Quantum Healing Code



  • Russel! Yessssss what a difference this work makes. I had no doubt you'd do the challenge & succeed! Thanks for the invitation & motivation.

    Tribe <3
  • Anybody know what the Quantum healing codes are for making and keeping friends??
  • edited March 2020
    43 11 902 to find the right friend and partner for you

    34 61 179 for the love that flows between hearts to be unimpeded and to flow
    both ways like it does in Heaven

    23 26 940 to accept What Is and further, to be motivated to make
    improvements in your life, surroundings, friends and employment (not to 'settle')
  • Thank You Shaera!!
  • That's what tribes are for James :)
  • Does anyone know Quantum codes for allowing things to comes easier? Seems like I am wired to expect hard work and labor to achieve the smallest results.  Trying to just allow and lets thing flow to me more easily.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • I'm not up to speed on the codes but I can say this James, what you say, the words you speak have power. When you say "I'm wired to expect hard" or "labor for results," I say we must start there. Start with the words you speak. Your self-talk is extremely important. Be softer with you. Be easier with you.

    Feel how different these words feel in your body:

    "Letting go is getting easier for me everyday."
    "I'm learning to relax more and more each day."
    "I love that I am learning and growing in this new empowering way."
    "I let things flow to me now."
    "I deserve the best the Universe has to offer."
    "I am worthy of good things."
    "I am loved, protected, and supported by the Power that is."

    Basically, let's work toward being gentle and loving towards you! You really are doing a great job. Begin to look for the evidence in your life that supports that. I affirm your effort and dedication to this work. Your commitment is beautiful.♥️
  • Hi James,

    Shelia's suggestions are spot on! In addition to using those, I'll list a few of the quantum codes that I believe might help below.

    12 16 458   For
    those who experience lack to shift their focus from what is third dimensional
    (poverty, hunger, discomfort) to what is fifth dimensional (the ability to
    manifest through the help of the angelic ways and NOT through a big bank account)

    23 65 189   To make steps forward when there is hesitance as a habitual response
    which is ingrained by society; to release from the grip of self-doubt

    13 13 514   For stress relief/relaxation

    14 898 7256   To release fear-based (3D) mentalities

  • Thanks Shelia and Jessica...those are powerful words and statements.  I appreciate the codes as well Jessica.  I have been using self worth and self love codes now for almost three months so they incorporate some of what you both recommend. I will take this added advice and fit it into my meditation and ultimate manifestation work.

    Warmest Regards,

  • Isn't it wonderful James? Can't you feel the changes happening? It's wonderful on this end to see someone with such a burning desire to become deliberate in his manifestations! You are an inspiration to many!♥️
  • Did I miss something here? is there a "Quantum healing code" subject in the UMM course? if not, is there a link I can read about it?
  • This isn't part of the UMM Course, but it is a page on the website. Here is the link to learn more: 

  • Great thank you Jessica :=)

  • if anyone would know...are we to use one code at a time? 
    Do these codes change? just so we know how long we can use the code for...
    Do we use these codes on ourselves only, or can we use on family for example if needed for healing a physical ailment?
    What would be the code for abundance and wealth?  
  • This is an interesting discussion cheered by Ross. Thank you buddy.

    I am also wondering, like wafa barakat, can we use more than one code at a time? 
    Secondly, how to incorporate these codes into daily meditation ?

    In india, there is a practice called "Taveez" / "rakshak". If i remember well, these are numbers written on a copper plate and rolled into a metal tube or stitched with a cloth. People wear them around their necks or tie them on their bodies. 

  • Wafa...did anyone ever answer your question from above ??

    "What would be the code for abundance and wealth? "
  • Hi James: I haven't gotten an answer but when I referred to the codes that were posted on the website I found this one for an unexpected windfall: 96 81 257   I remember reading that the healing codes get updated so I'm not sure if the same applies to the rest of the quantum codes including abundance and other social or self help etc...
  • Hi there! 

    So sorry I didn't see this when you originally posted, Wafa. It's back at the top of the queue now. :)

    To answer your questions, I've personally used 2 or 3 of these codes at a time. They do not change as they follow the Fibonacci sequence, a pattern sequence that has been documented over and over within nature with a specific ratio between the numbers.

    I've also used the codes for healing others. For example, my cat had an ailment and I posted one of the numbers on a piece of painters tape just above a spot where he regularly sleeps. I believe this would work just as well with a photo of someone with enough belief and faith in the process. I also think this is a great way to use them long term for personal use - by placing them on a sticky note or piece of painters tape in certain places you see often. 

    For abundance, I also found this: 80 49 627 to 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' and create financial abundance successfully. 

    If I'm looking for something specific with the document of codes, I generally just hit the search button and type in that keyword. There is a list of "financial" numbers within the codes. 

    Hope this helps!!

  • Thank you Jessica that was great help.  I guess what you referred to "with enough belief and faith in the process" is key and to be honest I didn't think I had enough faith not to mention I didn't do it long enough; I wrote the numbers on a sticky not and taped it on my neck to heal my throat when I was home for 4 days, but I only lasted 1 day.
    I will keep more of an open mind about this process and try it again with more trust and faith and for longer time. 
  • You're welcome! 

    Yes, that is the key. I love that you're already open minded enough to work with these codes. You will most certainly find success with them in physical manifestation! 

  • This week I tried the Q codes for severe back pain I suddenly felt due to long working hours, and I wrote the code on a white plaster tape ( didn't have painter's tape), and taped it on my back where the pain was. Kept changing the tape daily, the pain was tremendously reduced in 3 days that I am able to carry on with my daily routine, that was awesome!  
    Jessica, fyi, the link above for the quantum codes doesn't work anymore.

  • Thank you for sharing your success with the codes, Wafa!  I'm so happy this helped you! 

    I believe we moved the article so it remained at the top of the "free content" page for all to see, which changed the URL.

    Thank you for letting me know. :) 
  • Thank you Jessica for sharing the codes, I am amazed of how well it worked. I'm still using them, now I added the numbers on my phone so I can look at them more often. 
  • Hello! I just came across this. I've been working hard to shift my beliefs. Do you just look at the codes? Do you repeat them? When I have a negative thought I'm trying to redirect my mind. I've been saying an affirmation. I found if I'm thinking of a person and the lack if this person not in my life I imagine an object. Like the sun or clouds. I'm trying to find something I have no emotional attachment too. Numbers are just numbers. So when I think of a former boyfriend and want to shift can I look at a specific code?
    I'm hoping that made sense!
  • Hi Nicole, 

    Yes, that totally makes sense!

    If you click the link above, it will give you more information on ways to use the codes. I personally write them down on sticky notes and place them in specific places where I just glance at them from time to time, but there are other suggestions in that articles as well. 

    I do like that you are using this as a tool to redirect your mind because that will have a double benefit for you! Great tip on imagining an object when you find your thoughts going to places you'd rather not visit! If you want to use the codes in this way, you could choose one from the list that applies to you, memorize it and then visualize it at the appropriate time!

    Keep us posted and let us know how that works for you!

  • Thank you. I will update you. I figured numbers have no emotion attached to them. A cloud, the sun , my daughter etc have emotion mostly positive but still emotion.
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