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I started the U.M.M course a few days ago (LOVE IT)! I have a question about the "Installing a new belief" exercise from the U.M.M. program (the one where you cross your hands and feet). 1) Regarding the instructions about repeating your affirmation "in your head" ?- Would it be potentially more effective to state the affirmation out loud? It seems that it would create a mental feedback loop since your brain would "hear" the phrase and process the information differently than if it was only a thought (my theory anyway). 2) Regarding the instruction about spreading the fingers on both hands and touch the fingertips for a few minutes. ?During this "lock in" time, is the goal to: a) Maintain a clear calm mind OR b) Continue repeating the affirmation while touching fingertips? Thank you!  : )


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  • Shelia and Jessica, Thanks SO much for your quality responses! As a result, I feel I'm better equipped to move forward. I'm enjoying the learning and the journey. The materials (and your kind assistance) are first rate. Wishing you both the very BE…
  • Hi Jessica,thank you for the thoughtful and informative response. Everything makes perfect sense (especially the idea of remaining in "the feeling"). I think I'll focus on the feeling to the exclusion of the affirmation during the "save" command. Wi…