Creating New Beliefs

I'm currently working through this step, installing new supportive beliefs. For some, I definitely "hear" an inner voice that does not want to believe the new belief, just as the instructions say. For some, after the voice quiets, I find I need to continue longer. As I go, I first notice my actual voice changing inflections for the sentence I'm repeating, then I begin to feel some powerful emotions, like anger and sadness. As I continue, eventually, those feelings fade away, and its then that I know the belief is installed. I find this fascinating!


  • Thank you for sharing your experience with us Charles! It is definitely fascinating work! Please keep us posted as more processes take form for you.♥️
  • Whoa! Awesome <3
  • I love this "AHA" moment, Charles!! ♥️ 
  • I've noticed another interesting thing. As I recite a new belief, I know it is taking hold when I begin to see flashes of images that support that belief. Sometimes they are from my future timeline, and sometimes they are from my past, bits of evidence that what I'm saying is true. And when all my subconsious shows me is these supporting images, an no more limiting ones, then I know the belief is anchored. 
  • Yesss! Wonderful... So excited for you to experience this. It's so fun when it all starts clicking. Congratulations on your progress!
  • Yes! You are a beautiful demonstration of the effectiveness and power of this work. Thank you for sharing your process and progress!♥️
  • Jessica,

    I have a question, could a person have two separate apposing  thoughts  in the subconscious mind at the same time? E.G. the lack of money and the abundance of money in the subconscious mine at the same time?

    With Gratitude,
  • edited February 2020
    Good question. Once a belief is impressed upon the subconscious mind it begins to run as a program. Until the program is changed by another, empowering belief, the old program continues to run. This is to say that the original program will seek what is like unto tself. This is why it is paramount that we effectively install new empowering beliefs. Now that being said, it is common that we hold one belief at a conscious level and an opposing belief at a subconscious level. That creates cognitive dissonance. The heart of this work is to intentionally align the subconscious beliefs with the desires (or beliefs) of the conscious mind. This in addition to feeling the emotions associated with the new alignment is the recipe for success. I hope that answers your question! Keep asking! Questions help us all to grow! Much love ♥️
  • Yes it does answer my question thank you.

  • I have another idea for you Russell! You can test this for yourself! If you look at the section in the course titled "How to Program a New Belief in Under 5 Minutes," you will be able to watch a video that teaches us "muscle testing." The sway test is what I use regularly to allow my body to tell me exactly what my dominate programing is. Let us know how that goes!♥️
  • Good Morning Shelia,

    True you are right about the muscle testing. I have learned about the muscle testing form Dr Bradley Nelson. I will try it this afternoon after work.

    With Gratutude,
  • Most of the new beliefs I've worked on have come pretty easily, with only a few minutes of repetitions. But there have been a couple that have taken a LOT of work, repeated sessions in one case. I view these most stubborn ones as core beliefs that have been holding me back the most. 

    For example, my goal includes finding the love of my life. I have always been shy about approaching women, and the new belief, "I am confident in approaching women I am attracted to" is proven very difficult to install. Twice I've tried and both times the sway test has proven negative. My subconscious keeps throwing up what feels like every instance in my life where I saw a woman I wanted to meet and didn't approach her. But I'm not giving up, I'll keep at it until my subconscious runs out of ammo! 
  • The first thing that comes to me as I read your question is that your subconscious mind is your friend, it has no ammo. By befriending that part of ourselves we are creating more love within.

    Try some reprograming that is more general and full of self love. Start with affirmations like, "I am loveable," "I am worthy," "I deserve the best the Universe has to offer," "I see and feel love everywhere." And so on. BE the love of your life first and then you will be a love magnet. Confidence and self love run along the same circuitry of our being.

    I'm so glad to hear from you. Keep me posted Charles.♥️
  • Hey Charles! In addition to Shelia's great reply I will add that you may also use bridging beliefs. It sounds like a lot of resistance coming up so "bridging beliefs" are a great way to ease into a belief that feels to "unbelievable" lol.  

    Some examples may be "I am gaining more confidence in myself to approach women I am attracted to" "Everyday I am becoming more confident in approaching women I find attractive" , "Everyday I feel more confident and secure in my worth and value", "What if I felt more confident in approaching women I am attracted to- how does that feel?"

    Just play around with different versions until you find some that you resonate with. 

  • Shelia and Kim, thanks for the feedback. Interestingly enough, I was just thinking I should do some of the ones Shelia suggested. 

    I persisted with the belief and finally felt it sink in. I literally started laughing. That same night, I met to lovely women because I had the confidence to just talk to them! 

    I'm honestly amazed at how quickly I'm seeing changes in my thoughts and behaviors. After decades of struggling to overcome fears and negative self-talk, the ease of this method blows my mind!
  • I love when the laughter over takes us because we are that connected to our progress, and to our Higher Self. Congratulations Charles! As you "Be" the love, love will be all over you!♥️
  • Wonderful! Love that you are being your natural confident self!  I truly believe our natural self is of love, security and abundance... we just have been disconnected from that natural state... this is why I believe that once we start the awakening process... it can shift so quickly ... it's who we truly are! Can't wait to hear about more wins for you!
  • This: "I'm honestly amazed at how quickly I'm seeing changes in my thoughts and behaviors. After decades of struggling to overcome fears and negative self-talk, the ease of this method blows my mind!"
    YES!! It doesn't have to be a difficult process when you have the tools and dedication in place! Great job, Charles!
  • As I continue to install new beliefs, the focus has shifted
    from beliefs I feel I need in order to succeed to altering negative beliefs I
    didn’t realize I held. Each time I realize I have a negative belief, I
    formulate a positive opposite. Today I realized I didn’t really believe I was
    worthy of success, which would obviously lead me to self-sabotage. So I
    installed the new belief, “I am worthy of success in everything I do.” (it sounds so grand and egotistical, I almost didn't do it, but then I realized that was my belief that I didn't deserve it talking! LOL)

    This was the most emotional experience yet. Shortly after
    beginning I was sobbing the words through tears. I could barely speak, but I persisted.
    The overwhelming sadness eventually turned to anger, and then to confidence,
    absolute certainty, and a calm sense of power.

     The whole thing only
    took a few minutes, and left me wondering where, as a child, I had learned that
    I was so unworthy? It seems like such a cruel thing to teach a child, and I was
    not raised in abuse or neglect. Yet I somehow had learned and internalized this
    terrible belief.

    Sitting here now, writing this, I think about all the times
    in my life I came close to having what I want, and somehow messed it up. All
    the times I had business or financial success, all the times I had a good
    relationship, and how I did little things that seemed insignificant, but
    ultimately added up to remove that success from my life. We all do those things
    and wonder why, now I feel I have my answer and I believe I have fixed that

  • Fantastic revelation, Charles! 

    It's interesting how we might be conditioned in this way. You're correct that it doesn't necessarily come from abuse or neglect. Even something as small as getting an "F" (failed) on a paper as a young child can have a great impact because it teaches "not good enough." (Obviously, this system is antiquated and would be best revised.)

    The work you are doing for yourself is admirable. I love how you mention persisting and shifting through the emotions, releasing and gaining your own personal power.

    I congratulate you on all of your success thus far and can't wait to hear more about your progress!!

    You ARE worthy of success in EVERYTHING you do! I affirm this for you as well. :) 

  • You know Charles, none of us, NONE OF US, escape childhood unscathed. We were raised by humans, went to schools created by humans, live in a society of humans. Sometimes I think it's more challenging to get in touch with disempowering belief systems when we did not experience abuse or neglect as children. It just isn't as obvious as a slap in the face. I've come to believe that it is a perfect design for the purpose of expansion. I celebrate your new awareness, your diligence in reprograming, and your ultimate expansion. Good job my friend!♥️
  • What a great and powerful break through for you! I agree with Jessica, sometimes we have a moment in our life where we didn’t feel approval or acceptance and we can interpret that as “I’m not worthy” ... but the great news is that you no longer accept that as your truth! Congratulations! This is a BIG life changing moment for you!
  • Shelia 

    Can you please explain a process for aligning subconscious and conscious beliefs (question from your statement below)...this is the most difficult part for me.  I consciously believe and know so much...but my creative machine is so continues to run its negative money, no success, anxiety, fear.
    "The heart of this work is to intentionally align the subconscious beliefs with the desires (or beliefs) of the conscious mind. This in addition to feeling the emotions associated with the new alignment is the recipe for success. I hope that answers your question! Keep asking! Questions help us all to grow! Much love ♥️"
  • Hi there! I’m not Shelia but The process of aligning the subconscious beliefs with the conscious beliefs is exactly what you are doing in the course. It’s a Repetitive practice that is about thinking/ feeling/ being different.

    The more you affirm and and have a different feeling in you.. ex: moving from anxiety and fear to feeling more calm, trusting and love then you are doing exactly what it takes to align the subconscious with the conscious.

    There are tons of techniques in Jessica’s course (emotional intelligence section) that will help you connect to an energy/feeling that is in alignment of your desire.

    In the beginning of this journey it’s about being aware of your thoughts/feelings (which you definitely are as you stated above) and then choosing an alternative thought and or feeling... so that you can start reprogramming your mind and interrupting the old thinking pattern.

    It takes practice and consistency. Keep going- you are doing great! Mediations and deep breathing are also great practices to help slow your mind down enough to start interrupting the old thinking patterns.
  • Thanks for the input Kim...I am almost finished with my second time through the course and have been using the meditations and worksheets now for almost two months...seems like my creative machine or subconscious is still in  I was asking to see if Shelia had any other techniques.  I will keep plugging away seeking my breakthrough but it would be nice if I could spend up the process.  The installing a new belief process in the training really hasn't worked for me.  Not sure if my mind accepts things that way. But still pushing for  change in the direction I desire.
  • Maybe it would be helpful James if you think about the process in terms of reprograming rather than in terms of alignment. The conscious mind is always in alignment with the subconscious. The conscious mind runs the program given it by the subconscious mind. So let's think "reprogram, reprogram, reprogram!" It's good and helpful to begin listening to the words we use. Our words have power. Words like "can't" "should" "difficult" "hard" and the like reinforce our perceived powerlessness. I want you to be more gentle with yourself. I want you focus as best you can on what feels empowering. There is no hurry, no rush. You are putting unnecessary stress on yourself. I want you to practice simply letting go, breathing more, speak kind and loving words to yourself no matter the situation. Talk to you as if you were talking to a little child. That helps me a lot! I believe at the heart of being able to manifest a life of joy and abundance, there must be true love for ourselves. I think you are doing a terrific job. I'm very proud of you. I love the way you never give up! You are already successful. I see it. Soon you will see it too. Remember James, it's practice, practice, practice. Just like when we learned our letters and numbers. You are doing great. Tell yourself that!!
  • Thanks provide really thoughtful advice.....James
  • I'm happy to be of service.♥️
  • James,

    I totally get what you're going through! I have found a lot of things I profess to believe, are not things my subconscious actually believed. One thing that has worked really well for me is to simply use the Sway Test for any and every belief that comes to mind, whenever it does. If the belief fails the Sway Test, then I know my subconscious Creative Machine is not going to help with that, so I then go through the process of installing that specific belief into my subconscious ("How to Reprogram a new Belief in Under 5 Minutes")

    I've been doing this as beliefs occur to me for weeks, and the results have been amazing. I find my general level of calm and confidence has risen exponentially, and my anxiety and fears have virtually vanished, even in areas that I haven't specifically worked on. I noticed my negative inner dialogue is almost totally gone now, too. 

    Good luck!
  • Thanks for the suggestion Charles......I've tried the reprogram a new belief from various hand and foot positions and I'm still trying to identify how to get this to work for me.   

    I receive this advice openly...James
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