with yourself and the energy you desire - despite what is going on in the 3D ! So happy for you!
  • Hey john, Part of this process is about discovery... a few quick tips to help about limiting beliefs.. if you take about 5-10 minutes you can sit and write out any limiting beliefs that you have about anything in your life... and then write out the…
  • I agree with Shelia and Jessica and just want to add that please do what feels natural and best for you. Doing multiple techniques won’t make Desiree manifest more quickly , especially if the experience is creating feelings of frustration. Setting a…
  • This too shall pass. If you are having difficulty with hefting sucked into the media / chaos of the fear then some of the following tips can really help you to take your power back and keep yourself in alignment 1- limit your updates to the most on…
  • Hi there! I’m not Shelia but The process of aligning the subconscious beliefs with the conscious beliefs is exactly what you are doing in the course. It’s a Repetitive practice that is about thinking/ feeling/ being different. The more you affirm…
  • Love those questions Jessica!
  • Hey Mark! Well yes it is true that people can hurt us or not hurt us but if you buy into the belief that you are creating the experiences in your reality then it makes sense that you have these experiences with people based on the beliefs of how the…
  • What a great and powerful break through for you! I agree with Jessica, sometimes we have a moment in our life where we didn’t feel approval or acceptance and we can interpret that as “I’m not worthy” ... but the great news is that you no longer acc…
  • Hey Miriam! Welcome! So happy you are here
  • Ahhh how exciting! It’s so wonderful to hear about all this beautiful inner growth and how you’re experiencing your 3D reality conforming! Love it! Happy dating
  • You’re so welcome! Happy to help!
  • In addition to the sway test, all the things you mentioned are definite indicators... however... this is where practicing 2 things will be very beneficial for you in this journey... 1) trusting in the unseen... this program is training you to train …
  • Wonderful Shaera! :)
  • I love what Shelia said and I also will add that the training "Installing positive emotional states" is  a great exercise to help your higher self lead you to the best decision... If you prime your mind and give your higher self a template of the em…
  • Wonderful! Love that you are being your natural confident self!  I truly believe our natural self is of love, security and abundance... we just have been disconnected from that natural state... this is why I believe that once we start the awakening …
  • I love to hear this feedback! It always makes my heart happy when people share how their inner world is shifting and reflecting that shift back in their outer world! So excited for you both, Charles and Shaera!  This is what it's all about and it wi…
  • Hey Charles! In addition to Shelia's great reply I will add that you may also use bridging beliefs. It sounds like a lot of resistance coming up so "bridging beliefs" are a great way to ease into a belief that feels to "unbelievable" lol.   Some exa…
  • Hey Russel, I believe when you go back thru this course and apply to the belief/blocks you have in regards to finishing and completing courses- that will help you break thru. Literally every section of this amazing course will help you in regards to…