while reviewing original material

Hello Folks,
Just thought I would share a very recent experience:
A few days ago I decided to review the original course material, got through the video, "Consciously Changing the Course of Events, video 1, the teaser at the end sounded good so I moved right alone to, "Consciously Changing the Course of Events, video 2.  And, right at the beginning Dr. Connor said, "If you haven't asked yourself the question, " Who or what would I have to ""BE"" in order to create what I want to "have" and "do"?  Well I thought to myself, "Yeah, I thought about it," huh she said that yesterday huh, so I decided to give the question more consideration, I'll come back tomorrow.  (today is tomorrow)  I try not to check email before I have my morning chores done, today I decided to look, HUUM  
Right there at the top of the list of new emails was one with a subject line that stopped me cold,  "Who will you be in 2022? WHAT! "  Who ARE YOU < < <  are you  KIDDING ME -    have you been talking to Connor?          No, I think not, I believe this is an example of how the universe speaks to us -
be fore-warned folks , if you do this stuff , it works


  • Isn't that wonderful Donald. We actually get to the place where those things become part of everyday life. We look for them and they are usually always close by. Happy New Year!
  • One of these days I'll tell you about MY WHITE FEATHER that blows Forest Gump off his bench
  • Yes, Donald, that is it! You must BECOME the type of person that has the life you desire! 

    There are no coincidences. The outer world confirms our inner workings. This "stuff" always works! :)

    Thank you for sharing your confirmation here!

    And Happy New Year! Here's to the New YOU in all of us! 

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