In just 25 days

edited January 2020 in Success Stories
Hello, I'm new here but not to practicing The Law of Attraction. I've been practicing for a little over a year with some pretty successful manifestations. I have to share this story as I'm utterly thrilled.

I've been meditating on Manifest Miracles-Speed Up Your Manifestations for 25 days now. I engage in this meditation in the morning right after I have tea and 20 oz of water. Miraculously two wonderful things have manifested:

Financial Success for the month of January thus far and, more importantly, all Derealization episodes (a form of dissociation) have been eliminated. This second truth is what I'm most moved by.

I'm in sales and a good month is about $3,000 in about 100 hrs of work. Since meditating on Manifest Miracles the manifestation I've been visualizing $4k in deposits to my checking account. I've been faithfully visualizing and infusing good feeling each time I focus on this manifestation desire. January is not yet over and this has manifested:

$4,326.70 in deposits to my checking account in, currently, 84.5 hrs worked. I CAN'T EVEN!!!

While this is a major manifestation, what has happened mentally has me believing in the power of all Jessica Connor's studies and work. 

I have suffered from Derealization for about 24 years. In the last 4 years the episodes have been severe and plenty. I'd often have episodes 1-3 times a week despite ultimate self care: daily meditation (1.5 years), clean heart healthy diet, exercise, optimal hydration (80 oz water a day), yoga, falling asleep to positive affirmations of self-confidence, health, wealth, and abundance (3 months), positive self talk, skills in ACT, CBT, and DBT, anxiety medication, plus great rest of about 8-9 hrs a night.

I am now 28 days (consecutively) free of any and all episodes as well as anxiety medication.

That meditation has saved my sanity. I'm so moved and thankful for this miracle. Also quite surprising is seeing repeating number patterns currently of 1111, 222, and 555. I've always noticed the time and when I had a pager we used codes such as 143 (I love you) and 823 (thinking of you) so I've been pretty aware of codes...but since engaging in the Manifest Miracles these numbers are screaming at me.

I just started a new business in Dec 19 that has yet to take off...but I'm going to use the power of her meditations plus this subscription to manifest some exciting things. I'll update soon with, hopefully, another success story.

THANK YOU JESSICA!!! I am in your debt.


  • I just LOVE this!!! Thank you so much for sharing your success with the tribe, Shaera! What a breakthrough you've had!

    THIS is why I do what I do! :) 

    So looking forward to hearing more success stories from you and others!

  • OMG the time of your comment! & I saw 5555 earlier.

    Your work is WORKING! My subconscious is accepting.

    I'll most definitely keep you & the Tribe updated.
  • I love hearing such wonderful stories! Thank you for sharing ❤️
  • I'm glad to share. She advised consistency & I've followed. Much appreciated.
  • Update: Just deposited paycheck and the total amount of deposits is now $4,745.38 in 84.5 hrs worked. Manifestation complete.

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  • Sheila, the comment is blank. Is it on my end?
  • Darn! All I wanted to say is, "you go girl!" I love hearing stories of success!♥️
  • Hahahaaa, relaxation, consistency, visualization, feeling good,
    and action was what it took. Thank you! I do feel proud & glad I followed my gut with Jessica's MP3. Sheila, your support makes my heart warm.
  • Update:

    Today is the 29th day of listening to Manifest Miracles--Speed Up Your Manifestations and currently 32 days free from Derealization episodes and this is a huge success for me:

    Completely avoided an episode this AM. I'm fully aware of onset and once the symptoms start it's almost impossible to avoid the episode altogether...however I began recalling some of the suggestion from the MP3 and used lots of positive self talk to calm and center.

    JESSICA...I CAN'T EVEN!!! This has changed my life. I'm ugly crying right now as I was once so hopeless and thought I'd be stuck in the endless cycle forever.
  • edited January 2020
    I'm so happy for you!!!
  • Great to hear. Glad you are feeling better. I don't even know what Derealization is.

    Kudos to yourself LOL

    @Jessica - which meditation is she referring to? Do we have that in my course?
  • Hi Michelle,

    This is the meditation Shaera is referring to:

    It does not come with the course, but you do get a discount as a member. :) 

  • Thanks Michelle! I purchased the MP3 at full price before I subscribed here in the Tribe. Totally worth it!

    45 days free of Derealization & anxiety. Anxiety so low no meds are needed.

    It's a true miracle!
  • 45 days free!! You are a powerful miracle maker!♥️
  • Thanks Shelia! It's a dream come true.
  • Congratulations on your manifesting success! 
    Thank you for sharing, it's very encouraging and fun to hear about uplifting, positive experiences.

  • You are on your way also Pearl! I feel it in my heart!♥️
  • Thanks Pearl! It was as easy as listening daily, trying out little hunches, & staying hopeful. I hope to hear of your success soon too <3
  • I purchased this last year! I totally forgot. I used to listen while I was at the gym but not for more than a few days. My phone broke and I forgot all about it!
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  • I had the most extraordinary experience last night, that I can only attribute to the work I've been doing with the Ultimate Manifestation. 

    To understand, you have to know a little about me: I'm a 48 year old bartender, I love my job and the life style that goes with it. Formerly, I spent 15 years in the construction and woodworking industry. I've always had long hair, shoulder length currently, and my personal style is best described as rock-n-roll/biker/viking, I guess. LOL. Jeans, rings, leather jacket, I ride custom built motorcycle I built myself, etc. I do not look like a business man in any sense of the word.

    Last night, my first Saturday night off in over 3 years, I walked into a crowded, upscale restaurant for a late dinner. I sat at the bar alone and ordered a drink, next to a 40-something couple. Not two minutes after I sat down, the gentleman introduced himself to me and asked who I was (not "What's your name?)

    I asked why he wanted to know. (This was all very friendly, of course)

    His response blew my mind, "The way you carry yourself, I figured you must be the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company or something."

    I hear a lot of lines and bullshit as a bartender, and if this guy wasn't genuine, I don't know who is. The look of shock on both their faces when I said I was a bartender was priceless. 

    Over the past few weeks, working through the course, I know I've felt better about myself, and I've seen subtle but meaningful changes in my behavior and choices and made real progress moving toward my dreams. But this kind of random stranger feedback was astounding. 

    Because I see my friends all the time, I don't think they notice the little things as much, like watching your kids grow up, you don't really notice the day-to-day changes. But a total stranger's ideas about me based on just watching me enter a room, that's a totally different thing! 

    I just keep thinking, if this is how strangers see me know, then anything is truly possible! 
  • Anything is truly possible Charles! Especially if we believe it is! Thank you for letting us know you better and for taking the time to write such a wonderful illustration. This work is truly powerful. It's the best ride in town!♥️
  • Just nodding my head in agreement Charles. I agree with Shelia as it's a wonderful illustration of the impact of Jessica's work.

    I have yet to purchase the course. I posted this thread after I had posted positive feedback on one of Jessica's YouTube posts. She encouraged me to post here. My transformation started with just one MP3 and it continues to have an affect on me. I'm now currently on day 55 of the audio I originally posted about. Still zero derealization!!!

    Similarly, people I meet often say things like "you have a great aura" or recently on a very first date "you have great spirit". These comments are awesome and definitely help me realize even further how much progress I'm making by engaging in Jessica's exercises.

    Way to go! And I'll be joining you all soon in the course discussions.
  • I'm so happy for you that you're taking the course! Hold on to your hat! It's the fast lane! I look forward to hearing more about your transformation!♥️
  • I'm really excited about it Shelia. If just a handful of MP3s have had such an impact in a short time frame, then I can only imagine what the course can help me accomplish. And the discussions are so helpful here. Tribe members are asking great questions and getting very thorough responses.
  • I love to hear this feedback! It always makes my heart happy when people share how their inner world is shifting and reflecting that shift back in their outer world! So excited for you both, Charles and Shaera! 

    This is what it's all about and it will continue to get even better! :)
  • I also love hearing these types of transformations! Yay!!!

    Charles, you are "becoming" the type of person who attracts magnificent things! Your evidence is showing up! :) 

    And thank you, Shaera! Your comment warms my heart. There are many rewards with the work I do, but being able to see others make positive, impactful shifts means so much to me! 

    I am also very grateful to the 2 wonderful expert coaches in this forum, Kim and Shelia, for the fantastic wisdom they share here!

    We are all truly blessed. :)

  • Kim, I developed derealization due to emotional trauma endured during my childhood. That Manifest Miracles MP3 reprogrammed my subconscious in just 25 short days. If someone with the severity of episodes matched my own & they said a simple 26 min meditation a day practically cured it I'd be ecstatic for them. Thanks!

    Jessica, I keep seeing how the course can even assist with reprogramming the subconscious of a trauma victim. I can't even after what has already occurred with just the MP3. The course, Master Tribe leaders, & Tribe members are definitely great!

  • wow Shaera and Charles, 

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences.  
    I wish you loads of more such wonderful experiences and eventual accomplishments you aspire.

    @Shaera, Question - what are those numbers you keep referring ? Quantum Codes ? 
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